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Solve the puzzle of the red mist and save a missing camper before they meet a terrifying end.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
44 of 50 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 19, 2018
Customer avatar
fromTrying to save Margaret and escape the Hunt
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Yes, folks as we enter autumn it is time for BFG to delight us with a bunch of scary games to fit the season – after all Halloween is right around the corner! Bonfire Stories Heartless is the second game in the series and for me it seems much better than The Faceless Gravedigger. This time around you play the game as Tom Gilbert who has been seeking answers for his father’s death during a camping trip to Calispell Forest. Year after year Tom, who is still haunted by nightmares after seeing his father captured by half-human beasts with the heads of animals. When Tom arrives at the campground he soon realizes that this year he might find the answers when another camper is dragged into the swirling red mist by the same creatures who took his dad years ago.
Since other reviewers ptovide in-depth details of the game I will only tell you what I did or didn’t like about the game. For me this game is all about the storyline that grabbed me right from the beginning scene. It is not often that I am so engrossed in the storyline that when the demo ends I am totally surprised by how involved I was with the game. For me at least the game was a bit difficult because it was not always easy to figure out what my next step should be. Of course, there was always the obvious item that would be used right away but there is a lot of back and forth between scenes to find items and then remember where they fit. I don’t mind the back and forth between scenes as much as some gamers because for me it makes the game far more interesting when I must remember where I can use a specific item.
As much as I loved the storyline and trying to solve the mystery, for me the HOPS were a major disappointment. Although the HOPS might have been creative, or at least an attempt at something different, I think they are the weak point in the game. I disliked the scene after scene of finding twelve of a specific item or even finding sets of specific items. I much prefer the old school and more traditional HOP scenes where there is some interaction and a variety of items to find.
The puzzles were good and some were difficult but none, IMHO, were super challenging. Recently, I am seeing more of those toggle type puzzles in games and I dislike those particularly when there seems to be no consistent pattern to the sequence. There were some puzzles that I enjoyed such as those where you must remove posts in a particular sequence, or the one where you must move tokens simultaneously on different sides of a grid. All in all the puzzles were not horrible but I hope to see those toggle type puzzles go away!
As I mentioned above, for me the game was about the storyline and about the gameplay. I felt that this was an excellent game with terrific graphics and just the right touch of fear factor. There were times when I found myself holding my breath because I wasn’t sure what was behind the next door or hallway. The story was told in a very consistent manner and I wasn’t left feeling like it skipped all over the place and half was missing as happens with some games. As another reviewer noted, kudos to the script writer because they did an excellent job with telling this this Bonfire Story. The gameplay had me very entertained as I tried to rescue Margaret and get both of us out alive. Even though Bonfire Stories Heartless is one that I had to buy, please try the demo to see if this is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
44of 50voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
75 of 98 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 18, 2018
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fromOops, dad is in trouble and I need to save him!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Yes this is the month that we celebrate Halloween and BFG has gone all out this year with almost every game since September being devoted to some sort of horror; as well as monsters and ghouls of one sort or another. Domini has jumped into the arena with Halloween Chronicles Monsters Among Us and it is a Halloween delight. For those of you who love this time of year and all that it has to offer, you will probably like this game. Even with Halloween not being my favorite event, I am enjoying Halloween Chronicles.
Although I find the game is rather in the beginning, I do enjoy the HOPS and Puzzles a lot. The only things that I dislike in the game are the very slow beginning and the unrealistic color palette that Domini has once again chosen for a game. That being said I like the graphics in this game far more than those in other recent games from Domini.
Domini has created some wonderful HOPS that include a slider type scene that I haven’t seen in ages. Most of the HOPS are very well-designed and blend into the storyline which increased the fun I am having as I play through this entertaining and long game.
There is not a lot to say about the Puzzles in Halloween Chronicles except that all of them are excellent. What I appreciate is that we do have a choice of selecting whether we would like “Easy or Hard Puzzles” when we set up the game but you can change your selection as you encounter each puzzles. I normally select the “Hard” setting but I did change that to “Easy” once or twice when I didn’t want to spend a lot of time solving the puzzle in the more difficult setting.
This is such a fun game and, at least to me, it is one of the best games during the fall season. Even though it is full of monsters of one sort or another, I didn’t find any of them to be too gross or even frightening. This is my type of Halloween game and it was more fun since I didn’t feel like I was running for my life as I played the game. Even though this Halloween Chronicle is the perfect game for me, please try the demo to see if it is just right for you. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
75of 98voted this as helpful.
Uncover images encoded in the fabric of logic in the latest Fantasy Mosaics!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
10 of 13 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 15, 2018
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fromOops, I was sure that was the square I should have filled
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Whenever I see a new Fantasy Mosaics I am always happy, particularly on a bonus punch day since I can use one of those bonus punches I accumulate for free games. I know that all of the Fantasy Mosaic games are much the same BUT the colors are wonderful and the grids are large. Although there are some other mosaic games that are excellent (and I grab then when they are offered) I still love the little penguin family.
