Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
The premise is fine. I liked having the "robot" friend and it was helpful to have hints, thus no need for an SG or walkthrough. The storyline while initially inviting became way too predictable, especially given the clues and the frequent reference to the main character's intellect. so there was very little incentive to "guess" who was behind the abduction. The HOG scenes were easy. I did have some difficulty with why the order of things was what it was. Puzzles were sparse and not hard although sometimes I tried to do them and if not in the correct order which seemed random, they could"t be done. Often made no sense to me. so was glad to for the robot "hints" from time to time. Overall, kept at it just for the distraction and wanting closure but wasn't very satisfactory especially the end.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Even though it starts out with the usual plane crash, this game has it's own flavor. For those who like lots of HOGS, lots of puzzles and finding/earning extra awards this is a fun one. It's very entertaining.Even though there are lots of HOG scenes they are crisp and generally not hard to find objects. One does have to move a thing or two but it's not tough. Also, once one "learns" what the lost souls look like, it's fun to predict where they will be found and there are 40 of them! What to do next is not too hard and therefore not frustrating. Great game for decompressing and relaxing. Enjoy fellow fishies!
I recommend this game!
10of11voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
I realize there have been many reviews so I'll keep mine short. As one reviewer wrote, it's very much like being involved in an interactive movie. The graphics are really impressive and the storyline while not unique is realistic so that one gets involved in the characters. Nice amount of suspense to keep it entertaining but not really scary. One hardly needs the SG as things flow pretty logically,. The maps give you hints as to where to go next and one doesn't have to do things in order to make progress, so one could wait to buy this as an SE and still have a good time. I enjoyed having the option of playing a mahjong game as opposed to a HOG as I also like Mahjong and it was fun to play that again. My only negative criticism is that the puzzles were quite easy and the Mahjong games reshuffled rather than making one start over if you ran out of moves, which also made them too easy. Other than that, great game. Will play it again, which is always a sign of a buy for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
At first, like many reviewers I was put off by the title and initially it seemed too, frankly, demonic. But more and more it was as other reviewers have said, very much like watching a scary movie on a Saturday afternoon. The hog scenes while full were meaningful. Busy but not overly cluttered and challenging. Some objects required me to think outside the box. "No horseshoes" but there is one crowbar LOL. I liked having the voiceover for direction. The puzzles were on the easy side and not many of them although they did have a recurring one with a new twist which I liked. It was fun gaining extra powers (not hard to deal with) to move the story along. Even though one had to move from different locations, it wasn't hard to do given the logic of the storyline and helpful arrows. I got hooked by the storyline and really enjoyed this game. The music actually added to the game as it was very subdued and during hog scenes when you found something they would play a single note. It was fun despite the dark storyline and I plan to play it again. One doesn't need the strategy guide much so waiting for the SE may be something to consider. I really enjoyed this game and found myself not wanting to stop playing, (like a good book) because I wanted to know what happened next. For me, that's a buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I've been waiting a long time for the sequel. I agree with the other reviewers that this wasn't quite what I hoped for, but for me it is still fun. There's enough thread from the first story to keep me interested in how the characters do. A bit of a different approach but it grew on me after giving it a chance. I also tend to like puzzles so I didn't mind the break of having many puzzles rather than lots of HOG scenes. The puzzles aren't hard, just enough to provide distraction at the end of a long work day. No doom and gloom here despite the theme of murder. Music is background and not annoying. Graphics are basic.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
Last time I played a game in this series, I wasn't sure I liked the switching back and forth between scenes that morphed with a change of lighting. This time it seemed to fit in better and wasn't a bother at all. There's a fair amount of "to and froeing" but it's logical and not hard to follow. The HOG scenes are busy but not junk piles and the graphics are as nice as other reviewers have commented on. The puzzles are fun and very logic driven so generally enjoyable. I too enjoyed having the "extra" step of finding artifacts and having to have them "morphed" into essential objects, but again, things are pretty logical and it wasn't hard to pick back up if I had to leave the game. Overall a very entertaining game that lasted quite awhile. The music is oriental in timbre and added to the experience if one like's that kind of music. Very fun and glad I have it in my collection. I will most likely play it again as it was complex enough to hold one's attention a second time.
