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Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
56 of 81 found this review helpful
PostedMarch 4, 2017
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fromOne day living in Las Vegas, but I don't gamble. Waste of money.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Welp, today from Mad they bring you Cadenza: Fame, Theft, and Murder. I played the survey version of the game, and this game is awesome sauce! They put a lot of work and love into this game to where 5 stars is not enough. The story, the VO's, the music and the cutscenes were extremely well done. It is a 1950's based game so naturally you have your thugs as well as your good guys. Please at least give this game a try, and I bet it'll end up in your library. ;)
Story: Your playing as Mike Valance who is a well renowned guitarist. You go backstage after your gig and your confronted by a guy named Adam who starts yelling about how Mike thinks he is the best guitarist and he wants to take Mike on one on one. After the competition, that guy is outraged and switches bodies and voices with Mike. Come to find out this guy Adam is wanted by the police for murder. So now you have to lay low since your in Adam's body. Luckily an angel comes to help you and your lucky pick. And so the story continues.
Music: Awesome music. This is by far to me the best music I have ever heard in a H0PA. You have rock and jazz both. Really the 50's era.
Graphics: Drop dead gorgeous! I stopped to look at the scenes before going on. Crisp and clear. In H0GS no problemo!
Mini games: A very nice variety of mini games. These mini games are all original and strictly for this game.
H0GS: I loved them. Very interactive and fun, and these are the first H0GS where you find yourself dancing in your seat while playing them.
Map: The jump map tells you everything you need to know.
Hint: No need to get lost with this hint button. Tells you what you want to know.
Hi Ljubica! Kudos to this team for an outstanding game! Thank you for bringing us this treat. I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
56of 81voted this as helpful.
Queen Aerin meets a strange guest from another place and agrees to help him to save his world
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
34 of 45 found this review helpful
It's an o.k. journey not incredible
PostedFebruary 28, 2017
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fromOne day living in Las Vegas, but I don't gamble. Waste of money.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
I love this series, but first I would like to say I completed the whole CE on another site, and it's NOT CE worthy. I didn't pay for this game, my pass covered it. After playing the whole game, and knowing what I know, I wouldn't even have bothered using a P.C.C. on it. I just played the game out of boredom after playing the first few levels. You have 40 levels on the main game, and 10 on the bonus chapter.
There is a strategy guide. To get to it, you have to go back to the main menu where you put your name, then go into extras and you see the guide there. That's how it was in the version I played. Totally inconvenient. I didn't know it was there till I finished the game.
I know on the introductory on Big Fish it states that each world is more fantastic than the last, not to me it wasn't. Actually, only the background changed a little.
For collectibles, there's an odd bottle of potion, and a little thief to pick up. You will see his eyes poking out of the ground or walls and that's when you click on him.
I never once said anything about the grammar and let that go with the understanding that English isn't the dev's native language, but in this game I had to read parts of it twice to understand what it was saying. Words were in sentences that didn't belong for example. Dev's, please, if you want to sell a CE, either get a grammar check program, or a beta tester who's fluent in English. On the main game there isn't no VO's, or at least in the version I played.
Story: On one level you are playing, Aerin sees a man flying out of a portal, and that's how she met Tillian. He is an alchemist. Aerin agrees to help Tillian get back to his homeland, but the portal keeps taking them to the wrong places. It's an o.k. journey, not incredible in my opinion.
Bonus Story: Aerin gets kidnapped and Tillian is on a mini journey to save her.
I truly loved the others, but this one fell very short for me. The bonus chapter in my opinion is not worth the extra 2 bucks.
I don't recommend this game.
34of 45voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
89 of 104 found this review helpful
Valeria to the rescue!
PostedJanuary 19, 2017
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fromOne day living in Las Vegas
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I think the game is fantastic. I'm having a lot of fun with it. The VO's are done very well. The Griffin is adorable and to me not annoying at all. He just sits there quietly, and the only time he speaks is when he can get something for you. I've been playing this game for 2 and a half hours and I still quite a ways to go. To me it isn't H0G heavy in the least. Collectives are glass shards, collectibles and morphs. I won't go into the story as you can pretty much get the synopsis on the game page.
Graphics: They are absolutely gorgeous. The animals are totally adorable. And I just like looking at the scenery.
Music: Fits the game just right. This time it doesn't get outright booming.
H0GS: There is a nice variety and I'm truly enjoying them. You're not bored with the same old same old. And the items are very easy to spot.
Mini Games: A nice variety here too. I love the super puzzles. The one challenging one to me was driving the airship. The others were just fun.
Map: The map tells where the player is and has the red exclamation when you have something to do there.
Hint: It as usual does great on the outside and you don't have to worry about getting stuck on the game.
All in all I highly recommend this game. You truly do go on a nice little adventure. Kudos to the team.
