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The Emperor’s son has a mysterious illness. As legendary healer Daiyu, you’re called to the palace to save him, but you end up having to save yourself!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
86 of 96 found this review helpful
Good Fun in a Different Setting
PostedJune 29, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
This game is really nice!
+ Great graphics.
+ Cut scenes and voiceovers are done well, although it is a little strange hearing everyone talk in an American-type accent.
+ I LOVE the music.
+ H0 scenes are good, and interactive.
+ You can play mahjong instead of doing a H0 scene.
+ Puzzles are nice, and a few give a different take (or at least a different look) to some older puzzles.
+ Achievements and collectibles. I will say none of the achievements are that hard to get, by the looks of it. One for **spoiler alert** playing the whole game without closing the game at all is just not going to happen.
+ Map.
You get a healing kit, with which you can make certain ingredients to do spells to get certain things done. The kit has one of those "click when the arrow is in the green area" games that can be annoying, so people might not like that.
- The story, although is in a different setting, is pretty predictable.
- Collectibles all look the same. It'd be nice if they were all the same type of object, but each one looked different.
All in all, I really like this game!
I recommend this game!
86of 96voted this as helpful.
A letter offers new information about Elizabeth just as Lynn's powers have awakened. Help her overcome the darkness before it's too late!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
12 of 20 found this review helpful
Rescue a Family Member, Again!
PostedJune 27, 2013
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
I like this game. The first one was OK, if I remember correctly. In this one, the little girl from the first game is now a semi-unruly teenager, and it's your job to save her.
+ Four game modes, including a custom mode.
+ Graphics aren't all dark and gloomy.
+ H0 scenes are interactive. Some things require more than one step, too. They do feel a bit overcrowded, though.
+ H0 scenes can be played as a tile matching game, instead.
+ Lots of voiceovers. Documents you find in the game are read out loud by whoever wrote them. Some voice actors aren't great, but it's still nice.
+ Sounds are good and not annoying to me.
+ Achievements. (Although most are of the usual kind.)
+ Collectibles. There are two types of collectibles in this game. One is morphing objects, and the other is *small spoiler alert* puzzle pieces. There are tons of them to collect, apparently. They're everywhere and I really enjoyed how hard they are to find sometimes!
+ You eventually get a jump map.
There's a "helper creature." This is a pro or a con depending on whether you like them or not. He's cute in a weird way, and he's useful. Then again, it sort of feels like I'm babysitting a rambunctious toddler than can climb high and dig up things for me.
- Graphics feel a little off somehow? The character artwork is good, but then the rest of it is not quite as good. They're nice enough, though.
- Puzzles are a little on the easy side, but not too bad.
All in all, it's a decent game. Though it's not the best game I've ever played, I appreciate the custom game mode and all of the random little touches throughout the game.
I recommend this game!
12of 20voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
57 of 66 found this review helpful
Spooky Yet Colorful Fun!
PostedJune 22, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
This game is really enjoyable!
+ Really nice graphics. Some scenes are gloomy without looking overly gray or washed out.
+ Storyline is the same old "save someone who's been kidnapped by a bad guy" deal, but at least it has a somewhat different theme with the Day of the Dead thing.
+ Three modes of gameplay to choose from. Hard gives you no puzzle hints at all, but hidden object scenes have sparkles (well, tasteful "sparkles" that fit with the theme), which I don't mind at all.
+ H0s are clear, although a little junkpiley. Nothing new there.
+ You eventually get a jump map.
+ Your journal is alive and gives you information now and again (and you can also read him!). There's a nice tab on the journal to check your achievements without having to go back to the main menu screen.
+ Puzzles are fun, although nothing terribly new there. I will say, though, that there's one typical lock picking style puzzle that's different. It's also timed in a way, so people might not like that. It wasn't overly hard, though.
+ There are collectibles *spoiler alert* in the form of colorful sugar skulls and achievements. It's nice having a collectible that's somewhat different from the usual, and each one seems unique. They look lovely in their display room in the main menu. Some of the achievements are for doing strange things, like **spoiler alert** reading all readable material in the game, like posters, newspapers, etc. I like that!
+ Last but not least, there's humor! There are cheesy little jokes and one warning poster in the game that I thought was silly and funny. I love when games add silly stuff like that when appropriate.
- The music drove me crazy even after just five minutes. I hate having no music playing, but the loop on this one is so short.
- Voiceovers aren't great.
All in all, this is a very nice game.
I recommend this game!
57of 66voted this as helpful.
