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 Ominous Objects: Family Portrait Collector's Edition
Ominous Objects: Family Portrait Collector's Edition
A father returns home to find his children missing - all but one, who refuses to say a word...
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 9 found this review helpful
Beautifully rendered graphics.....but the story was tepid.
PostedJuly 18, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
I actually did enjoy playing this game, as it's been better than most of the CE's coming out lately. But it really was ridiculously easy to play....and like some other reviewers I prefer more well thought out HOPA's and less puzzles, or an even mix. The characters were really caricatures I almost burst out laughing when I saw them running as they were stiff and awkward more like paper puppets used in the old cardboard theaters for kids "back in the day". And if I ever hear the phrases "Oh, give me a new clue" or "I don't think it is a good idea", I think I might stab myself in the eye, just to stop it from twitching. For a CE, it had all the bells and whistles I won't mention as so many others have laid out the game quite clearly. I'm getting the impression that these are being pumped out as fast as possible to keep those insatiable gamers happy, but cutting corners all over the place. Not just this one but all CE's as well. That will only suffice for so long I I am seeing less and less positive reviews and more expectations for what I used to think were high end, exceptional gaming experiences. When you ply people with one exceptional game and then throw in several hundred mundane and sloppy games, I think interest will soon evaporate. Really beginning to feel like a sap being sucked in to what I keep hoping will be another diamond from the rough. Sigh.....perhaps someone will come up with holographic gaming, I keep hoping.... It is a decent game but nothing special other than the graphics. I will recommend but not at CE price.
I recommend this game!
3of 9voted this as helpful.
Resolve a family squabble before the gates to the realm of the dead swing open and horrors beyond imagination pour into this world!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
2 of 21 found this review helpful
I absolutely LOVED this game!
PostedJuly 17, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I don't remember seeing Tiki's Lab developer in any other game, but they certainly came out with a bang! I love being entertained and this game had entertainment in spades!! I certainly wouldn't let any of my kids play this game because as cartoonish as it was for me, I'm pretty sure it would give most children nightmares. I totally enjoyed the entire game, loved the creative HOS's and although the story line isn't really that different it kept me guessing who to believe....the little ghost girl or the adult wicked sister right to the end??? I really like anything in this genre of graphics, not big on real life characters, but that wouldn't stop me from buying a game. It is definitely more of a HOG but the puzzles and journey through the tower was fun and had a lot of well and thoroughly thought out scenes and dialogue. The cat was a bit too sarcastic for me but I know many people like that sort of thing. I didn't find out until the end of the game that the collected "paw coins" could have bought "power ups" for the hint, but no biggy, I will definitely being playing it again. I liked that it was done in a playful and light hearted manner as a cartoon horror. It's a great SE but then I'm REALLY partial to being entertained not is challenging enough for me thank you very much!
I recommend this game!
2of 21voted this as helpful.
 Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time Collector's Edition
Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time Collector's Edition
It’s time to solve the secret of this mysterious island!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
11 of 26 found this review helpful
It started out great then ....just...went... weird and awful.
PostedJuly 12, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
1 / 5
I'm disappointed that ERS is just getting more and more sloppy. The story of a temporal time fracture due to moving an ancient sarcophagus and accidentally breaking one of the 4 locks that appeared to be eagles started out great. I thought to myself ...oooh something a little different. But then it gets really weird and awful. Nothing makes sense, there is usually a natural time line in a game where every step brings you to the next step, but each step had very little or no connection to the previous step.....and the timepieces collected went to a very weird and bizarre end at the last chapter of the game The bonus chapter was awkward searching for objects where the person is there - I don't know any woman who would allow a strange man to rifle through her private stuff and wardrobe! Nor would she ask a complete stranger for a gift. to quote poodlebear: *There was also this strange feature where you took pictures and it would say, "You've uncovered more of the story!" but there wasn't any follow up to that (interject my thoughts here - where is the story???). It felt very much like about 1/3 of the way into development the team changed or they lost funding or leadership. Over all it was disjointed, a bit glitchy (though playable), and ended up disappointing after a promising start. The bonus chapter was terrible, very clearly thrown together. I regret the purchase *.end quote. I am beginning to think that developers have run out of cohesive stories and think that players will buy anything that says Adventure/ Hidden Object because the graphics look great. Really disgusted with such a sloppy and pointless game. There was one part where the dog was supposed to dig in the sand and I could not pick the dog up from my items until I had backed out the game and restarted. I'm fast losing my interest in this genre of games.
