I have loved all the prior Christmas Story computer games to pieces however try as I might this is a disconnected game. Too much bouncing back and forth to accomplish a task. I don't mind mixing fairy tales like I mix my metaphors but nothing flows well in this years Story. I want to like it because for me anything Christmas but I think they have new writers etc because no one knows about the magic in any Christmas Story. They whoever they are needs to look to the old Christmas stories like The Little Match Girl or Krampus or“Die Elfen und der Schuster” (The Elves and the Shoemaker), They need to look to the German stories. Now I do have to say that this is more geared to the younger children however my 7 year old granddaughter loves to play Christmas Stories A Christmas Carol Collector's Edition. So I won't buy until it is 6.99 and if it's never I won't buy. I just want to have the whole Collection. I am grateful they tried.
My review is for another reason than some reviews. This game for the MAC can be quite annoying. The game freezes several times on each level. Then I have to force quit and restart and that is aggravating to say the least. This is on every level so far. I do like the game but this is really getting old. I suggest BIG TIME that the bug fixes will be soon in coming. What a pity.....
This was/is a lot of fun for me. It is harder than the first one though I like relaxing fun too. I also liked the textures like pieces of cloth and the puffy stuffed plastic pieces in the first one better but that doesn't detract from the fun factor of putting the pieces together. I always like casual (that's just me) and it would be nice to see easy medium and hard levels but that may be too difficult to put together. I like how the pieces cast shadows too. I hope there is another in the works. Also these kinds of games don't need storylines just lots of different images to put together. Thank you creators of Mosaics Galore...
Well I found this game very tedious. I liked playing match 3 instead of the HOP because the choices were so tiny that it was tedious to find. This is an older game and should not be sold for collector price anymore. At the end the Epilogue remained locked even though the game was completed through the epilogue. I wouldn't recommend because it was not worth the price.
I usually love Eipix but something is lacking. I'm not one for really difficult puzzles but even I thought some were to easy. Also thought graphics are pretty good though I frequently had a talking head without the head. I also really mean that it was too short and less intriguing like many of there other games. I can't say to buy or not to buy but if it's really discounted it could be worth it I guess. I do love their credits though(always) this time all the pics of the creators as kids and then adults were great; and the little comments too. I love how you can play the puzzles again and would love to be able to qualify for all the trophies somehow after the game is ended. The extra game was about 5 seconds though. I think they could do a really fine job on a Gabriel Knight type story about vampires and a "Schattenjager" story or 3 or 4. mainly cause I still miss Gabriel. Hope the next on is better.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Sorry but I need help sometimes and their strategy guide stinks; Also I have collector's edition and need help a bit with the problem's but they say sorry. And I don't like to have to watch the whole credit if I don't want and you have to.
This is a game that anyone can play because of the different levels of difficulty. I for one like casual and all the help I can get even to skipping. I think the people at EIPIX are fantastic at what they do and am looking forward to more. For me the level of violence is on the edge with shooting people but then that's just me and you don't see any gory stuff. Kudos to you guys you are good. Nanasim