Pretty darned scary!! I thought it was great. Very creepy. I have yet to do the bonus round but gave me the heebie geebies. Great game if you like horror movies. Nothing gory just yikes. Escaping a psycho killer with puzzles and hops. It was enjoyable. Only two things drove me nuts. That creature killed the whole realness of it. Like wow this could happen to someone...until the ridiculous creature from beyond stopped by. And some of the items could easily be used for tasks they weren't allowed to. Also she could have escaped a few times. When you get your phone. Dial 911...dont listen to your messages and check your email. Then use it for a flashlight. geez. Otherwise it was excellent. Hard though..a little too hard.
Started off okay. Had zero to do with a movie. It was silly and redundant. Made no sense. I played the WHOLE thing. So believe me I gave it every chance. I don't even know who I was playing as in the bonus round. You start off as an actor i think and i think a man (not sure) then poof you are a small blonde lady in the old west for the entire game. ghost reappears in the last ten seconds. Pretty sure the old west didn't have a manhole covers. Or sewer grates. A whole lot of items that should not have been in that game. The game made no sense. I don't know what the point was. And Im sorry but the puzzles were not great. Some were so freaking easy a six-year-old could have done them and others were super confusing with poor directions. I do know that was four hours of my life I want back. I know this is harsh but if this wasn't basically free for me, I'd be furious. Positive things? Voice overs and characters were pretty good except no idea who I was in the bonus (I thought I was Kelley until I met Kelley) as I said or WHY I was Shirley in the first. No glitches. So they must have fixed them. I played on because i wanted to see if I could find all the collectables and I did. I'll give it that. I never do and they didn't go all sneaky on me. I liked that. But I don't recommend this game.
It was fair. The voice overs were so bad it was distracting, and I had to turn the volume off which kind of kills the game. Loved it until after the demo. Then it got kind of boring. Puzzles and collecting things for no reason. Had me hooked until after the demo. I hate when games do all the good stuff to get you to buy it then they don't seem to care anymore. That's what this felt like. I started playing as the wife and it was fun and I was invested in finding out who did it. The story moved along smoothly. Puzzles were great. HO's were great. But the second half when I switched characters it dragged. Like they were trying to fill up space with useless pointless HOs and puzzles.
What I did like was the switching of characters. I love that. One of my favorite reasons for loving Detectives United. The graphics were awesome!! Very realistic especially in the first flashback scene. This is an old game but they are all on sale right now so Im just saying first off...pass on the CE. isn't worth it. But the SE..sure. It's a good game. Just kind of started with a bang and ended with a small thud.
I bought it immediately because I LOVED the others. So no demo. Halfway through I still would have bought it but my issue is the games/hops etc. They are not challenging. They are long, tedious and boring. A few just make zero sense but maybe it's just me. That entire first game had me rolling my eyes, getting up and walking away for an hour or so to psych myself up to start again. Three chapters. Chapter two is not as bad as the first as far as games. The story lines are pretty good and I guess there's four including the bonus so that's a plus. Characters are good. Partner kid cop is just adorbs. Graphics were okay. But part of the second game as they are off to Chloe's house the street looked like a pencil drawing. I don't think it was meant to. I'm super curious as to what others think. Would I buy it again? Yes just because it's like four games in one but I'm not loving the games in the one. Still it's entertaining and I'm looking forward to playing the rest. I have my cheese and crackers with a latte ready to finish the game. I do love the no hint time button. One game I had to blow right through because it was ticking me off nothing matched so that was nice. No skip option for that one. I wish more games had a zero hint/skip time. I'm an adult. I can make a decision in under 15 seconds if I want to play or not. I am not going through the chapters because it's a brand new game and I think others may want to find out for themselves. I do recommend it.
This was one of the worst games I've ever played. So disappointed because I liked Dancing Men very much. This was just not good. The HOPs were garbage. No thought put into them at all. Clues really didn't make sense. Game just froze a few times for no reason which is a tech issue obviously. I stopped after two hours when I got a puzzle that was so ridiculous, I couldn't stand it anymore. Didn't like it is an absolute understatement and I used a BOGO on it. I wish I could get my money back. seriously. I don't think I've ever given a game one star and in my defense...I tried. I started three times in three days to get into it. after the demo. The only think I liked was the soft jazz in the background.
Older but it's just Anna and Richard saving the day and they're a team. I loved the character of Richard and stopped playing the series when they got rid of him. They messed up huge when they started changing their winning teams just like on Detectives United. They tossed James for a younger kid. Bad move. Very bad. Games were good but some HO's were a bit hard to see and I have a HUGE monitor. One thing though. At the end they all say thanks she's saved the day. Did she? Yes but if she went back and changed everything then the current events would not have happened to begin with and little Billy wouldn't have been in danger. The count and the lady would not exist in their time or the present. They kind of ignore that part. I hope the series goes forward with more games like this in 2024. They were enjoyable worth the money. Not so much with the games today. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
I did like it very much BUT not as much fun without Richard. And what's up with Agent Shade??? Seriously she sounds totally stoned. It's a good game though but it's missing something. I think it's Richard and the story is okay but not riveting. The redhead isn't as scary as the other villains. Also it was super easy. Like really really easy. I'm pretty good at this point but some puzzles I find super hard. Not in this game.
Nope. I did play the demo but without Richard. I'll pass. I like the snarky dark evil dad. Mom is a snoozefest. Just took the fun out of it and honestly developers are NOT listening to their fans. Well they should because it's our money we are spending. Thanks for returning Rick Rogers but you got a few more to go!! and since Dorian is magical and immortal why isn't he used in these stories. Kind of like a supernatural hart to hart. no im not that old but I know who they are.
Let me start by saying i LOVED the game after this and the whole series up until Rick left but still I did play the rachael ones. I found myself wondering why I didn't remember this game and I own it. So I started playing it again today. About two hours in I remember WHY I stopped the first time. Oh good lord it is boring. And tedious. How many freaky dead alive dolls can you have in one game? I tried folks. I REALLY tried to get into it. I mean like I said I love the next one even though its kind of anticlimactic it's great!!! This one is an epic fail. So much going on at once in different rooms that make no sense. I want to like it. I just don't. I am sorry I bought it first. I highly recommend skipping this one and moving right on to the next. All you need to know is this: SPOILER ALERT!!!!! stick your fingers in your ears if you don't want to know. This Rick is from an alternate universe, and it COULD have been a great story if it wasn't all over the place. They need alternate Rick to get to the other one in the next game. I was so annoyed and bored. And Im sorry. I dont take pleasure saying that. I do love the next one. and you don't need this one to understand it. See the issue?? You should need it.
I loved the back and forth as there are not enough female leads honestly in these types of games imo. It's not over the top or silly. I love that the bonus has one of them and an entirely new case. Not some random story with different people. So it's like two games in one. I think the stories are decent. Some of the HOPs are a tad on the dark side and they could really do something about the in your face bright purple and blues.... But honestly it's one of my favorites. Also dont have to wait for hints/skip. I try not to use them but I'm an adult. if I need them I dont need to be told to wait 15 seconds if I hate a game. There's two games I just cant do. Nice to skip and not sit there feeling stupid. lol. I loved these and I hope there are more. Randalls accent is a bit much. His sister doesn't have one at all.
I recommend but honestly get the CE for these four games for the bonus games and i never say that.