typical straightforward HOG game w/mini games in between each HOG scene. Which is fine - however, I normally play games in "windowed" mode. if I do that for this game, it cuts off the bottom so I can't see the "settings", "exit", menu, etc. which seems a bit "backward" already. Don't think it's a CE worthy game. I MIGHT consider buying as an SE game (as a freebie with a PCC) - but certainly would not purchase as a CE (even at half the price). SORRY - just my opinion.
I found this to be an okay game to play - nothing really to write home about. I had only 2 issues with this game. I found it quite annoying when you got the morphing puzzle piece that the screen would "fade out" for a couple seconds. The 2nd (more major issue) - is that there is NO opportunity once finished the game to get any of the pieces missed throughout the game. Huge disappointment for me and one feature that a lot of the developers do not include. I still recommend the game, however, it is not one I liked well enough to replay.
only lasted 20 minutes on this. I LOVE Hidden Object games - alas, could not get into this one at all. I always click OFF the full screen - this one, I clicked OFF the full screen, but it ended up cutting off half the items in the HOG scenes.
I love Hidden Object Games (if they are okay), but none of them lately have been worthy. Pretty much only buy the CE HOPA games. This SE HOP game must have been dredged up from the archives from many moons ago.
Sorry, but was not worth even using a PCC on it. So, I've tossed many PCC's as there's been nothing offered that i want to use my PCC's on.
Just my opinion. Lots to find (same as in all of the other ones). This is no different from any of the other ones that have always been SE games. Definitely not CE worthy. My fave games are HOPA games - but this is certainly a no-go for me.
Interesting game, enjoying it - BUT - why do the developers have to make it almost next to impossible to see the collectibles ?!?!?!?!!? Good grief - it is very frustrating for us older players who enjoy these games - BUT CAN'T FIND THE COLLECTIBLES - without going to the SG !!
C'mon - Developers - please have a bit of compassion for us older players whose eye sight is not what it used to be ! making the collectibles "black" on a "black" background - not good !
Otherwise - enjoying the game - I just have to resign myself to always having to check the SG if I find that I have missed a collectible.
I recommend with "reservations" - just because of the collectibles !!! I love looking for the collectibles but when I can't find them without using the SG, it's quite a chore.
so, I seriously tried to get into this game, just could not. Alas, not my "cup of tea" (so to speak). Not all games are for everyone, and for me, this was just not one for me. Oh well. Better luck next time. Enjoy for those of you who like this type of game.
well, I quite enjoyed the game - I have all of the Grim Tales games. My only "complaint" - I missed a couple of the collectibles - and could not go back and collect the few that I missed in the "extras" section (once I completed the main & bonus games).
I have finally finished the main game - still have the bonus chapter to "slog" through. I really enjoyed the 1st game of this new series, not so much this one. Graphics were great - enjoyed the humor in some of the conversations - but then they were getting tedious - too much talking ! AND that jumping "tool bag" irritated me no end. I could see it jumping around out of the corner of my eye & I found it an irritant. If there was a tool to be used, just keep it in the items list !! I found it quite a distraction. Good number of collectibles & morphs, however I did miss a couple. Hopefully will be able to go back after the end of the bonus chapter & find them.
I will carry on and finish the bonus chapter - but this was NOT a favorite game for me and certainly won't be replaying it. That's just my opinion.
What a disappointment this game was. Like a few others, I don't feel this was worthy of being a CE game. Only 1 morphing collectible to find & the morph was so fast & if you missed it, had to wait a fair length of time for it to re-appear. I got all but 1 & not even the opportunity to go back and get it !! Again, very disappointing game put out by the developer.
this was a nice surprise this morning. A nice little gem of a game. As Penmom said, graphics & scenes are really clean & crisp and quite colorful. Nothing overly special about the HOP scenes, some of the mini games were different. I only played about 20 minutes of the demo, then bought with a PCC. Quite enjoying it.