Uncover the true murderer as you investigate a haunted house!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
13 of 18 found this review helpful
Nice Offering
PostedJune 20, 2013
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
4 / 5
This is the first ERS game in many, many games that I haven't hated. I was even a little disappointed when the "demo is over" information popped up.
+ I like the graphics. They're ERS style, but not as badly muted with that watercolor-y effect.
+ The story is sort of interesting. There's a bunch of different things you have to do in order to solve the mystery/save who you're saving.
+ Sounds are good, but usual ERS. The voiceovers are quite nice.
+ I like the "find an object, place it, get a new one, place it..." silhouette puzzles. They're fun, if not a little easy.
+ I actually like the flower growing mini-game/side game. The game mentions something about an uncle and a garden, so that's where that comes in. I'm still not sure of the point of it, but the flowers are pretty and give you something extra to find while playing (although the things you need to collect are pretty in your face).
- I found the puzzles to be too easy.
- Even in hard mode with no blackbar tips, it's pretty easy to figure out what to do next, since most of the time once you get an item you use it right away in the last area you were just in.
- No achievements, no extra anything special. The big "extra" is the flower growing area, I guess.
All in all, it's a pretty decent (although a little on the easy side) game.
I recommend this game!
13of 18voted this as helpful.
 Fairway Solitaire: Tee to Play
Fairway Solitaire: Tee to Play
Fairway Solitaire: Tee To Play is an award-winning combination of solitaire and golf. Play sequential cards to create long drives. Long drives make better scores!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
27 of 35 found this review helpful
Fun Solitaire Game
PostedJune 5, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
If you really love Fairway Solitaire, you'll probably like this, too.
It's basically a rehashing of previous Fairway games, but in "free-to-play" format. The game is "free," but you have to pay real cash if you want certain upgrades. Other upgrades are available to purchase using golf bucks that you earn in the game.
-The cut-scenes are really funny.
- Gameplay is the same as in other Fairway games, but missing a few things here and there.
- There are lots of trophies, all of which seem to be pretty attainable without having to use real money in the game.
- I've been able to progress just fine in the game without having to pay any real money so far, but I'm not sure what happens when you get up to the really high levels.
All in all, it's a nice game, but it doesn't offer much for people who already have the other Fairway Solitaire games and the "free-to-play" model is a little off putting.
I recommend this game!
27of 35voted this as helpful.
Adopt characters and help them choose a mate and start a family! Shape their personalities and help them get through the challenges of life.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
218 of 273 found this review helpful
More Virtual Familes Fun!
PostedApril 20, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
If you liked Virtual Families, this one is more of the same (in a good way)!
This is more of a life simulation game rather than a strategy game, really. I suppose there's a little bit of strategy involved at some points, and there are some puzzles/things to figure out. Your goal, like the name says, is to create a little virtual family. You start off with one person, then marry them off and begin to have them have children.
- Graphics are more crisp and clear than the previous game. I find the little people to be much more adorable now.
- Instead of scrolling through menus with the mouse wheel, you have to click and drag the menu up/down. Kind of annoying.
- The house starts off with very few usable rooms. Some you can pay to have a construction crew come fix, and others need you to solve a puzzle first.
- You can now decorate your house how you like, including moving furniture around.
- Furniture can be bought in order to redecorate. However, lots of furniture pieces are locked in the store until you reach a certain generation in-game! I really don't care for that, honestly.
- Certain tasks, like heating up food and preparing meals, still take forever. Also, your people are still a little scatterbrained.
- There are multiple stores to purchase things from (all located in the same menu area), and there are sales on random items that change every once in a while.
- There are collectibles like in the first game. Any extras/duplicates you find are automatically sold, and you're given the cash.
- There are trophies (or "goals") to get. Some of them look quite hard and will involve lots of time playing the game.
All in all, I really like this game. My biggest problem is that for some reason, when playing in windowed mode the mouse feels a little unwieldy. It doesn't feel like this in windowed mode, though.
I recommend this game!
218of 273voted this as helpful.
Forget those long-winded stories and dive right into the HO scenes you love! 100% Hidden Objects gives you complete control over your gaming experience.
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
95 of 136 found this review helpful
100% Boring
PostedApril 14, 2013
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Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
I beta tested this game a year or so ago and hated it. I'm still not a fan, but at least they made some improvements. It's a game with straight hidden object scenes, one right after the other. There are no puzzles or anything. Just H0 scenes.
- Timed and untimed modes. Word list or picture list modes.
- Different "boxes" contain different themed hidden object scenes. One box contains scenes like the game Pure Hidden.