I recommend this game!
89of 104voted this as helpful.
What secrets are hidden in the legendary McCordan Library?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
63 of 79 found this review helpful
Mom told me books are our friends... not in this case!
PostedSeptember 8, 2016
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fromOne day Las Vegas
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
First, say hello to Mr. Jenkins. Give that cat a big hug. :) I love everything about this game. The story is awesome and different, no finding a relative. The voices are superb and yes the game is definitely on the spooky side.
Story: You get invited to Collin Englund's mansion to find the Tome of Truth. Upon arriving you meet a woman named Valerie Masters. To be honest, she seems like a flight risk waiting to happen. She tells us that Collin is waiting to greet him. After you're on your own to find the Tome. Once you find it, he turns his henchmen on you and tells you you're fired and now Collin can find the rest of the tomes and run the world! Right, our guy won't be letting that happen. Valerie thinks she can capture him all by herself. Yeah right. Well on with the story and the game.
Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous. I stopped and looked for a bit.
Music: Fits perfectly with the game.
Mini Games: They are fun and different. Not frustrating in the least. A very nice variety.
H0GS: A nice variety there too. FROGS and other type.
Map: Has a red exclamation point to tell you you have a task there and it's a jump map.
Hint: Works very well outside the H0GS.
All in all again, awesome game! Thank you devs, top notch job.
I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
63of 79voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
70 of 86 found this review helpful
On another case with our beloved cat Mr. Jenkins and sidekick Leia Gofford
PostedAugust 11, 2016
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fromOne day Las Vegas
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Meow Mr. Jenkins! Here is another game with our beloved cat and his partner in crime (even though she's a detective), Leia Gofford. This is by far my all time favorite series. The team Mr. Jenkins and Leia Gofford can't be beat. Mr. Jenkins is just as funny in this one. This cat should get a gold medal just for some of things Leia needs him to do. The story is really intriguing, and the game itself is really fun.
Story: The camera was originally designed by a man named Gerard Dewitt, and Leia and Morganna are invited to the museum by Edgar Munch to see the Lumina camera and find out why people disappear when their pictures are taken with the camera. What appears so far is that this red ghost named 'Z' has a lot to do with it. It appears he put some kind of hex on the camera. What I'm seeing so far is that Leia is sent to the negative world, and of course 'Z' is there and tells Leia that she won't be returning to the real world. And so the story goes.
Music: Beautiful music to accompany you while on your journey. I just love it.
Graphics: Beautiful graphics. Quite a few pastels. I just stop for a short bit to just look. Truly enjoyable.
Mini Games: There is a nice variety of mini games. All original and made strictly for this game. What I love about this team's mini games, is that they make you think, but doesn't get frustrating in the least. I haven't had the need to look at the strategy guide to be able to solve one. This team's mini games are just fun.
H0GS: There's a nice variety here too. Find each of two objects to get a list, silhouettes, along with some others. Truly enjoyable.
Map: Has the exclamation point symbol telling you there is something for you to do there. It is a jump map.
I will be getting back to the game. I highly recommend this game. Kudos to the team for a job superbly done.
I recommend this game!
70of 86voted this as helpful.
Take a journey through an isolated research facility in the Antarctic and discover the secrets of its past.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Brrr...Baby, it's cold outside!
PostedMay 18, 2016
Customer avatar
fromIn a cold place waiting for Summer to get here.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This is one awesome adventure game. As soon as I purchased it, it was back to the adventure. I love the main character and his sense of humor. Truly funny. But yet he has a serious side too which is just as good. Btw, if you go on that infamous search site, (the one with red, yellow, green and blue in the lettering), and put in the key words Walkthrough for Facility 47, go to the very first entry. It has the word wrapper in the site's name. The person's name is Inertiasoft and gave a fantastic walkthrough. Hints are great, but when it came to some of the mini games, a walkthrough is truly helpful. There is no map that I saw.
Story: Like it says on the game's page you wake up in a locked cell with only a letter from your sister Alice and a bottle of pills. It seems as someone wanted to do away with you but you don't know why. As you go exploring, you are really trying to find out what is happening in this facility in Antarctica. You will see things at times you don't want to see. But the main thing you want to do is to finally go home.
Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous! These hand drawn graphics are so life like. I stopped just to look around at them, and tried to look further, but my guy told me not yet lol.
Hint: There is a hint on the left side of the screen. It's a question mark. It tells tid bits of what to do. I don't know about solving puzzles which I doubt, so that is why I refer to a WT.
Music: Nice score. Fits great with the game. Not obtrusive in the least.
Mini games: They are integrated somehow with the game. It's not like a H0G where you know they're coming. You just zoom into a place and you realize, "Oh a puzzle". So far there was a pipe puzzle, jigsaw (put the map back to gether), a game on a computer where you have to fill int he whole grid to get the magnifying glass back to a document, a crane game where you have to pull the ice block out of an ice pool, and a gear puzzle. Those are the ones I can think of right now.
