My apologies. I did not even get through the whole demo game. I do NOT like to play games on Full Screen - there is NO option to change the screen size. For that reason I will NOT purchase this game unless that is added.
I am NOT impressed with this game. I bought the game, got stuck part way through-hint button will not work & can't move on through the game. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. Same problem, same spot. Very disappointing - a waste of money!
I would have to totally agree with the previous comments. No fun factor at all with this game. No option to change the level of expertise, no option to change the hint time, and just a complete jumble of junk piles for the hidden object scenes. Complete thumbs down on this game.
I got the game to download, but when I take it off "full screen", even though it allows me to adjust the screen size, it still cuts off the bottom line or two of the items to find.
NOT impressed with this game at all. I managed to get through the main game and was part way through the Bonus chapter, then my power went out. When it came back on, I restarted my PC, I un-installed the game & re-installed it. Now, can't get anything to work. Lost my "player name", nothing works when I click on Play, Player Name, Options, etc, etc. Not good.
finished the game - it was quite enjoyable and fun to play. ONLY complaint is that half the collectibles were not available within the game !! I don't normally miss half the collectibles in a game - and once finished - NO opportunity to go back and find the ones a person missed.
Many developers do not include this feature in their CE games, and they should.
I've been playing this game - not my usual as i am a die-hard HOPA fan. But it is a nice change - the pictures are really nice and colorful.
I just felt a lot of extra "clicking" on areas for the different numbers & some i found very hard to find so had to use the hint button a few times - (old eyes, you know, LOL).
Otherwise, a nice relaxing way to spend some time without having to really think too hard.
took me a couple of days to do this game. I didn't mind this game, enjoyed playing it over a couple of days (I took my time with it). Nothing to "write home about" though - there's less & less "extras" being added to the HOPA CE games - other than the bonus chapter. One of my main pet peeves, tho, is some of the hidden object scenes were silhouettes - it was really hard to see the items because developers are putting black silhouettes on a dark background - almost impossible to see the item to look for ! AND it makes it very difficult for us "oldies" to see what the item is.
It is an enjoyable game to play, but a few toughies - for us older people whose vision is not as good s it was.
I recommend this game, but with reservations, because of some of the hidden object scenes and the fact that there is really nothing "extra" added to make it a CE game.
finally finished this game. I enjoyed it, however, it was very disappointing that collection items one missed you could not go back and get them. I clicked on "complete collections" and it took me to the screen to replay the game.
so, that was about the only major disappointment I had.