The game is well put together in a sense that there is not too much of the obvious stuff that is rampant in other games. The story is not original, we have seen it many times, bad witch in the forest, using a maiden's love for her betrothed to gain power and use it against a town. Boring over used subject=somewhat boring game. Game play is a bit more original, but I found it a bit schizophrenic. Several times I had to go to the guide to figure out what it wants, only to find that I was missing an object that I had clicked on repeatedly in a scene I had gone into several times and found nothing (I am not a novice--I am not sure if this is a glitch or over sensitivity of the pointer). Same happened in the the HOPs. And these hops are hateful; tiny or dark objects, ended up just clicking blindly. Even though there is a match 3 to do instead, and even though I usually enjoy them, the match 3 is not the least bit fun. But what I actively disliked was the amulet and the necessity to search for rune-type symbols, overused in many games. It is a well drawn game, the colors are good and sound is excellent, but it is a fussy game that irritated me at every turn. The game itself is better than most of the Whispered Secrets games, and in the past I have really disliked them, never replayed a single one. I would give this game 4 stars if the items were not so small and dark (especially on the item storage at the bottom of the screen, I needed a magnifying glass to make out some of them). It is no where near 5 stars, just on the glitchy play alone.
If you like a fussy, somewhat dark game, the repetitive story, lots of extra objects to find (envelopes and puzzle pieces), animal characters, and a fair bit of tediousness (hey, lots of people do...) this game is for you. I do recommend it as long as you know that is the type of game it is!
While I understand those who gave lower grades for this game, the game itself is very well done. It is well drawn, there are many collection items (100), the story makes sense, its a sort of Jumanji-like concept of getting caught in a game world. While I could only manage to play for 30 minutes before I got tired of it, it is still a well made game without the usual over used items found in other games. It is quite easy, straight forward play that will appeal to younger people, or those who do not want to really have to think as they play. I think it is better made than the last game in this series, and despite the fact that this game is not for me, I can see the attraction for others. There were no Hops in the 35 minutes that I played, but I didn't really notice till after, and the puzzles are familiar but not overly difficult. I do recommend this game, as long as players understand that it probably isn't for experienced players looking for a challenge. It is much better made than the vast majority of games released this year.
So, you are a character who is investigating the source of fires in a magic city, and the demo has you investigating a fire drake and its owner at a circus. Overall this game is much like every other Domini game before it. Bright colors, pretty, but at the same time overdrawn so that HOP scenes are not fun to do (I opt for the match 3 cuz I find the Hops that annoying). The games are all pretty much repeats, which isn't awful in itself, I just do not like the ones that are guess based. That is not a puzzle, it's solving by trial (for example, a maze where you only see a small area, is trial and error). The morphing objects are very easy, and so are the coins that you accumulate to buy set stuff. Overall, it is just boring. New to the mix is the giant X in the HOPs when you pick wrong ( I know when I pick wrong cuz nothing happens) and it makes a noise, which adds to the annoyance. Tasks are performed but you do not know why until a few scenes later. There is a discontinuity, like you do a Hop in a garden setting to earn a lever for a elevator cart. Nothing really makes sense when you do it, and therefore there is little anticipation. Most of the demo was just "make work" type gaming, leading to nothing really (picking locks to open bags, mirrors to see locks, magnets to get keys, cork to block steam etc...). My favorite line from another character was "I really do not want to cause you harm", after I was shot, drugged and caged by the same character in previous scenes. Or, you and another are drugged, you wake up, but the other requires a revival formula that is in a medical box conveniently with instructions in the street a few feet away. I like fantasy, but there is really nothing magical about this game. More often tedious than fun, it is about a 2.5 for me, but my guess is, those who like Domini games will like it more, because it plays like all their others. And as an aside, I have never been able to get voices to work in my Domini games on either my lap top or desk computers. All other game sounds work just fine, just the voice is barely audible...
Like other reviewers have suggested, you have to take this game kinda like a stand alone, or a new series. We have already seen these young characters in a previous game (fatal lesson I believe) so they are not "new". Truth be told I really do not like cutesy "helpers" in the game, I prefer real dogs, so I do not miss Elf, am actually relieved that I do not have to look at a cartoon dog's sad face when I decide not to use it in the game lol. This isn't a horrible game, but it feels like old games from 2013-14, when you saw bare scenes that feel empty and static when you play them now. There are comparably almost no collectibles, game play is bare bones, HOPs are simplistic. Its not awful, just not at the level as some others that we have enjoyed and would like more of pretty please! Its most certainly not CE worthy. There are scads of games better than this (almost everything by Mad Head, pick one), so play the demo and decide for yourself. I am not buying unless its free. I do think people are becoming a little overly picky (man bun, you know who you are, its just a pony tail relax), and we have been spoiled by devs that actually put out a decent product, so just vote with your cash--if we don't buy it, maybe they will get the picture.
