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Save your cousin and his new bride from a horrible beast!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
PostedApril 11, 2018
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I'm gonna chime in with all the other reviewers who gave this game a high rating & recommendation. It has everything I expect in such a game: tasks that relate to the game, including HO scenes; beautiful and original graphics (especially the skylines, wow! Very realistic & haunting); a bit of a unique quirk in the style and the story; multiple locations, so you're not just running around a castle or forest the whole time; and a reasonable amount of whodunnit suspense.
The only downside, which is kind of minor, is that the devs clearly cheaped out in a couple of places. The voiceover in one character was very tinny and awful quality. The screen cannot be changed from full to windowed without restarting the game. These kinds of details I'd expect to find ironed out in 2018 but I don't hold it against them as they don't significantly dent my enjoyment of the game.
Well done!
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Can you stop the townspeople from paying for a dark past?
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 5 found this review helpful
Far too short
PostedApril 8, 2018
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
I guess I'm gonna buck the trend and say that I was disappointed with this game, not for the storyline or game play, which were kept switched-up and interesting throughout, but for the shockingly short game length. I've never had to complain about a single game's length in all the time I've been reviewing, but after teasing us with such a variety of characters, scenes and themes, the developpers cut the game off so abruptly that it felt kind of merciless. This game took exactly half as long as any other I've played, using the same settings. And sure, many games out there ARE over-long, but I think that justifies cutting 45 minutes off at most... not 2 hours or more!
But as many reviewers seem satisfied with the quality rather than the quantity, I suspect it won't be an issue for everyone. If you like a good 4-5 hours long game though, you may wanna keep searching elsewhere.
3of 5voted this as helpful.
When a Myth Seekers agent goes missing, you're called in to discover the truth in this hidden object adventure!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
7 of 10 found this review helpful
Pretty but a little bit dim
PostedMarch 1, 2018
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Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
4 / 5
This is a lovingly illustrated game with the artistry I've come to expect from Artifex Mundi. Unfortunately it's so low on challenge (vis-a-vis the hidden object scenes and other tasks) that I'm almost falling asleep in the midst of all the amazing scenery. The devs should have included more storyline, more original tasks (or just fewer pointlessly easy tasks), since it's so far bringing the game down. Also, the speech boxes at the top are too massive, they obscure what's going on in the game and sort of ruin the immersive scenery.
If this dev can bring the storyline and challenge level up to the same level of creativity that was put into the visuals, the next game will be a winner. This one just misses it by a hair's breadth.
I recommend this game!
7of 10voted this as helpful.
When the clock strikes, London shall burn!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 5 found this review helpful
Fun Game
PostedJanuary 31, 2018
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Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
I have to say this is the most fun and engaging game I've played in a while. Great work devs, keep it up. I just have one question: why do they keep calling it Big Clock instead of Big Ben...?! Is there some sort of copyright issue involving the Parliamentary clocktower that I've never heard of, or did they change the name to try and make this game easier for non-brits to understand? Am seriously mystified by that, but the rest of what they have done here is very good. Keep it up.
4of 5voted this as helpful.
Can you save yourself and your daughter in time?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Confusing Absurdity with Creativity
PostedJanuary 16, 2018
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Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
This game looks great and has a decent storyline, but the execution is very sloppy. It seems that the devs have confused being creative with being downright absurd and illogical, especially in the parts of the game that take place in the characters' nightmares. By now, I've gotten used to the idea that any game that has a "dream" aspect to it will have a lot of broken paths and staircases leading into clouds, inhabited by ridiculous creatures like a dog with spring-ears, but in a game that's already so low on logic, having this sort of nonsense thrown in, on the premise that "it's just a dream", is a bridge too far. I wound up hinting and skipping my way through the dream sequences because I was so bored and couldn't be bothered to follow the lack of logic. And the silliness doesn't end there: even when our protagonist is in the real world, she makes absurd deductions: for instance, when faced with an enemy, she decides to "short circuit" the villain by spraying water on it, but then uses a nearby stick of dynamite to open a window, thereby wasting an even better weapon! (On top of that, the dynamite lit itself, which was quite unusual).
I feel like Elephant was half-asleep when they made this game, because it makes no sense to me except when I'm having a bad bout of insomnia. Also, they should have brought in an English native speaker to help them, because the written parts of the game are atrocious; the instructions for the minigames are often incomprehensible, which is yet another reason why I skipped them all. Elephant's minigames are frankly tedious - why don't the devs just scrap them all and replace them with hidden object scenes? Those, at least, are a well done aspect of this game.
I hope their next game is better, because this game represents a serious drop in quality and value.
I don't recommend this game.
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Your new dream home has become a deadly nightmare!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Never Buying without Trying Again (the house, I mean)
PostedDecember 14, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
2 / 5
Let this be a lesson to all of you who are thinking of buying a dilapidated house for your family without even glancing inside of it, first: it's Not A Good Idea.
I mean, who knows what this family would have thought about their new home if they'd had a chance to see the corpses, ghosts, skulls, weird statues wrapped in wires, creepy messages written in blood on the walls, etc., before they'd moved in. There's also a poltergeist living in the kids' filth encrusted bedroom that the retail agent probably should have warned them about. Can't trust anyone these days, lol.