I don't recommend this game.
11of 26voted this as helpful.
Solve the mystery of an abandoned enchanted castle! Search for clues within its ancient underground and seek portals to different worlds.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
29 of 61 found this review helpful
Awesome SE game!
PostedJuly 7, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
Great graphics, plays very much like a CE, with no extras. :) Interactive map, beautiful graphics, music wasn't annoying, Took me roughly 5 hours to play, and that's with skipping at least 4 or 5 puzzles, definitely worthy of price, although I used a game credit. There were a few glitches, one HOS would not show up until I backed out and restarted and could not get the saw to work on the roots no matter how many times I tried so skipped that one and the game crashed once. Lots of great puzzles,so more adventure type, not as many HOS's. It was hard to know what to do next but the interactive map was excellent help...only 2 points in the game where I didn't know what to do and that was because I had not discovered the next scene yet. Thanks so much Big Fish for a great SE game, it seems like they have become a rarity now. I sure would like to see a new series of SE's out, I can think of a ton that I would love to see a sequel in, but this is not the place. REALLY ENJOYED this game!!!!!! I will definitely play this one a few more times. :)
I recommend this game!
29of 61voted this as helpful.
For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
42 of 51 found this review helpful
Hours and hours of play .....YAYYYYYYY!!!
PostedJune 22, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
Great game, not quite as good as MCF Fates Carnival but certainly in the race. What a fabulous game. I took my time with this one as I love this type of graphics and the fact that each scene had several play and puzzle areas.....ALWAYS a plus for me. I really get bored with "lining up" puzzles which was a bit of a pain for me, I was able to finish most puzzles, only skipped a few because they were tedious and too long to complete more than challenging. I do not like challenging, entertainment is my gig. And this game was most entertaining. Story line was good but nothing special. It took me roughly 8 hours to complete and that's what I call my money's worth. I think the only time I would call a CE a money's worth game is if the storyline is completely new with a few or more twists or hours of fun and entertaining play, like this one. I did get it on the sale but it was worth the full price. There was one chapter that completely stumped me and I had to use the map, the hint and the guide to get through it. Which rarely happens. I liked collecting the leaves and the bonus chapter was fun but terribly short. Now if we could just get more of this type of game. :D or of course like Fate's Carnival....still the top game for me.
I recommend this game!
42of 51voted this as helpful.
When a casual fling turns steamy for a brilliant wedding photographer, Mackensie decides to try to capture the romance!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Love this version of Nora Roberts......but where's the rest of the series!??
PostedMay 25, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This was a great game. Loved that it was a Nora Roberts novel made into a HOG! The items were at times quite small but loved the storyline and am a diehard fan of HOG's. Would REALLY LOVE to see the series that was originally promised when Vision in White came out. Perhaps BF could take up where the other game site dropped the ball??!!! Please make it so. Pretty sure that if the following games were updated to the more adventurous type there would be more interest. Although going by the remarks of several players it looks like this was a very popular game and many were looking forward to the next in the series.
I recommend this game!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
37 of 57 found this review helpful
Promising game if it weren't for the sloppy and problematic tech issues
PostedMay 17, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
I purchased this game because it's a CE and a sale was on and normally I don't have problems with what is supposedly a high end game. But this game has some serious flow issues, the scenes keep getting slower and slower to move through, the pointer jumps and freezes. The music is static and breaks often. The developers did not fine tune this game for seamless and smooth running play. It makes is very frustrating playing a game that runs poorly. Please fix the issues or I will not be purchasing from this developer again. The same kind of issues were in the first 2 Exorcist games....A good little game but DEFINITELY NOT CE VALUE, or any value until it's repaired.
