In a fading world devoid of color, the ghost of Nikola Tesla reaches through the Ether and invites you on an incredible adventure through time and space.
I have just completed this game for the second time, and it was just as enjoyable. A game full of things to do, helpful hints and great puzzles. Wonderful story, really drove me along eager to find the final result. Music was unobtrusive and graphics were clear. All in all, a must buy!!
Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Great story, so nice to get away from dungeons and fairies. This review based on 25mins of play. I'm playing in Casual mode, fast hint refill (but only takes 60secs in hard mode). Not all items are sparkled, so you have to look around for things. If exploration, space travel, mending things, working out things, are for you, then get this game, Puzzles have been no challenge so far, but the story line is compelling, so I'm happy not to get too slowed down by them.
I played it in casual mode. Music was good, was unaware of it mostly, I was too busy working things out for music to register! A game full of things to do, mainly mini-games, some repeated but different enough to have me totally engrossed. A helpful hint system too. The story was fine and carried me along trying to solve his memory problem whilst solving other people's problems, all good until the final which ended a bit abruptly, but I can say the same of the more elaborate games, even some C.E. games, in spite of their bells and whistles! Lots of exploring to do, and if you enjoy games where you press buttons and levers until things work in order to open a mini-game, then this is the game for you. Well done developers, it just goes to show you don't need video animations and intense graphic art, in order to make a good game.
Another great game, I got so immersed in it that no housework got done, tore myself away to do necessaries, write review then plunge back in. Good story line, voice overs great (apart from mum!), interactive map to allow "jumping", Hints that tell you what is needed next. Interesting puzzles that in the most part are easily done with thought (no tearing your hair out), some new ones too. All this in a LOOOONG game, what more could you ask for? Back to the game now :)
Have just finished playing this great game for the second time, and it was just as enjoyable. Artwork: 100%. The expressions on people's faces must be the envy of all other artists. HO scenes were jumbled but very clear. Puzzles: no real challenge, but not dull, just not the "tear your hair out" type, helps to jog the story along as not too much time spent on them. Music: consistantly pleasant and unobtrusive. Storyline was good, and carried well in the game. Hints: Very good. Fast filling, point you in the right direction when stuck. There is a strategy guide but because of the pointer hints, I never needed to use it. Length: Very good, worthy of CE price. One of the few 100% good games :)
Can't tell you about any of the settings, I only know it fills my screen with crisp, clear graphics. Voice over is excellent. Gameplay is fantastic! I've only played for 40 minutes(past my bedtime, but couldn't resist it), but it's the most fun I've had in ages. LOADS of mini-puzzles, the HO scenes are clear and very interactive, even have puzzles within them. A definite buy for me. I've no idea of the length of the game, I hope it's a really long one, but whatever, I know that every minute is worth the money.
Played the demo and time whizzed by. I chose Casual mode but will be a bit more adventurous after I've bought it, after all, can easily change back again, what a great option that is! I like that you can also change the music at the shop, no charge! VERY different HO scenes, lots of interactivity and even a couple of puzzles thrown in. Puzzles so far, I would rather call mini-games as they are no real challenge, but entertaining nevertheless. Now off to buy and play again :)
Reveal the twisted plan of a deranged magician who has his own Vendetta against the world! And uncover a secretive world of magicians and discover the power they have held and passed down through the centuries!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Such a well planned game, running around is done in a small area and last item found will take you to a new area, so no shoe leather wasted in this game. Story is refreshing, no kidnapped family! Game play is easy to follow, puzzles are a mixed bunch, varying in challenge from simple to thought challenging, though nothing new for seasoned players. Music is good, apart from one theme early on, sounded like a modern junk concerto, you know the type, all cacophony of sound and not "music", but thankfully is short lived. Attention is only drawn to H.O. areas, the rest you find for yourself, so a nice challenge there too. Over all, a great game and not short either, well worth the money.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
A game worthy of being a C.E.. Good story line and music. For those who have complained about it being too dark,go to the Options and turn up brightness, and those who say it doesn't fit the screen, the options page has a fix for that too. Objects weren't too small and although it took some searching to find some, they all turned out to be pretty obvious (after I used a hint, more patience needed). A helpful guide to save on shoe leather (more patience needed again!!), not so helpful hint that only said nothing more to do. All in all, a great lengthly game, looking forward to playing "Frozen", see preview in Extras.
A great game. Bright and cheerful, no wearing your shoes out either.
Music was pleasantly "background", light and unobtrusive. Graphics were clear, no dark corners. Voice acting was spot on. No difficulty levels, tho you could turn off hints in the options tab. Hint button filled in 30 seconds, and could be used to indicate where to go next. Map provided though I didn't need it, no lengthly backtracking to do, but it was nice to have to keep me oriented. Loads of puzzles which were sometimes simple (slider, pipes,rotate blocks) and some were REAL puzzlers.!! Hidden objects were not the total junkpile, more of a "scattered round the room" type. Though some items were small, I still managed to find nearly all of them, though my eyesight is less than perfect. The story line was good too, and at last we have a game that gives a completed ending and doesn't leave you wondering.
Well done developers, this game was well worth the money.