Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I really liked this game! I found the level of challenge and brain cells needed just right for me.
You are given a 'catagory'..it may be animals, flora and fauna, cities etc. And they are just that. It is NOT a crossword so the clue just gives you an 'idea' of what genre, general group type or setting you are guessing at. It's not what the word 'means' It's more like 'hangman' as you fill in the letters.
There are bonuses that fill in letters, or knock out letters not involved in the answer from your alphabet and a hint button. There is no timer in the first part..but there is a meter that diminishes as you guess and play..but I never got anywhere near the bottom.
Having said that, I am not too far in and have only done the demo so far. There are several adventures to get through so not sure if it gets much harder? As I move along a picture is being uncovered with each level, and there are various achievement trophies for not making mistakes or how quickly you guess a word or how big it is etc.
I will be pleased to have this sitting on my desktop to go to for a 'quite time' game just like solitaire is for me. You have the option of turning off the music and the voices too.
Do try the demo to see if it is for you...but for me it's smooth, fun and generous in its gameplay. Enjoy!
The first few levels do not give you a good idea of how hard this game is if you play in 'normal' timed mode. I am a TM buff, but found myself totally frustrated at how difficult this becomes as you venture further into the levels.
With all the double clicking for tasks and different features popping up at great pace to take in, it also somehow manages to be boring and repetitive.?
This is one of the few TM's that I have passed on. There was just no enjoyment in trying to win the challenge after the first levels are over. You can't. If you play in relaxed which is your only other option (no easy) you may think it's ok. But it's not for me. Try the demo..but get past the first few levels to see if you are a genius who can beat the clock lol. Cheers
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I love this series. I only play in 'chain timed' because I find it too hard in M3 to set up for 'gigantic' explosions
What I like about the 'chains' are you only need 2 not three to clear them, and you can go diagonally as well. This makes it easier to start setting up huge chains to create nuclear explosions and such.
So there's not much to it really..get the water flowing..make sure it reaches whatever is in the 'squares', use your bonus's (they don't last long before reverting to a normal tile) and beat the clock. You can play both styles in relaxed
I found the graphics in this one a bit better too. Great way to spend a coupon as it is an SE..so now you know you can go whichway or whatever and only need two tiles to clear. Its a clever game, no bells and whistles..just some challenging fun. Cheers
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Really all you need to do is click the link at the bottom of the page that say's 'collectors edition'..read those reviews and know that with this SE you are just getting less levels, and no strategy guide to tell you where the puzzle pieces are.
This series continually amazes that the developers can still entertain and mix it up after they have done so many games. It doesn't matter if you own all the others, you will find new features here. This one does not disappoint. It's great. Try the demo and Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
When I downloaded the demo, my mind was pretty set on 'dislike'..another same game ho hum. And yes the gameplay is just like every other Gnomes Garden of which we have had heaps. I did however add a star for 'trying' and also for the fact that there are some new features.
One is the strategy guide is large and well numbered and even tells you how many times to upgrade a feature. Next there is an improvement in the graphics. there are five different worlds all with different styles. Undersea Kingdom, Harpy Kingdom, Magic Monastry, Troll Caves and Sloping Shores.
Gameplay has all the old characters, the Scorceress who restores dead bushes and chases off enchanted creatures, the Fireman, who in the underwater world chases off a swimming shark who is the 'thief' here. The MerryMakers are themselves upping production in whichever building you send them. There is the familiar 'gardens' for food' that you can walk through, wood, stone, cableways, bogs and bridges etc and in some worlds there are portals.
I did however find a 'room' in the extras (there are 60 levels all up)..and I am not sure yet what for, but as I flicked through 'concept art' I found bio's of the characters, then a run down on several features that seemed very interesting! (I'm not there yet)..defensive towers, magic crystals to discover secret invisible kracken, and oblelisk, a reality tear.. and more..and they are called 'quest items'..so it seems there is more to come? Maybe they go in this mysterious room?
There was NO WAY I was buying this game (same game) when I started..but it's not quite that in fact..just the gameplay. It has colour, and it has a friendly vibe. I still would not have paid the CE price, its not really there, but on the sale today nearly half price, I felt it was worth it for what is really quite enjoyable game so far with maybe more to come from a developer who IS finally having a try at improving. When you try the demo..have a good look around. Cheers
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
This game has to me has only two flaws. One is it's level of difficulty..the timer is extremely tough! The other is that it is almost a clone of it's first game, AND it's Inca sibling that came up a week or so ago. Still...I just can't help loving them all.
As always you only need to put up with frustration for as long as you wish..and then you can get your three stars by switching to 'relax' mode and then toggle back for the next challenge if you like. I don't know whether it is because there have been two games back to back I have got a little better at the gameplay or if this is just the very slightest bit easier than its predecessors?
One thing I will say is this will be the last one I buy of this style from this developer unless the gameplay incorporates changes not just the graphics or layouts. Its time for new features! I now have four almost identical games. That's enough.
If you have not played any of the 'Inca' or 'heroes' before..it's a great little TM. It's smooth, and the gathering and upgrading tasks always vary each time on each level. But it is sooo hard to get gold. I only seem to miss the timer by one second most times, and have decided on giving myself a three repeat limit...then toggle lol. I win some, I lose some.
