Well, this game got me to lol a few times, unintentionally, but i kind of loved that. The translators were, shall we say, inexpert? One scene requires finding a record to put on a player and the game refers to it as a plate that all once owned. Ha! And then there was the electric hand dryer attached to the stone wall next to the medieval water feature. Ha! More to the point, the game play was sometimes quite unique and sometimes incomprehensible so I used the hint button more than I usually do, which is never. But I liked it. The mini-games were not the usual. You think they are-find the wires and reconnect the power-but then they twist to something odd. i'm a huge fan of whimsy so this game tickled me no end. Do try the demo. I'm sure it's not for everyone and maybe I liked it because I was in the mood. But if you're tired of the same old same old, this might give you an hour of fun.
This game is beautifully drawn, the worlds you travel to are, while not completely original in concept, pleasing to the eye and unique enough you don't find yourself bored. The mini games aren't unusual really-match these, find these and use the secret codes, but the world you're doing this in is intriguing enough for me to recommend the game. By all means, try the demo and see for yourself at no risk. I was pleasantly surprised.
You're trying to save your father from some mystical force that is good enough to write his plans out for you in steps, so you can interrupt them. You need a bracelet that acts as a powerful mystical object, illuminating the scrolls where the nefarious plans are written. Not a bad concept. Not really a bad game either but it is very simple. You will need to do some easy HOPs without any unusual requirements. You will need to play some minigames that you've probably played before. One slightly different one was matching glowing orbs with a kind of domino twist. Overall, the minigames were very very easy. The thing I liked best was a good soundtrack. The ambient noise was good-a rainstorm, slightly eerie music that wasn't obtrusive like some games. The voice overs were okay, sometimes annoying, but okay. If you need a valium kind of game, this is it. Check out for awhile without killing any brain cells.
It's been a while since I was excited about a game. I thought this was going to be a rehash of haunted child, eerie theme, disappointing repetition of stuff I've seen before. Other than the eerie child's voice singing, this is new territory. The puzzles are plentiful and odd! I love that they are odd! And challenging! I base this on demo only but it's a sure buy. Emphasis is on puzzles, not HO. The one HO I encountered was weak but I didn't even care by then. Give it a try and give it at least two scenes. So worth it. Too scary for kids I think.
This game has a pretty cheesy story line, true love and evil tearing the lovers apart, etc. But even with a lame story line you can have a challenging, fun game. Not here, though. The puzzles are painfully obvious or obscure to the point of nada. The game has an annoying tic that causes the dreaded bouncing cursor so it turns out, the greatest challenge is just trying to complete a task. So I found this both boring and annoying, not a good combo. Oh, and I'm not a harsh critic usually, just like to play games and get lost for a bit Don't waste your money or your free game play coupon. Really. Do the demo. Save yourself.
I've been waiting for a smart, compelling game for awhile and this is it. The kind of game where, three minutes into the demo you're telling yourself "It's a buy". It's got all the usual things the better games have-hints, levels of difficulties, etc., but more, it has a storyline that's cohesive and actually interesting. An old studio (great retro graphics, btw) has a series of accidents on set, leading to the deaths of actors and crew. You get to develop film as part of the detective work you're doing and the puzzles are unusual, with HOP's few and far between. You have too much to do to be doing HOP's!