The 'family moves into a house they signed up for sight unseen' premise is mega unrealistic.... and if I have to rescue another kid, I'll scream... but this game is original in its design and in the way it plays out, and it has excellent visuals. Worth a play if you want a silly but still kinda scary way to spend a rainy night. Just don't expect much logic!
The disturbing content is somewhat disturbing, not worth a warning imho. But having seen what upsets some of the reviewers on this site, I'd recommend giving it a pass if you're a 'pastel colours and cute helpers' kind of gamer.
Have fun!
I recommend this game!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Can you uncover the secrets hidden in the Alexander Valentine Hotel?
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
14 of 14 found this review helpful
Getting repetitive, but still creepy fun
PostedNovember 4, 2017
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
3 / 5
You're sent to rescue a paranormal investigation team from a (you guessed it!) Haunted Hotel. Cue creepy old house exploration with disturbing sound effects and spooky sights.
The Haunted hotel series has had me hooked since the X because it specializes in the haunted house genre and as such, does it fantastically well. This game was no different, but after playing several of these I've noticed some weaknesses that really need to be dealt with, or else the series will fall flat fairly soon.
The good:
*Scenery is mega creepy
*Soundtrack is dark and makes my flesh creep. Yay!
*Gameplay is flawless most of the time (there was one game where I had to use objects in a purse to find other objects, and this froze up and had to be skipped. This is rare in the HH series though).
*Games are long
*Atmospheric HO scenes with a good mix of easy and hard things to find. You enjoy exploring these.
The bad:
*There hasn't been a strong storyline in the rest of the series apart from Eternity and X. Even the X petered out at the end.
*The minigames are lame, repetitive, utterly unoriginal. I skipped them all. Elephant really needs to create a new feature to replace these stale games with, or else give them an overhaul to make them exciting again.
*Arriving at the hotel and getting in: these sequences have become so familiar that they almost put me off
*Tooooo many loooocks! Locks inside of locks are a cop-out and we all know it. Think up something else, Elephant! Even replacing these secondary locks with more of the excellent HO scenes would be a better use of energy.
All in all, it's a low 4-star game: a decent way to spend a creepy afternoon but it could be up way with the 5 star games, if Elephant made just a few tweaks.
I recommend this game!
14of 14voted this as helpful.
Can you save your young nephew from an unimaginable fate?
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 6 found this review helpful
Fluffy but still fun
PostedSeptember 2, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
As other reviewers have said, this isn't the smartest game, or the most challenging, and there are endless amounts of 'special' locks to be opened before anything actually happens. But, despite all that, I'm really enjoying it. Maybe it's the artwork, which is unique, clear and dreamy enough to make exploring this haunted mansion an enjoyable experience.
If you like Elephant games by default then there's a fair chance you'll have fun with this, regardless of whether it tackles your grey cells. Try it!
I recommend this game!
5of 6voted this as helpful.
Become the hero of your own chapter in Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
5 of 10 found this review helpful
Appropriate for the very, very young
PostedAugust 8, 2017
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Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
I can't grasp what's so appealing about this game. Based on the demo alone I can say that the game's main draw is its admittedly great animation, but even that seems to be aimed squarely at girls under the age of 10.
The plotline involving a 'tiny' hero who's trying to get money to bail his mom out on tax evasion charges (or something) drags. The tax repayment theme seems like an attempt to make a fairy tale game more relevant to a more mature audience, yet it just comes across as dull, against the fantastical background.
This is the 2nd Brave Giant game that I've tried recently and the main drawbacks have been the same in both games: while it's smooth-running and has a pleasant visual aesthetic, this game is predictable to the point of making me tune out and wander off. The music, especially, was hypnotic... and not in a pleasant way. (A tip to the devs: if you don't have resources to create a well-varied soundtrack, please give us the option to turn it off, or just save that tune for key moments in the game. Half an hour in, I already wanted to turn the sound off).
Clearly, a lot of effort went into some aspects of this game but that same effort really needs to be extended to other aspects of the games, such as pacing, music, plot twists and character. There was a bit of humour in the demo and that was a nice touch, but apart from that there wasn't a lot to appeal to the adult in me.
I don't recommend this game.
5of 10voted this as helpful.
Follow Emily on her quest to trace the mysterious woman, elude death and ultimatly catch the killer in Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Solid 3.5 stars
PostedAugust 8, 2017
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Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
3 / 5
I bought this game due to the high ratings and the promising first hour of the demo. The graphics are decent, the detective story premise is original in its own way and critically, all the mechanics ran smoothly. These qualities have stuck it out right through to the bitter end, which is why I'm giving is a 'solid' 3.5 stars. The reason why it loses 1.5 stars is just that the gameplay is wholly unoriginal. I also found the storyline, despite its promising beginning, to be quite dull, devoid of twists and predictable. I could guess what was going to happen from the second I got a new 'clue' which took all the detective-work fun out of it for me, I'm afraid.
New gamers will undoubtedly enjoy this, since it does such a good job of delivering the tried-and-tested mechanics, hidden object scenes and minigames. For anyone who has played more than about 15 HOGs in the past 2 years however, this game is not original enough and is therefore a bit of a drag - despite its finer qualities.
In summary, this is a smooth but somewhat lifeless mystery adventure that will mainly only appeal to beginners.
3of 4voted this as helpful.
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