Your choices here if you own any of the others are..do you need another and can you enjoy a game that is near on impossible to get gold continually unless you are somehow gifted?, But for me the smile factor is always there..and the challenge of 'could I possibly beat the next level maybe??' Try the demo..its an SE, so with a sale or a coupon I think you will have a fun time for not too much outlay if you love TM.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
2/ 5
Well this seems to be a new and recent trend in a few TM's..making a game so hard that the fun goes away. This game has a quite good basis, clearing wheat fields..then making flour and eventually bread..and on it goes. Your tasks just grow and get more complicated. There are puzzle pieces to collect and you can go back and get them..they too are SO HARD to see! Pale and blended in. I do swear sometimes they are not even there till you go back a few times? And the strategy guide does not list them anywhere I could see.
Sometimes you need to clear one crop to make way for one that pays higher, and you certainly need LOTS of workers as each building needs one or two to run its function..ok..BUT they are so expensive! And every move you make keeps taking your profit, and then the storage doesn't hold much so you have to pay more to upgrade each building to hold the crops and it just goes round and round..
So..maybe the strategy guide can help you? NOPE. It is useless. It just says upgrade this or this..and your hint and tutorial is telling you to do other things first. Honestly if anyone can get gold on this game in timed mode (there is relax) I really take my hat off to them.
The only good news in this is that after you have ripped your hair out trying to win, you can switch game mode to relax and get your three stars that way and pretend you did it. Nice that games keep your secrets so frustration levels are up to you at least! (its a window bar up top)
I did buy it in the BOGO..but really I wont be wasting too much more time on trying to get gold by my own efforts for too long..I did manage a few after repeated efforts and brain drain, but simply cant get some. Please developers, we need to feel things are achievable without being Einstein. Some games with more features may get away with the difficulty, but this one does not have enough difference in the scenery, the graphics or the tasks to cut it.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
Most know this series (and others by this developer) by now with its rockets and ladybugs, drips and explosions and the main aim..get rid of the coins. Straight away here the new feature of the game is thrust upon you.
A metal tile which you must push out of your way one square at a time by shooting it with a cannon to place it where it doesn't block your gameplay. Sometimes you may have to use a cannon from one direction horizontally, and then switch to one facing another to raise it vertically. The tile is also moved by making adjacent matches, and will move in the direction of the match.
Other than that its our old friends named above and the newer features like 'swap screens' where only parts of the board are in play until you move the screen by the buttons. The frozens are here, the flamethrower tiles and all the features that are usually found.
The OLD minigames are exactly the same, solitaire, mahjong, spot difference and hidden object. Next time I take a star off if they dont start doing new ones lol! But with its three modes, timed, relax and limited moves, this really is a top quality game. This is about the 'middle' difficulty of the several series this developer does. Not the easiest..not the hardest. The hints along the way help if you get lost. (some find it annoying, but I often need them) In fact I often have to repeat a level just getting the hang of the intricate gameplay.
Not much new...but something novel anyway, and I do love these games. You need to put your thinking cap on, and there is just so much action. Try the demo always, but this is as good as any has been. Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The characters in this game are so cute, but don't be fooled..it's not an easy game at all in timed mode. You will need to use all your grey cells to figure the right strategy and upgrades to use in order to get your three stars. I battled on nearly every level at first on just normal (not hard)..some I never did solve.
The good news is that you can try a level several times and it's totally up to you if you want to toggle to 'relaxed' and move on, and you will get your 3 stars then! Your map will be GOLD. Totally up to you how long you want to spend figuring it all out. Gotta love a game that keeps your secrets lol.
There is much to do, repair bridges, gather goods (wood, gold, food) upgrade buildings, and novel things like making weaved goods at the llama farm by building the mill and sending a worker to make it. There are tools you must 'get to' in order to get rid of some obstacles so must be picked up first, and various animals to be fed and demons that require a warrior camp be built. There are goods to gather for priests in order to perform rituals, and tunnels to clear and lead to other parts. Some sites require a boat trip.
There are achievements to earn and various bonuses appear eventually (speedy feet etc). There is not a lot of features that you haven't seen in many other TM's, but the strategy here is foremost, the gameplay as smooth as silk, and with all that cuteness who can fail but to smile? If you are a TM fan, don't let this one pass you by.
There is no strategy guide as it is an SE, but remember you can toggle so there is no frustration really. I couldn't see how many levels there are, but this developer usually gives good value. I love it! Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This game runs very smoothly and is basically a hidden object game with levels of puzzles sometimes in order to proceed to the next scene to 'investigate', and sometimes just puzzles within the scene. The game will freeze for a few seconds if you start clickedy clacking randomly.
There is a wide variety of scenes (shops, cemetery, chapels etc).., a map if you choose a location and then change your mind and wish to investigate another location looking for clues on your quest or would rather try another style of HO.. They are varied, silhouette. word list, find an object to find another in a hidden area, find multiples of items, and my favourite, 'by description' where the object is describes eg:little soldier was a chess pawn, party drink a cocktail etc.
Its not an exciting game, its a relaxing game and there are hints and skip ability on the puzzles (but they are easy). You can't however skip the dialogue and its quite lengthy before you can start each location. (one star off). There is a free play section when you have completed the main game, and I think that may be all that makes it a 'CE'? The objects are however very well done and not a lot of 'nonsense' things scattered everywhere. But there are no collectables or other novelties involved either it seems.
If you are up for a relaxing game with pretty good graphics and a lengthy storyline mystery, you will probably think this rates highly amongst point and click HOP's. Not much bad to say about it really for this genre. Try the demo and see. Cheers.