I haven’t had a chance to go through all of the boards, but as far as I can tell the power–ups are the same; offering the hammer and the sun. That being said, the thing I most appreciate is that the individual squares are clear and large enough for me to see without having to squint and try to determine where an available square might be located. It might not be a big deal for some younger players but once we hit a certain age, our vision might not be as clear and it is totally appreciated by this reviewer that the squares are a bit larger. Something else to enjoy with this game is that it doesn't begin with a simple board. I had to put on my thinking cap when trying to place those early tiles.
For me Fantasy Mosaics 31: First Date is a wonderful Monday morning surprise. I’m having a great time going on this first date with Harry and Penny as they romp through the various screens. Although the game was an instant buy for me, please try the demo to see if this is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
10of 13voted this as helpful.
Can you rid the city of a malevolent monster in time?
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
42 of 52 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 14, 2018
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fromWhoever is hiding my favorite developer, please bring them back!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
1 / 5
Vermillion Watch London Howling is the fifth and hopefully the final game in this series. This review will be another short one as I could find nothing that I really enjoyed or liked in the game. Yes, idiot that I am I purchased the full game hoping it would get better but it seemed to follow the same nonsensical storyline from the demo.
So why give this game a 1-star rating? The answer is simple: horrible storyline, and some of the worst puzzles I have found in HOPA games because the instructions were terrible, and some didn’t work at all. If you enjoy fighting an opponent and trying to cross a busy street and dodging traffic type puzzles, then you might like this game. However, the beginning of the game seemed to go quickly from one puzzle to the next with no momentum. The HOP scenes were more of the same but why put a flower bed scene in a game when we are trying to find a werewolf?
Graphics are a strong point with this developer and they are as good as always but a bit dark for my taste. I always love playing a game and looking at all the details in every scene when I play which is one reason I am a slow gamer but in London Howling, even though the graphics were crisp and clear, I really didn’t want to take my time and look at the slightly changed rehashed graphics from other games in the series. In the early days when EIPIX first developed games at BFG, the games were some of the best I had played but now, their games have lost their appeal for me. I still hold out hope that this once creative team will somehow bring us a game that will again showcase their talent.
Honestly, it is not often that I don’t recommend a game but I have to at least say “try the demo before you buy”. Even though I dislike the game you might see something I didn’t and it might be just the game for you. Happy gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
42of 52voted this as helpful.
A powerful artifact is stolen, threatening to shatter time itself.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
79 of 104 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 13, 2018
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fromWho wants to live forever? Oh, it reminds me of a favorite song
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Totally in agreement with what another reviewer wrote, I too thought this series should have long ago been put to bed. However, as with another recent game from this develop, I was pleasantly surprised to find that AMAX has upped its game and seems like it is finally back on track.
Haunted Legends Twisted Fate is for me a great game after a string of failures in the series. The storyline was interesting and kept me engaged, not only with the story but with the excellent puzzles and very entertaining HOPS, one of which included a mini-HOS within a larger HOS. I found it easy to get started and find what I needed in order to move ahead. Although there are places in the demo where the game seems to lag a bit, the story quickly picks up with a twist. Maybe it is because I own dogs that I didn’t seem to notice wolves or dogs constantly howling in the background but some people might be more sensitive to that than I am. After the cliffhanger at the end of the demo, I ended up buying the full game and I am happy that I did because I am finding it to be quite enjoyable and longer than I had expected. We see some familiar faces in the game since we know them from other games in the series, which for me in some ways ties the whole Haunted Legends series together or gives it a feel of continuity.
If like me you felt you were over the Haunted Legends games, I recommend that you at least try the demo for Twisted Fate to see if you might enjoy this one. Happy gaming!
79of 104voted this as helpful.
When your world and the supernatural realm collide, can you survive?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
105 of 129 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 11, 2018
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fromI’m holding onto my chair as I play – frightened and afraid to look up. Ewww, what is that hanging from the ceiling?
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Let me begin by saying that I am mostly a fan of the fantasy HOPA game BUT as we approach Halloween we have seen a few creepy games and Halloween Stories the Black Book is by far the best of the best. This is one awesome, scary game. There were times I had to stop and catch my breath as I was playing. I never liked horror movies or even wanted to go near a haunted house when I was a kid even though my dad, being the big kid that he was, set one up in our garage each Halloween. If you love being frightened, and I mean having some great jump-scare moments, then this is definitely the game for you.
