You're on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond's shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you've got to find the shards before they do...X
You might start this game inside a stuffy museum but don't worry: soon, you're dropped into a number of exotic, sumptuously drawn landscapes that are so beautiful, I replayed the game just to see them once again!
Aside from the scenery, this story is a classic, classy cinematic act: all the baddies are well-developed and quirky, as are the good guys, and there are authentic little people to interact with, too. The dialogue and voice acting are top notch.
My one and only complaint with this - and the only reason why I didn't give it a five star review - is that it's too short. I took my time to admire all the scenery, played on the hardest setting and only skipped the toughest puzzles, yet it was still just under 3 hours to complete. Dear developers: please stop being such a tease! When you create something this gorgeous PLEASE give us more time to enjoy it!!
I cannot wait for the next - and hopefully much longer - installment in the HE series.
I loved Orb of Purity and leapt at the chance to pick this installment up on sale. Unfortunately, it is like watching a sequel to a classic film: it has many of the winning elements but it's just obvious that this was made to profit off the reputation of the series as a whole.
The visuals were good, yet nowhere near as sharp as they were in OoP.
The storyline started off strong but fell apart just after the middle point. I mean, there was almost literally *no* story line to follow after that point - no new developments, twists. I'm still not sure what the living mountain had to do with anything, in fact.
So by the end I was totally confused as to why my character was still moving forward or what her goal was, since the plot had gotten so thin. I felt like I was completing a series of disjointed actions. When the conclusion came, I just sort of went, "Huh??"
This game should probably be on sale all of the time, to be honest, because I can't imagine being pleased with it if I'd paid the full price. Sorry... these are great developers and all, but they dropped the ball with this one.
Initially I liked the story line of this game: finding a lost fiancee in a holiday resort town. The scenery was appropriate, a mix of magical and creepy.
Unfortunately, there were far too few twists and almost all the clues come from reading notes, which is deeply uninteractive and therefore just... boring. For such a long game, it's surprising the creators didn't make more effort to keep the player engaged.
Putting the clues together was challenging but not frustrating, with a lot of exploration back and forth. Again this would normally have me interested, but the absence of a storyline to keep me going between clues was a real killer. It took me weeks to finish this because I kept getting bored with it.
I downloaded the trial of this game and thought, 'oh my god, not another Chucky doll horror rip off'. I prepared myself to be disappointed in the game makers for the first time since I discovered AM. But I was wrong! By the end of the trial I was hooked... as I have been with the last 3 games I got from AM. As usual they have snagged an overly familiar horror theme and brought it to life within a hidden object adventure, which really takes some doing. How? By bringing in original and lifelike characters, and creating weird, one of a kind settings that keep you guessing and detecting all the way through to the end. I love the fact that you always get a sense of being lost in an AM game! And this one is no different, as the scenes change around you throughout the game.
The puzzles are frustratingly hard though, and a few of them have made me ask myself if there is any pattern to winning or not. A lot of guesswork on my part, but maybe I'm just not patient enough to pick up clues to the strategy...? I reckon AM should include a few more instructions in their next game.
But, after playing 3 AM games now, I believe that the puzzles aren't even the main attraction - the stories are. I can't put into words why they seem so much more realistic to me than any other HOG's I've played but take it from someone who's tried a bit of everything: these guys are the best. And the art and music are always top, even though in this game, it was all a little bit too 'carnivalesque' for me.
I'm still playing the game so I can't say how long it will take (the shortest game I've played from AM was about 5 hours though). But I am pretty determined once I get started - more casual players should take longer.
Buy this if you've always been a fan of doll-based psychological horror flicks and wanted to play the hero(ine) in the film for a change. That's what AM does so incredibly well, and this is yet another success for them. It's especially fun to have the man playing the sidekick, as is the case in many of these games. All of the characters are real 'characters' and they're funny... and so is the asylum, come to think of it, even though it's creepy at the same time. Like one reviewer said, you wouldn't go there to get better!
I gave 4 stars for the storyline and visuals out of my own personal bias. The Enigmatis games are way more my style. But I'm still hooked, and that's what matters, right?