Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is exactly the kind of game I like best.
First off, the graphics are outstanding! Sometimes the pictures look so real, it's amazing. (Example: when I was playing today, there was an open safety pin on the ground in one scene that I wanted to close - lol.) Animations are always smooth. No bugs to report.
My only complaint is that I could tell that a non-native English speaker worked on the game, because some of the hidden picture names were way off. For example, a metal math compass was called "a pair of compasses," a fishing pole and line were called "bait," a canteen was called "bottle for tourists," and lighting was called "lightning." They weren't bad enough to ruin the game, but they were annoying. (No such language problems in the characters' conversations, though. Go figger.)
Anyway, the scenes containing the hidden pictures are always nice and clear; realistic; and the hidden objects are always the perfect proportion to the rest of the scene. (No carrots the size of buildings, for example. I hate it when there are major proportion issues.) There are fun variations in what to look for (sometimes it's just their shapes, for example.) Best of all, even though there are time penalties for taking too long, they are very minor, and only story-related. You can really relax while playing; every part of the game is geared for success and is non-frustrating.
I loved this game. Come to think of it, I love all the PLAYRIX games!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Marble Popper, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I really loved this game until I got to the Japan level. It has become too challenging for me at this level, and each time I get killed off, I have to start the level all over again. It's particularly frustrating, because I can often get to one of the advanced puzzles in that level, yet still have to start the whole level over again instead of just that one puzzle. There should be a way to just repeat the one puzzle instead of the whole level, and/or have more lives available at the start of the harder levels, and/or a work-around to move ahead despite not being able to get the puzzle done. As I said, until I got to this level, I really loved the game, and following the story, but now I'm getting carpal tunnel without advancing in the game. Ugh. :-(
It looks like this game is meant for kids, but I'm far from being a kid, yet I really enjoyed playing this! There was a choice of timed vs. untimed mode, which I appreciate, since I generally play just to relax. I am not looking for fancy storylines. I just want to find hidden objects. The art in this game is very good, and even though the size proportions of objects vary, everything is easily recognizable. All the objects are NOT that easy to find, though, and therefore it presents a little bit of a challenge sometimes. (But hints are available as needed.) I enjoyed this very much. Next time, I'll probably try it in the timed mode...
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This is exactly the kind of hidden object game I usually look for! It's straightforward - just hidden picture scenes with a few other relatively easy (story-related) puzzles thrown in. The graphics are beautiful, there's a simple storyline, and the background music and/or noises are appropriate. There is no time limit or other nerve-wracking issues. You can even pretty much get as many hints as you need if you get stuck.
I look to these games for pure relaxation. Frankly, I get annoyed by the games that have a complicated storyline, or which make you go to room A, then room C, then back to Room A again, then to Room B, etc.to open this door or that door, to put a key in a lock, then put the key back into the other room - aarrgghhh! Not for me! Likewise, I don't much care for the games with graphics designed to give me nightmares.
So, there we are. Beautiful, great, fun screens with lots of visual variety, a straightforward storyline, relaxed play, just fun and no stress. Thank you, Big Fish Games for this one!