Although I don’t generally care for this type of game, Elephant Games did such an awesome job creating the characters and the real haunted house feel. While playing the game as Jen, I actually felt like I was walking the halls and entering the rooms of the haunted house and other areas in the game. Never knowing what was behind a door, or hanging from the ceiling kept me playing this game. When I had to stop and play a HOP scene or a puzzle it was almost a relief from the scare factor that I felt as I moved around the scenes. The HOPs and Puzzles were well integrated into the game and they didn’t feel as if they were added to the game as an afterthought simply to have the required HOPs or Puzzles.
If you love Halloween, you will most likely love this game. The Black Book is much better than the first game in the series that was child’s play compared to this one. I would not recommend this game for young children as this is a game that really should have a PG-13 rating or at least one of those generally meaningless warnings that BFG once put in some of the games. This is one very scary game that I think most older players will appreciate. I don’t do creepy, but I found myself involved in this well-crafted game and although I can’t say I loved it, I do think it deserves a 5-star rating because the game is everything that Halloween is all about. As always, PLEASE try the demo to see if this is the Halloween game you have been waiting for. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
105of 129voted this as helpful.
Venture beyond the kingdom and solve the riddle of an ancient pirate map in this exciting time management game!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
51 of 53 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 10, 2018
Customer avatar
fromVery busy gathering resources, chasing pirates, and rebuilding the kingdom
Skill Level:Intermediate
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I have only dipped my toe into playing TM games as early on I avoided them like a plague. However, because some of my friends were playing them I caught the bug and began playing a few of the better ones only a couple of years ago.
Beyond the Kingdom is a TM game that has so much to do and with a ton of resources to collect I found it so entertaining. Not only is this a really fun game, the graphics are great. I love the characters beginning with King Archibald and to the various ones I meet along the way as I try to track down a dangerous pirate and to restore all the damage that is left behind. Since I am not very adept at playing TM games I enjoy the relaxed mode where I can have fun running around and meeting all the goals without having to beat a clock. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to tackle the more difficult mode of gameplay but for now I appreciate playing an entertaining TM game at my pace.
If you are looking for a TM game that fairly easy then I recommend Beyond the Kingdom. Even though the game was easy for me in the beginning levels, it did become more challenging once I progressed to some of the higher levels. I love this game and it is one that I will play many times, even if it is only to play a few levels at a time when I take a break from my daily routine. Even though I enjoy Beyond the Kingdom, please try the demo to see if this is a TM game you will like as well. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
51of 53voted this as helpful.
Face the fears in Sebastian's Cinema of Horrors!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
28 of 36 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 7, 2018
Customer avatar
fromOh, I sure hope Maya is okay
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
In a trip to the cinema and a retrospective look at “B” rated horror film genre from past years, Domini brings us the tenth game in the Mystery Tales series – The Reel Horror. Detective, meet Sebastian Fleming a director obsessed with creating a true horror film but one who is having trouble pulling the essence of fear from his actors. Never fulfilling his dream of creating the perfect horror film before his death, Sebastian’s ghost is now haunting the old theater where his films were shown. Your services have been requested by Police Investigator Harold Jefferson whose sister Maya disappeared while completing an architectural survey of the old theater. The theater was thoroughly searched with no sight of Maya and her team to be found. During the search Harold thought he could hear Maya calling him and he even saw a few ghosts but his colleagues laughed it off so Inspector Jefferson knew you were the right person to call for help. Will you be able to help Harold find his sister before it is too late?
Although I love the gameplay, length and extras found in Domini games, I am so tired of their fantasy color palette that saturates their games in unrealistic deep purples, blues and pinks. I was hopeful that this game would be different but unfortunately, various tones and shades of purple still drench most scenes. However, in spite of my dislike of the color palette, The Reel Horror is excellent and well-worth playing. If more developers would provide the quality gameplay, HOPs, puzzles, and the LENGTH that Domini provides in their games I am sure more gamers would be willing to pay full price for games from these other devs – just saying – hint, hint! I know I sound like a broken record but HOPA games are so much shorter now and the CEs have so few extras that it should be no surprise that most gamers will wait until there is a sale to purchase them.
Since I am sure others will provide all the nitty, gritty details of the game and because I believe that discovery is much more fun, I will only tell you what I like, now that you know what I don’t like about the game. Even though scary films and games have never been my thing I was taken in by the satirical look at the horror film genre of this game. There are many humorous moments and witty dialog to be found as we meet Sebastian and his victims as we play through the game.
The HOPs are well-crafted and very interactive with most of them having some mini-games included as we search the scenes. There is one HOP scene that I actually thought was a puzzle until the light blinked on for me. Although I love the list type HOPs the most there is variety included with some silhouette and storybook types as well. If you don’t want to search for items, you can always switch to the match 3 option instead. The Puzzles in the game are terrific and Domini provides the ability to choose either Easy, or Hard for most games. If you select the Custom Setting at the beginning of the game, there is an option included there for Easy or Hard puzzles. If you find the Hard setting a bit too difficult with the puzzles you can reset them and then select the Easy setting before trying again.
