Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This version is more winnable, less aggravating. In my previous review of Demeters Cat-astrophe Collectors Edition I despaired on the game having unwinnable levels in timed mode, especially those levels with the wizard. Well I ran out of TMG games to play and I just went and replayed the levels I lost in Cat-astrophe and eventually won them, although it took many replays. I still don't like those levels with the wizard. In this new game the wizard is replace with a multi-eyed monster that turns the servants into stone if caught, but it was easier to avoid the attacks. And as before, the stone curse can be lifted at cost.
This game has good, detailed and colorful graphics, no dark screens. Music is the same 4 riffs of a mixed Celtic-Medieval type orchestrated music, not bad but not enough variety.
The interface has the basic options of Full Screen, Tutorial and Game Cursor. But you still can't disable the dialogs which are a nuisance on replays There are 3 time modes- Easy, Normal and Difficult.
The bonus levels are tied to episode sections and you must get 3 stars for all episode levels to play.
The game has very basic strategy guides. It does show you the location of the hidden easter egg in each level. The easter egg is a square H jewel object. With each star award you get these purple tokens that go toward purchasing bonus advantages.
I was able to get 3 star awards on each level in basic time mode without any aggravations. I approved this sequel.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Graphics are basic but not bad. The music is orchestrated, corny, funky, boring; some 15 variety. 2 time modes, untimed and timed. There are 40 levels in the standard section with some side bonus games. Beyond the standard section is the CE section of 10 games.
One thing I hate about the interface menu is if you exit from a level it takes you directly to the Manson graphic. You have to hit a button to the right to exit to the map level. And the map level section does not tell you how many stars you have won until you put your icon person on it.
There is this graphic of a mansion that you can build from money earned. You earn the money from treasure easter eggs and coins on the playing grid and completing the level. Once you get the coins they don't appear on the replay but the easter egg does. You can build sections of the mansion depending on how much money you have earned. You have a choice of variations of a color scheme that can be changed at any time.
There are award emblems that are earned by completing some levels with 3 stars in timed mode. They are very colorful.
As you go through the levels you earn handicap play bonus advantages.
The strategy guide is decent and shows you the easter egg locations
I completed the standard section in timed mode with 3 stars on all levels. In the CE section however there were 2 levels that seems impossible to win for 3 stars even if I followed a video walk through.
I will not endorse nor condemn this game. It has some nice features to it others may enjoy.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
4/ 5
Good, detailed and colorful graphics although some is dark; Music is 4 riffs of a mixed Celtic-Medieval type orchestrated music, not bad but not enough variety.
The interface has the basic options of Full Screen, Tutorial and Game Cursor. But you could not disable the dialogs which are a nuisance on replays There are 3 time modes- Easy, Normal and Difficult.
The bonus levels are tied to each episode section and you must get 3 stars in timed mode for all episode levels to complete a puzzle and be able to play the bonus game. After completing several levels you get some advantage speed enhancements.
The game has decent strategy guides. It shows you the location of the hidden easter egg in each level. I forget if you get anything out of collecting them other than bragging rights.
Some levels had this wizard that was hard to overcome as you had to stop him from freezing you servants by clicking on him to invoke a magic counter dispel spell for each time your servant ventured forth on a task. It can eat into your time limit if you miss invoking it in time and then your servant gets frozen until you click on it and the task is canceled.
I was mostly missing the opportunistic dispel click and missed the 3 star time limit. This effects your getting advantage bonuses that are accrued with each 3 star level completion in timed mode. I gave up in frustration and my roller ball click would double click in the game causing critical time loss. May be a system problem. So I could not finish all but 1 bonus game.
You might have better results but I'm not recommending this game while not condemning it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
It has decent graphics on a cartoon level. The music is acceptable, orchestrated, not bad. Some different varieties.
There are 2 time modes- no time and timed. Each level has an easter egg or artifact in this case, that is not generally hard to find. Every one found will color different emblems in the extra section. On customs you can go to full or window screen, and cane your cursor to game mode.
Most levels are not difficult but there are a few that are challenging. Every so often a level will have a puzzle that figures into your timed limit at the end of the session. They are not hard. There are decent strategy guides.
Thankfully this game had no arcade challenges.
I was able to complete each level in timed mode for 3 stars. You can get all the stuff in untimed mode, no bonus levels. Just a rainy day game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Same great, detailed and colorful graphics; some medieval and Celtic orchestrated music, not bad but not enough variety.
The interface has mostly good options you would expect on a well designed game interface. As before there are 4 time modes- relaxed (no time), easy, normal and hard. In relaxed you just have to finish the game to get the 3 stars.
The bonus levels are 2 extra levels on each episodes of 4.
The game has video strategy guides. But the mid and upper levels do not play all the way through and just give you a beginning course of action.
Each level has easter eggs to find which become increasingly harder to find. On the 1st level you start with 2 and then the eggs to find increase up the levels to 6. Each level has a map in the extra section of their location, but you can't access it until you finish that level. When you encounter an egg a little rainbow appears over it as an indicator. You really need to be on it for the rainbow to appear.
