The miracle of the Green Moon, which flourished with plants of all kinds, had lasted for only a few moments. A cataclysm made the Moon lifeless again. Find out why!
Horrible game, looks like it was made in 1998! Actually Myst was made in 1992 and it was 10 times better! Doesn't fill your large screen, no directions, just aimless wandering clicking and picking up stuff you didn't even know was there! Game makes zero sense and is zero fun! I'm playing and old game right now called Secrets of the Dark: Mystery of the Ancestral Estate and it's amazing, creative, fun and it fills my screen up!
I just played this game a month ago and I have to say it stood up to the test of time. Great graphics, fun puzzles and Mini game. It's a really fun game!
I love and own almost all the Mystery Trackers games. When I first demoed this game I wasn't that found of it but I assumed it would get better judging by all the positive reviews. That was not the case at all this is by far the weakest in the series and mundane to the point of exhaustion! The back and forth back and forth Elephant games does to lengthen their games really ticks me off too! There were many instances where there was something right near me I could use to finish a task yet I had to back track 15 steps to find something else to use that ended up making less sense than what I had already seen!! I don't like anyone to insult my intelligence let a lone a game with so many grammatical errors!! To sum it up this is the only game I've ever purchased I can honestly say I absolutely hated!!! No I do not recommend this game but I will highly recommend. Silent Hollow, Black Isle, Blackrows secret and Nightsville Horror!
I was so looking forward to another Haunted Hotel especially this one because we were going to actually be in nice hotel. I was let down pretty quickly! It's a murder mystery big whoop. Where's the creativity and originality? This game is just one bloody seek and find game, yuck! I personally had no problem with the eerie game environment or blood, guts which is why I was looking forward to this game. I own them all. I thought the graphics were great, if not a little to perfect. The story seemed pretty good, I loved having people in the game with me , unfortunately aside from the amazing atmosphere the game is neither original nor groundbreaking. It’s the same type of thing seen in all of elephant's games recently, a multitudinous of shaped medallions, amulets, keys and decorations required to unlock everything from doors to cabinets to boxes only in this particular game it was ramped up more than ever! Not to mention all the wasted back and forth back and forth. I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere or solving anything. I was just bored and I have to say I really did feel like they were insulting our intelligence with some of the lame dialogue. I usually play on the custom setting and leave sparkles on because that is usually not a problem, well in this game my entire screen was twinkling like a lit up Christmas tree. I went upstairs to talk to the Psychic, there was a long hallway with lots of rooms and the whole place was sparkling like a fourth of July fireworks display which means every square inch will need something placed there to open doors etc. The tea cart standing in the hallway alone needed something like 6 or 8 keys to open it and they will not be found in the same place so you'll be walking around for quite a while just to get that done. That's were I got out of the game and deleted it! Sorry to disagree with many here on Big Fish but I wouldn't take this game if it were given to me for free!! No I do not recommend this game and it's the first game out of hundreds I've played that I do not recommend. I do however suggest you give the demo a try and see for yourself if you like doing useless tasks and getting nowhere quickly!
I absolutely loved this game! I have always had a fascination with vampires which got even more intense when I started reading Anne Rice Novels and watching Forever Knight back in the early 90's. This is the first time in a long time I got that same thrill I got back then playing this wonderfully crafted game. I loved the scenery and some of the characters voices were fantastic (The guy in the cemetery and the women who helped me make a gris-gris) There was only one place that I thought was a little weird yet still funny as heck, I'm trying to take out a vampire by throwing silver things at him lol. The game has a really great story, the mini games were pretty good and not the same old same but what I really like were the hidden object scenes, some were straight up find things but others were put items into the scene and these had other interactions going on as well. The flow of the game was perfect for me, not to hard and not to easy didn't have to use the hint all that much and that's always a bonus in my book. I got so immersed in the game and story that I played from beginning to end with only stopping to have a few bathroom breaks, I even ate my dinner while playing lol.. I really really wish I had purchased the CE of this game because I didn't want it to end! I know this is one of the few games I am going to replay over and over. Yes, I highly recommend this game!