- Artwork isn't great. Lots of items look a little pixilated. H0 scenes are junkpiles with loads of stuff. Some items are SO small.
- Some H0 scenes contain duplicate items, but only one will count. Example: The game asked for a mask. There's a diving mask and a tribal looking mask. Both are technically masks, but only the tribal one counted.
- Music is this dreadful jazzy stuff that doesn't fit with the scenes, really. I'm not sure if there's other music, but that's all it would give me.
- Getting "frenzy" mode to earn a star can be a real pain, as you need to get many items in a row without the meter running out.
- You can buy power ups with the coins that you earn.
- There are achievements, but most are pretty easy to get. The game gave me five or six after the first scene I did.
All in all, no thank you.
I don't recommend this game.
95of 136voted this as helpful.
There's a dark force at work in Pilgrim's Hook. Return to your childhood home and save your twin brother from the evil that lives beneath the sea.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
43 of 56 found this review helpful
Great Story, OK Puzzles
PostedApril 13, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
5 / 5
You play this game as a woman searching for her semi-estranged twin brother, who called her on their birthday with a strange message. You go back to your hometown, a creepy island that the main character hated growing up on, to search for him. There are shadowy figures and who knows what else. At first the story seems same old, same old, but it gets much more interesting!
From the demo + a little bit more:
+ Three modes of play, with the last mode offering no help and no hints on the map.
+ Clear, crisp graphics. I will say some of the artwork is a little gray/blah in places, but at least it fits the theme of the game.
+ H0 scenes are a little interactive, and the items are clear.
+ Voiceovers are good (well, minus the brother, I think). Music is non-intrusive.
+ A little bit into the game you get a map that lets you jump from place to place and it gives you information if there's still things to do in each area (not available in the hardest mode).
+ There's a journal with information you find, and a section that lists your objectives. I like that you actually have to click the objectives tab, so that if you don't want any help at all you don't have to look at it, but it's there to give you some direction if you need it.
+ There are achievements, morphing objects, and other objects to collect (although that doesn't "unlock" for a while into the game).
- Puzzles (besides inventory-type puzzles) are few and far between in the beginning of the game, but more come up the more you play.
- The sound that happens when you pick something up for your inventory is a little irritating.
All in all, this is a very nice game. The story is really fascinating. I will say that even though the game is clearly meant to be spooky, I get a melancholy feeling from it more than anything else.
I recommend this game!
43of 56voted this as helpful.
Help your good old friend bring the family garden to bloom again in this brand new hit from Playrix!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
527 of 601 found this review helpful
More Garden Fun
PostedApril 10, 2013
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
If you enjoyed the first Gardenscapes game, this one is much of the same. There are straight hidden object scenes and you redecorate a garden with the money you earn selling the items that you find. I really like how they've given Austin a backstory so that we can learn more about him.
- Choose from timed or untimed mode. You have to go under options and check the box, though.
- Sparkle hints are also under options if you really need help.
- Graphics are bright and cheerful.
- H0 scenes are "junkpile" style, but really everything is pretty clearly visible and it goes with the theme of the game, I suppose.
- There are some scenes before the H0 scenes that are like "fix the window, remove the cobwebs," but they don't require too much interaction. Just clicking, really.
- Music is very unobtrusive. The other sounds are the same from the first game.
- Achievements! (And lots of them.)
If you want a break from the more adventure-type games, this one is a good one.
I recommend this game!
527of 601voted this as helpful.
Solve a horrifying supernatural mystery and save the life of an innocent child!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
70 of 78 found this review helpful
A Little Creepy, a Little Crummy
PostedApril 5, 2013
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
This game is interesting, I suppose. You play an ex-priest going to Africa to help your cousin with a "problem" concerning his daughter. I've got to say, the subject matter is really, really odd, but I guess it's somewhat different than the usual story.
+ This story is set in Africa, which is a very nice change!
+ The artwork is good, but at times everything almost looks like it's been washed over with watercolors a little.
+ Objects in H0 scenes clear.
+ Music fits the theme well.
+ There's a journal that holds your clues.
+ In the journal is a map that lets you jump to locations.
- H0 scenes aren't interactive.
- Voice acting is not great, especially the first African man you meet. He... pauses... after... every... word... Other people have accents that do not fit at all.
- Puzzles are really easy.
- Puzzle mechanics can be annoying. (Ex: Playing a jigsaw makes you wait a second before you can place each piece. Place one, wait, place next, wait, etc.) Some puzzles also feel "sticky," like they're hard to move around.
All in all, I like this game, even though some parts of it are a little iffy.
I recommend this game!
70of 78voted this as helpful.
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