The tutorial is built in the play mode and can be turned off. The first level is time free. When you reach the 3rd level a bonus bar appears with various speed bonuses and sometimes these bonuses appear on the game field as icons.
There were some really hard upper levels, even in Easy Mode, but I got a gold star for all levels with all eggs found in easy timed mode. But the last bonus level says it's for experts and I don't know what that takes as it was not available to me in Easy Mode.
I tried replaying the levels in normal mode and got stuck on the 3rd episode of levels. Could never get the gold star on one level no matter how I approached it. The video strategy guide just went so far in the level and then just stopped on the progress while still running. And the time bar was not active. Not good. This also happened on the other upper levels
Still it offers fun and challenges so I am recommending it, and it's too soon to find a complete walk-through.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Rescue Team - Ancient Guardian CE
People who are familiar with this game series appreciate the development that the creators put into it to make it a winning success. Same great, colorful graphics; new variety of variety of background orchestrated music, not bad nor boring; and a new bonus selection on the interface. The levels are pretty much all new.
The interface has mostly good options you would expect on a well designed game interface. As before there are 3 time modes- relaxed (no time), easy and hard. In relaxed you just have to finish the game to get the 3 stars. Each star accumulates to purchase points to various "handicap" bonuses in the store section.
The bonus levels have cubes that accumulate various icons in the extras section.
The game has a fairly good strategy guide for each level that can be loosely followed. It also has a built in hints feature that can be disabled in options.
Now the bad, disappointing part. There are several levels I found impossible to achieve the gold award in the easy time mode, even with all bonuses.. After several tries around the strategy guide I gave up. No walkthroughs yet on the web that I could find for those difficult levels except for 1, but I still could not duplicate what the walkthrough person did. Maybe after several months one will appear.
So I am giving up on getting the 3 stars in easy timed mode. still fun to play in no timed mode.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
Not Really for Young Girls Under 10
Despite it's appearance it not really a young girls game in timed mode. It has some really difficult levels I thought I would never get the 3 star award. In no timed mode it's entertaining and teaches logic.
The graphics are good but not exceptional. The music is varied orchestra but largely does not fit the game theme. The game play is challenging with some levels really challenging. Fortunately it has a decent strategy guide that can be loosely followed. It has a play tutorial that can be turned off.
As you play along you get some handicap bonuses to enhance playing.
It has jewel easter eggs tied to a graphic. You do not need to play the game in timed mode to complete the graphic, just find all the jewels some of which are hard to find without the strategy guide.
There are 50 levels in all. The extras is just wall papers.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The graphics are basic, pasty, bare. In windows mode it shrinks to half size. The mood music is orchestrated, varied, not bad. The game play is basic. It does have bonus aides like worker speed and time freeze that come with winning levels.
It's in timed mode period, but acheiving the 3 star award is not difficult although sometimes tricky.
There is no stratagy guide, just a built in tutorial that can be turned off. There are no easter eggs. You can't turn off the dialog in settings.
The game is good for the younguns and will teach them to apply logical thinking.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Pretty much the same game except new levels to solve. Graphics remain very good. I has the usual wide variety of mood music, orchestrated and electronic. The extras section this time had only wall paper downloads.
You have the usual hidden puzzle easter eggs to find. You have to find them all to play the bonus levels per area sections. There are no easter eggs in the bonus levels available only in the CE version. You have indicators that tell you when they are in a level and when they are found.
You can play all the levels in easy no time mode but you won't get to build the graphic picture unless you complete the level in one of the 2 timed modes with 3 stars awards. You can change time modes per level on the fly.
As you go through the levels you earn handicap play bonus advantages.
The strategy guide is built in walk-through guide of arrows pointing the next moves as you advance through the levels. You can change the play speed of the game via the configuration menu in each level of slow, normal, or fast bar. You can play in no window mode or window mode via configuration menu.
This game has more challenging levels, I had to use the walk-throughs to solve some of the advanced levels. You don't have to follow it exactly to get the 3 star awards. The picture this time was not very interesting and I was unable to copy it. I was able to get 3 stars in all levels in normal timed mode.
One you complete the main levels you have 2 extra bonus levels in the CE version. I always like to get the CE version for the extra features. A very good game to pass the time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
I haven't play this game series in a year. The graphics are good. The mood music selections are instrumental, not bad overall.
The game play is kind of funky, after awhile the game just freezes for a while intermittently and then continues. Rebooting the game solves that problem for a while.
You have 2 modes- timed and untimed. I first played the game untimed straight through. You don't get that much help on the built in tutorial especially on various production facility requirements, you learn that by playing.
You can't skip out on the dialogs.
The strategy guides are bare bones and are not always accurate. On level 23 the guide is screwed up on the procedure and requirements. It's impossible to finish the level within the allotted time for 3 star awards. I stopped playing in timed mode at that level.
It has a bonus accrual feature where you get a point after each level completed to spend on various bonuses. There are no easter eggs in this game.
I will not recommend this game but I won't condemn it either. You can play it in untimed mode but you won't get all the extras as the timed mode is screwed up.