I really enjoyed this game all the way up to the end. The ending was weirdly abrupt like there was a skip in a tape. The mystery was over and tied up nicely but it was just weird how you do something and then bam you are at the main menu. Other then that I really enjoyed the game a lot, it's fun, yes it's easy and relaxing! I've played all the others and this was a great addition. I love the graphics in this game, beautiful without being overdone or having each scene completely stuffed with items. The amulet used to find the thorny flowers hidden around the room did start to get on my nerves but other than that, I have no real complaints. If you are looking for a deep challenge then this is not the game for you. If you are looking for a sweet, easy fantasy game this should fit the bill. I recommend it.
This is the hardest review I've ever written. The graphics on this game were stunning. The gameplay was pretty straight forward but much of the time I had to hit hint to figure out where I was suppose to go to do something so it wasn't an intuitive game most of the time. Many of the games I just hated, they were boring or glitchy, things didn't align correctly so I couldn't move so I had to skip. The story was ok but I kind of lost the thread of what the story was about until it picked back up towards the end. I would say try and see what you think but the game changes quite a bit once the demo is over so there isn't anyway to fully judge unless you purchase and play the game yourself. It really wasn't a bad game and on a good 2.99 sale it would be well worth your time. As far as how many starts to give this game, I am going to base it on this simple premise would I ever want to replay this game and the answer is NO!
I have never seen SO many zoom windows, full of SO many boxes, cubbies, caches, secret stashes, furniture, drawers etc! Made my head spin after a while and gave me a pounding headache. All the scenes are dark and sinister too. Sorry really hate the game and I'm so sorry I purchased it. I was going to give it a one but I know a lot of work went into the game so I'll give it a two. Just dial it back guys/gals this game is overkill! This use to be one of my favorite series. This game I absolutely hate the last game in this series was boring and repetitive, maybe it's time to go back to the simpler graphics with better storyline and fun puzzles!
I just finished this game and I'm very glad I purchased it. I truly enjoyed playing it. It was a fun and entertaining way to pass about 5 hours maybe little longer I didn't play straight through. It took a bit for me to get into the game but once I did I really really did enjoy it! Voices sounded great, music was nice, puzzles were fun and the hidden object scenes were ok. Not the best but not the worst game I've ever played. I recommend you buy if you have a free game credit or extra good sales day!
I don't know what it is but I just love the New York Mysteries series. Maybe it's that I feel like I'm actually in the game everytime they say her/my name, maybe it's because I love NY so much or maybe it's do to the stellar game. I'd say it's all of these things + more. Storyline was as good if not better than the others in the series. Longer you play the more it makes sense. I loved the fact that we had that adorable young man from the lab working with us and he got to finish the game up alone in the bonus game. I would have liked to see him a little more throughout the game so you'd really feel more like you were in it together. Sorta how they did it in Beyond Light Advent. The voices sound great, the scenes were so well done without being overly done and colors were perfect, normal, & appropriate for the scenes. I have trouble with my eyes and neck and get a terrible headache/migraine with many of the newer games because there is just way way way too much packed into every darn scene, I'm craning my neck to see everything and the colors and lights kill my eyes after a while plus the colors are just so overdone almost bordering on lurid! This game had just the right amount of items in each scene to make it beautiful and/or interesting to look at, yet easy enough to figure out what you need to do or where you need to go. The game for the most part made sense and the flow was very good. Yes there were times I needed the hint or skip buttons but that's why they're there. I think if you base this game off of just the demo you are doing yourself a disservice because the game does get better and better the longer you play! Length was just right too not to long but not extra short like many of the games that have come out recently have been. There are very few times I purchase the CE instead of the Se but this was well worth the price of the CE! I'm so glad I got to play the bonus round as that handsome young man! All and all I truly had a lot of fun playing this game! Highly recommend you buy this game.