All in all I'm so glad I bought this game. Kudos to the team for a job extremely well done.
I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
4of 5voted this as helpful.
Pirate Chronicles is a time-management game for brave adventure lovers.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
33 of 42 found this review helpful
Leave this one with Davey Jones's locker...
PostedMay 14, 2016
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fromTwo years from now Las Vegas! Still too long...
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
I as a rule love this team's games, as they make gorgeous 5+ star H0GS, but this one is not a H0G, it's a TM/Strategy game like Royal Envoy (which I also love that genre) but the way this one was done, definitely a no go. I couldn't even finish the survey version and I won't be spending a PCC on it neither. Please guys, stick to H0GS :) Here is a list of my pros and cons:
1. Cute characters
2. Yes there is a relaxed and timed mode. There is a 'con' to this.
1. Could not cue future tasks. You had to wait till the guy got back to the hut to give him another task, even if he wasn't carrying anything.
2. Yes there is a relaxed mode. But it still has the timer running, but if the timer runs out, you can still keep playing. I think they should of done away with the timer all together. I still felt like I was running against it. That to me isn't relaxed. Also when the timer got near the end, you would hear 'tick tick tick tick' until the bar disappeared. I felt like I was waiting to watch 60 minutes or a bomb to go off. Drove me nuts!
3. The guys ran like they had lead in their pants. And as big as some of those areas were, and what you had to do, nada. And by level 7 there still wasn't no speed boosters. Only bossters were to make the boat go faster or the hourglass to freeze time. And if you didn't get to them in time, they disappeared. And one of the power ups you picked before the start of the level.
4. The Achievements. They were geared more toward the timed players. For example, one of the achievements were "Complete 25 levels with 3 skulls". They should of had the achievements made for both relaxed and non relaxed players so both could get all.
5. The Pointer. That thing was awful to try to mark what you wanted to do. It was a big skull and crossbones, (though the crossbones looked like crossed swords), and it was a crescent shape on the big side which made it hard to pinpoint where to put the cursor.
6. Swords. On a couple of the levels one of the tasks was to find swords. Some of the swords were hidden behind trees which made it hard to see along with the treasures you had to get.
7. Resource Huts. Stone huts, sawmills, etc... to me it was faster chopping your own wood and stone and taking the boat out to catch the fish then waiting on them. One example was the sawmill guy. It was like, look dude, instead of yelling 'timber', would you mind sawing wood, geesh!
Sorry to the devs. This game did have potentia. I will definitely bite on the next H0G though.
I don't recommend this game.
I don't recommend this game.
33of 42voted this as helpful.
The fate of mankind hangs in the balance as a buccaneer strikes out to destroy an ancient evil intent on wiping out humanity.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
64 of 78 found this review helpful
Beware of the Black Smoke
PostedApril 20, 2016
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fromTwo years from now Las Vegas! Still too long...
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
As you probably might know this game is from Big Ala. I am truly enjoying this game. It rocks! There is no VO's, but if you miss something that was said in conversation in the cutscenes it's written in the journal. The story is really decent. No looking for a lost family member here. You have four different magics that will be at your disposal. Early on in your journey you meet and Ice Spirit (who looks like the little doll we had in their other game), but he says they made me look this way. The Ice spirit just lends you his magic, he is not with you persay. There is no map, but the hint button is awesome. It tells you where you need to go exactly. I know on the screen shots you do see a little pirate doll on the hint button, but I don't know what he is yet cause I haven't gotten that far. You do a lot of exploring. To me it seems more so that playing H0GS or mini games. I love it.
Story: You play as a pirate captain named Elizabeth and you're called upon by your good friend Ethan to help him look for his son Adam. In a letter Adam wrote to his father that he doesn't want his father to come looking for him because of some evil black smoke. Somehow Ethan thinks his son is responsible for causing this smoke but as you go on with the story you found this isn't the case. While you're exploring the ship you come across the black smoke and it's scary and destructive. It wiped out the whole crew in a matter of minutes. You come across a little Ice Spirit who is willing to help you as long as you help him to find the Knowledge Keeper which is another 'doll'. So between the two of you set out on a pretty decent adventure to set things right with the world once again.
Mini games: The two I came across so far was match the symbols and put a snake back together. The mini games look like my type, nice and fun for once. Not this 100 steps to get a puzzle together where you most likely use the strat guide for help.
Music: This team has one of the best musics no matter what their game is. They know how to get the perfect music to match the game.
Graphics: Beautifully done. Crisp and clear. Great job on this.
Hint System: Awesome. Tells exactly where or what needs to be done. You don't need a guide for this game.