I don't recommend this game.
37of 57voted this as helpful.
Set out with Bella in search of her brother through the pages of well-known novels and true stories.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
13 of 15 found this review helpful
Great game! Not so sure it was CE worthy however.
PostedMay 8, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
This game very much reminded me of the Golden Trails series and graphics type which I really loved playing, but they were longer and more detailed and SE versions. I really loved the game, but feel that it was not CE quality. I like having the notifications that there was nothing left to do at the moment in areas of the map, and there usually was a logical next step but just enough of a gap to keep you on your toes. Love this type of graphics, very clear and crisp and find it difficult to believe that others found items too small, certainly well hidden. Story line was rather sparse and sketchy. Coin idea was a nice touch but no big deal. It seems that each consecutive story book became less and less interesting and shorter in duration, expected much more from the Jack the Ripper book and a few voice overs were definitely not quality acting. Music was TEDIOUS and extremely boring....sorry BF. I didn't take the time to notice who the developers were but will make a note of it later. I think it would have better been billed as a SE as it really didn't qualify for CE status....especially since the final book really wasn't that interesting and had no relation to the original story line, perhaps that was the intent, but it was so random and sparse in content that I don't think anyone will regret waiting for the SE version. Do hope the developers come up with a higher standard and quality of story with more action and a little less HOS's or at least more interesting ones. :) I will still recommend it but not in the CE version.
I recommend this game!
13of 15voted this as helpful.
You've returned from school to visit your father at his famous Jazz Pepper Club during Mardi Gras, but everyone is hypnotized. Have they heard the wrong note?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
8 of 10 found this review helpful
One of the GREATS! BF & Mad Head Games does it again!
PostedApril 12, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
LOVED this game! Was almost perfect, just not quite long enough, however I'm willing to forgive that simply because it was so WELL DONE! I am generally not a fan of any of the music put into games, mostly because it is repetitive and becomes annoying. However, I do love blues and the older Jazz. Music, Death & Betrayal was my fav, but there was one other that I could have listened to all was the beat used in the HOS on the Mardi Gras Stage, alas, it was not in the music ensemble that comes with the CE. I would love to know the name of this particular piece?? The HOS's were ridiculously fun and a perfect mix of type throughout the game. The story fabulous, great to see an African American WOMAN as the detective and lead. Who doesn't like anything Creole, voodoo, New Orleans, Jazz, Blues and Mardi Gras?!!! I was lucky enough to be able to play the survey version and couldn't wait to see the final version! It lived up to my hopes and expectations....except for length, but I suppose one can't have EVERYTHING.... :( Worth every penny and would love to see more games along these lines. Seems Mad Head Games developers are fast becoming the leading name in Adventure /Hidden Object games. Fabulous extras and bonus adventure. Keep them coming BF and Mad Head!!
I recommend this game!
8of 10voted this as helpful.
Uncover why Lisa's uncle is hiding information about her father's disappearance and help her discover the truth.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
12 of 16 found this review helpful
Superfun and excellent SE game!
PostedMarch 25, 2014
Customer avatar
fromNanaimo, BC, Canada
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Great storyline and excellent play time value for an SE. The usual bad guy but no scary monsters or witches lol. Really enjoyed playing this hidden object adventure game!! Used a game freebee but absolutely worth the SE value. My only complaint is that the HOPA items were often extremely difficult to make out due to rather fuzzy dark graphics in them and how tiny they were or how they were hidden almost completely by other items, which to me is just lazy rather than clever placement. Interactive maps were very useful and the hint was direct. The puzzles were mostly just difficult enough for me, although there were not enough clear instructions...which was more challenging than I prefer. Overall a really great SE :)
I recommend this game!
12of 16voted this as helpful.
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