Mystery Tales The Reel Horror surprised me because I loved playing the game. I’m still not finished but have no doubt that the Bonus Chapter will be as good as the main story. IMHO, this is one of the best and most enjoyable games I have played this year. I’ve enjoyed the HOPS as well as the Puzzles and hate to admit that I have had very little sleep as I stayed up most of the night playing the game. Even though I find this and excellent and entertaining game, as always, please try the demo to see if this is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
28of 36voted this as helpful.
Some evils are too sinister to keep contained for long...
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
61 of 78 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 6, 2018
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fromI am very busy trying to restore the Black Cube and save us all
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Grim Façade is another of those series that seems to never end and honestly, I was quite prepared to not even play the demo of the game let alone purchase it. However in another surprise for me, AMAX has created a Grim Façade that I actually like and have enjoyed playing. Perhaps it is because some recent games from developers have made it difficult to find one or more hidden items before we can make initial progress in a game. I really like the fact that in the Black Cube I didn’t need to scratch my head to figure out where to begin and since it was evident that we needed to figure it out quickly; I found it easy to at least begin the game.
I’ve stopped writing reviews where I will give away the storyline and itemize every little detail as I believe that gamers are very smart and truly want to figure it out for themselves. After all, IMHO, discovery is half the fun of playing a game. If you want more information before you try the game there are a few reviewers here who write very comprehensive detailed reviews to provide that information for you.
Although the storyline might seem confusing, I found it to be interesting and it kept me playing the game. I loved the graphics because AMAX creates such realistic characters in its games.
I enjoyed the HOPS that I found to be well designed even though some items might have been difficult to find. The puzzles were terrific and although they were not difficult they were entertaining and fit well with the gameplay. I often become weary of a game when there are far too many puzzles that make it seem like we are never moving forward. Not so with the Black Cube, because I enjoyed the puzzles that included some I haven’t seen in a while and others that are my favorite types in a game.
The CE content is what we generally expect to find but I appreciate being able to replay the HOPS and Puzzles. I wish all developers would provide that option since if I happen to skip one while playing, I have the option to replay it in the extras.
All in all, Grim Façade the Black Cube is a good game and one that I found entertaining. Not everyone will agree but at least for me it is one of the better games I have played this year. Although this game is one that I love I always recommend that you try the demo to see if it is one you will enjoy also. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
61of 78voted this as helpful.
Can you recover an ancient underwater artifact in time?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
55 of 60 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 5, 2018
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fromTaking a dive to the bottom of the sea
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Mystery Trackers Darkwater Bay is the fifteenth game in the MT series. Once again you play a detective with the Mystery Trackers organization and this time you might have been given the case of a lifetime. Dr. Russell Jackman who is a renowned scientist has disappeared while working on his research vessel the Poseidon. No one has heard from him and it is feared that he might be in trouble. As you and your trusty companion Elf arrive on the Poseidon, it looks like there was some sort of disturbance and Dr. Jackman is nowhere to be found. By following the clues left by Dr. Jackman you are soon off on an adventure that will turn into a very dangerous mission. Travel to the depths of the ocean as you search for the missing scientist and confront members of the Dark Trackers organization in a rush to control a very ancient and dangerous artifact.
The graphics are amazing and some of the best I’ve seen in recent games. If there is any drawback it is Dr. Jackman’s accent and voice acting that could have been a lot more natural and less contrived. Since it is not a constant part of the game I didn’t find it too annoying. Even though your companion Elf has traveled with you in this game, he seems to be very silent and not an integral part of the find and fetch crew.
The HOP scenes are fairly standard and what we expect to find in games from this developer, but they have been stepped up and seem more interactive. Even though I really enjoyed the HOPS, as I didn’t have to search for really tiny and almost invisible items, what is excellent in Darkwater Bay is the variety and difficulty of the puzzles. There are some new puzzles that I really enjoyed and one of my favorite puzzles is found early in the game when we need to open a wall cache to find some needed items. Although it is not a difficult it took some time to solve.
Some gamers might find the game short since it only includes three chapters but I for me it was just right. I love this game and find the gameplay has kept me quite busy. I am not a fast player who loves to rush through a game to see how fast I can complete it, but rather one who loves to look at every scene and enjoy the graphics and each little detail. This seems to be one of the best games in the MT series since those earlier ones in Raincliff. I played the beta for the game and have been anxiously awaiting the full game release and it doesn’t disappoint. Elephant Games nailed this one and has provided a great mystery game with a lot of action to keep me involved right through the end. Even though I really enjoyed this game, as always please try the demo to see if this is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
55of 60voted this as helpful.
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