This review is based on the demo which froze on me twice. I liked the storyline although it was somewhat predictable but I have played many games and someone new might find it appealing. I don't turn off the music or sound as I feel that's an important aspect of the game and didn't find them offensive or annoying in this game. Can't comment on the "whisper" as I couldn't get far enough into the game to comment on it. I did find my interest lagging. The storyline was somewhat predictable. The HOS scenes were not too bad and I didn't mind "the dark" of them and enjoyed that one often had to do more than simply find stuff. Like others I'm at the point where I expect a CE to have some "extra" challenge such as finding morphing objects or something. The challenge just wasn't there for me but I have been playing awhile so I may be just too familiar with the trends. I did like a lot that the characters were real actors so they didn't seem so robotic. I have really enjoyed the House of Lancaster series but the characters are very robotic looking and these were not. But I do agree with other reviewers that the audio sync with the characters is really off which takes away from the gain of using real actors. While there is no "real map" there actually is one in the form of the child's drawing which at least provides some perspective about where things are. (Subtle but helpful!). I too will wait for the SE rather than pay the extra money for the CE as this doesn't seem to fit the quality of that caliber of game.
I enjoyed this game. The storyline was average. The HOS scenes were easy as were most of the puzzles. Even though there was a "lot of running around" you returned to scenes often enough to know where they were without it being annoying. The map would have been more helpful if one could have gone to that location by just touching the map, but then it might have been too easy. I was pleased that this was a non collector's addition that didn't require a strategy guide or going back and forth to a walkthrough to figure out what to do next. Very straight forward. The HOS were generally easy, some interactive stuff and you generally earned what you needed next. The music was actually one of the better tracks as it didn't annoy and added to the ambience of the game but in the background , and did add to the game. Just a nice fun game that was worth the price of a SE or a coupon.
I enjoy "using" these games as a way to decompress from a very stressful job. The reviews from other gamers are very helpful as I know now which ones are more likely to like what I like and their feedback is often helpful, I too was struggling after playing many games with the "been there done that" feeling of many games (especially with the "defeat the evil witch theme") This game however, is a real delight. I really like the storyline.You care enough to want to accomplish the goal. Enjoy that the HOG and HOP scenes lead to actually using the objects and relatively quickly and in unigue ways, rather than finding one obscure object after another (although I did enjoy the banter about horseshoes and crowbars) and while there is some moving from location to location it doesn't require a map to do so. The music is what it should be, enhancing but not distracting. I think best of all is the game makes you use your sense of logic. You have to think outside the box but it's not all that hard just refreshingly different. And you feel pleased to figure it out without the strategy guide although it's there to give you the boost you might need if some particular game is not your strength. Just fun. I haven't gotten far enough to awaken the "fairy mouse" that other reviewers are remarking about but am really enjoying the flow of the game. If it were a book, it would be one that one reads well into the night despite having to go to work tomorrow! Thanks Big Fish. I suspect this may be up for game of the year.
This review is based on playing only the demo. That said, this was really fun which I think is the true measure of a game. Will probably buy it this weekend as well as the first. I did play the free trial version of the first in the series and didn't get caught up in it for some reason. I suspect the main character Kate looked too robotic for me. But playing the demo of this game and seeing that the first game established some relationships and chemistry which get carried over, I will most likely go back and play the first game and then this one as it's fun. So far haven't seen many puzzles which I particularly like but as I said, I've only played the demo. Good graphics. Love the "extra" challenge of finding "beyond objects." The hogs are the usual but not annoying. Music is not great but not annoying so no need to stop the sound. The map is very helpful and the finding of objects are not so "far out" that one can't make good use of them so there is a decent logic. The strategy guide is less needful unless one is really bent on finding those special objects as they are tricky! Would recommend this game.