H0GS: So far I only ran into list words with red words as an extra step. I have only ran into 3 H0GS in a hour and a half play time. Also you can click on the list and the list drops down in case you need to see below it. I like that feature.
All in all kudos to the team for an awesome game. I am truly enjoying it and looking forwar to see what happens. I highly recommend this game!
I recommend this game!
64of 78voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
7 of 13 found this review helpful
I will avenge you my brother...
PostedMarch 19, 2016
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fromHopefully one day in nice warm weather!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This is based on the beta game. I would definitely give this game more than 5 stars. This one is awesome! The VO's in this game are superb. The game is just downright fun and keeps you really engrossed into it. The collectibles I ran into in the demo was diamonds and morphs in the hidden object scenes. With the diamonds, the team made them really easy to spot which I liked. As as rule though, I'm not one for collectibles. There wasn't no special gadget in the demo I played.
Story: You play as a professional trumpet player (a male character). You haven't seen your brother in some number of years but after that your brother Ernesto calls and invites you to play at his club in Havana, Cuba. He says with your talent the club could make a mint. You arrive at the port and your brother is there. You tell your brother you just need to grab your trumpet and you're good to go. Then it cuts to a scene with a sailor sitting with his girlfriend and a mysterious man in the back starts to play his voodoo guitar. The guitar music makes the sailors eyes turn blue and it hypnotizes him. I'm not giving the next part away, but you find yourself in the police in the police cruiser trying to explain the events. The cops don't believe you until it happens to one of them. You will see the rest.
Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous. The scenery and the people seem real. Awesome job on them.
Music: They had some of the best music in a game I heard in a while. I especially loved the music in the H0GS. Very peppy.
Mini Games: One was in a H0G scene where you had to play the right notes on a piano. One was you had to challenge the fruitstand man in trumpet playing. I won that mini game, but if your not sure what to do, on the last level it can get quite frustrating. You have 5 or 6 colored bubbles under the strings where the notes come down. And you have to press the right bubbles at the right time when the notes are over the holes at the end. Many a time you will have two notes over their holes at the same time. The colored bubbles operate different peddles of the trumpet. Another was you had to interchange puzzle pieces to come up with two pictures. The next was a small slider puzzle. Another was connect one shape with its partner on the grid.
H0GS: First one was put an item back in the scene to get another object. The others were lists with extra step words.
Map: Blue exclamation point-something to do here. Blue round circle-you are here. And it's a jump map.
Hint button: This one works really well. Tells you where to go, or what spot you need to go to in the scene. It shows you which item to use with what. Very helpful.
Again, kudos to this team for a superb game. I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
7of 13voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
61 of 94 found this review helpful
Jack's in trouble...we need to find him...
PostedMarch 17, 2016
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fromHopefully one day in nice warm weather!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This is one of my fave series where you on an investigation with the wonderful reporter Emma Roberts. The voices are awesome, the story is engaging, and I really got caught up with the game. You got collectibles and morphs to find. There isn't no animal helpers (which I do love), nor any special gadgets. The cutscenes are superb and the actor look live. I would recommend at least giving this game a try.
Story: Emma's boss calls her in to send her to the house in Black River. Jack was originally sent there to found out what's going on with the house, but never returned. So he calls on Emma to find out what happened to Jack and also to see what's up with that house. Alex's wife died of grief due to the loss of their daughter Sonia, and Alex became a recluse in his own home because of the loss of both of them. When Emma gets there, she asks the maid if she could talk to Alex. She asks Alex if she could stay the night and Alex asks her if she could show her iD. He makes the comment "Only a day difference". She keeps seeing Jack but can't quite get to him. She finds a note by him that said "Alex said same day, what a coincidence". Emma finds another note saying "Dark Souls can only possess humans who share the same birthday'. Poor Jack. And onto finding him.
Graphics: They';re gorgeous and every thing is lifelike. The people do look like live actors.
Music: Nicely fitted with the game. Not overbearing in the least.
H0GS: So far I found: Lists with extra step words and put the gems into the lens and then find the ghosts, then find the words on the list.
Mini Games: Join the halves of the picture by sliding silver blocks out of the way so you can join the halves. Another was connect the tile to its mate by lines and you can't cross the lines. Another is restore the picture by putting all the objects back where they belong in the picture.
Map: Has 3 sections to it. Look on the side of the and you'll see 3 tabs (I,II,&III). Be sure to look at those tabs cause if they have a red exclamation point on one of them, means you have something to do in that area. On the map itself, a green circle means your current location, and a red circle with a red exclamation point means you can do something there.
Hint Button: I don't use it in H0GS because I like to go for the achievements. But outside the H0G it works great and tells you what you need to do.
I am truly looking forward to the rest of this story. Kudos to the team. I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
61of 94voted this as helpful.
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