I'm not sure what's worst: primitive graphics; women with irritating teenage girl voices; horrid sound effects; bizarre games. I'm stunned that Domini actually produced this game as I really like their other ones. It's as though this was the first one they came up with years ago and just found it in the vault.
I thought this game was cute; some puzzles I liked & others were kinda dumb. Graphics were good, music wasn't obnoxious. The screen kept freezing at first, which was frustrating, but it improved as I went along. I'm not a fan of CEs because I don't care to look for the little bonus items; I'd rather concentrate on the game. I don't like the idea of going back several pages because I forgot one dewdrop or magical tree that I find hard to see and not worth the angst. Overall, I'd buy this game once it comes out in regular format.
I don't know why this game was rated so poorly by some other players. Since it was on sale I thought I'd try the demo just to see if it was that bad. I liked it: good graphics, pleasing colors, fun (albeit not real challenging) puzzles. I've played much worse games, and I'm happy with my purchase.
I wanted to like this game because I enjoyed other Mystery Tracker games. But the story was slow, and the scenes kept freezing. Not sure I like playing 3 parts; couldn't see the need for constant switching. I'd prefer playing one role and interacting with the other 2. Puzzles were good; just wish the game would quit freezing. Maybe it's just my computer? My other games don't freeze, tho.
I like most of the other Immortal Love games so, in spite of the meh rating I thought I'd try this one.The graphics were primitive but the color scheme was soothing to the eyes instead of bright and glaring. Puzzles started out very simple but got better as the game went along. I found the characters hard to keep track of but it didn't detract from the overall story. The game was ridiculously short. It's like the designers slacked off til the deadline and then threw something together in haste. Cute game, but I'm really glad it was on sale.
One word: "horrid." No, make that 3 words: horrid, horrid, horrid. I just tried the demo and barely made it through before deleting it. For whatever reason, the designers have ALL characters stand next to each other facing you when they speak, instead of facing each other. Truly bizarre. The graphics are primitive and the puzzles are just plain stupid. It's like this game was designed as a high school project. I have always liked Paranormal Files games but I'm finding that they are getting worse as time goes by. Not sure what's happening, but it's too bad. Yikes!
I was expecting great things from reading some of the reviews, and it was on sale for $2.99 so I tried the demo. There is no play level option (I like to do custom), you have to listen to a lot of yammering while using the same token to enter several doors. No HOP, no items/scenes to click onto. Very, very basic game. Too basic for my attention span. You may love it; not me.
I saw the lousy rating but since it's on sale for $2.99 I thought I'd at least demo it. I loved it! Beautiful graphics, fun puzzles. I never really care about a story line, but this one was easy to understand; pretty clear cut. As far as being not having a choice whether to play as male or female... who cares? It's not my life story, it's a freaking game! Maybe developers should make animals the main character. But then someone would whine about that, too. Any who, I really liked this game. Heck yeah I bought it for $2.99.
I wasn't sure I'd like this game based on some reviews, but it was on sale so I tried the demo. I loved it! I'd have given it 5 stars but the scenes were sometimes slow to load, and the music got irritating. It's set in modern times for a change, and you spend more time solving the myriad of fun, creative puzzles than dealing with other characters. Music was meh, so I turned it off. But the graphics were good, story line plausible, and puzzles were just so imaginative. That Dakota, though; I don't know about that girl. Naughty, naughty.
I questioned the poor reviews of this game, as often I've really liked games that others scored poorly. Not this time. I can't put my finger on it but I really found it aggravating. It was slow to load on scene changes, some of the voices were really irritating, puzzles were ok, premise was ok, albeit a bit juvenile. Granted, I only played the demo, but that was more than enough. Even on sale for $2.99 this game just isn't worth it to me. You may love it; it's just not my cup of tea. I guess this would be a good one for pre-teens and teens.