This game plays pretty much like the last few in this series. Still uses the same silly stuff (glass shard to cut, lock picks, clock hands etc). What was annoying was the first scene in the hospital, where you have someone who just had a heart transplant being served a hunk of butter for some reason, with no monitoring or IVs,(they literally crack open your whole chest to replace your heart--I promise you, you are not dancing around the room directly after--at least give her pain drugs!!) and a locked box that has the key for another locked medical box that has nothing medical in it. I get the whole suspended disbelief thing, but this was just dumb. The game itself is not awful. The storyline made me want to play more, I finished the demo without too much further irritation, wanted to know what happens next despite the occasionally inane gameplay. The puzzles are not hard just time consuming, it's just that the details in some of them are so small I needed a magnifying glass to figure it out. I skipped half of them. The whole game is colored dark, so seeing details is a chore sometimes. It is supposed to be moody, but comes off depressing. Despite all my crabbing, I didn't mind the game, probably will buy if there is a good sale, 2 for 1.
While this game has all the same old gameplay and basically all the same tools and tricks, it is not a horrible game, especially in comparison to the last few from Domini. I actually finished the demo, but I was impatient with the game play, same old stupid repetitive stuff, drugged drinks, rings on statues, fishing for and feeding the cat for it to retrieve something. It felt like I kept having to find the same stuff for each character. I do not care about all the anachronistic stuff, like wristwatches not belonging to the time period etc, this is a fantasy game with witches and headless horsemen that do not exist, so who cares, but I do care that that there is no original gameplay. Nothing new, and the old stuff is done in a boring, tedious way that saps all the fun out of it. It gets a 3 for being marginally better than many, but I won't buy this. It will just encourage them to make more of the same.
This is a tiresome game, senseless in places, just weird in others. I had no idea why, in the first couple of screens, I had to "fish for a dangerous fish". Little did I know I had to use the dangerous fish's mouth to chomp off a hunk of silk fabric hanging off a tree with large eggs on it. For some reason you have to unlock a door to get to a beach even though you are outside. And it did not get any better after that. The game play makes no real sense and there is no cohesion or point to a number of actions you have to take (statue of a lion, replace the paw, and it comes to life, jumps away, and leaves you a pile of worms to go fish with!?). While the graphics are okay, they are a bit simple in places, and do not do much to clear up the gameplay. The HOPs do not have much to do with the story, and I found them tedious as they were a little junk pile-ish. It is all a bit hallucinatory, and not in a fun way. This isn't a fantasy game, or even a game for children folks, this is nonsense trying to pass itself off as fantasy. I suggest the new owners of MadHead go back and look at some of the better games like the Maze series, and remind yourselves what decent games are. I have most of the games in this Nevertales series, and this one is the worst, which is saying a lot, as the last few have not exactly been wonderful. Save your money for something better...
Yet another sad entry from Domini games. First few scenes: scraping moss, diamond ring to cut glass, magnet to open a slide of metal, siphoning gas to fill a chain saw to get rid of a tree that we could have gone over etc...but I drew the line after I had to find a working lighter in a pile of ashes in a fireplace(?!) and feeding a "hungry" pet rabbit a carrot when it's dish was full of seeds and veggies. These things make me feel like this dev thinks we are stupid. The puzzles were not puzzling, just bad rehashes. It's the same games over and over, including the camera given to us from spiritualists, but we had to find the lens at the sea shore. The objects hidden in each scene are very easy to find, the collectible coins (which I detest by the way, as you cannot customize what you are able to "buy") are in open view. Nothing requires effort or thought. I could not do more than 15 minutes this time. Save your money, play games you already own and are way better than this...
While this is not the best game I ever played, it is a vast improvement over quite a number of the new releases in past months--Mad Head is still releasing better games than other devs, period. It plays well, and because it has a bit of a different story, it feels a bit more fresh. The last few "Wanderlust" games in this series have been ok, and so is this, but I think I like this one the best out of the series so far. Yes, we have a few other games with plane crashes, and combing islands for missing people, but it is still a fun enough game to get a 4. The morphs and triangles are hard enough to find without giving me a head ache, and the HOPs are fun so far, and fit with game play. The puzzles are a bit short on instruction, but I tackled them without rolling my eyes and hitting the pass key. How I rate games? 2 for just releasing a new game, a 3 if I make it thru the demo, a 4 if I actually enjoyed the demo and will buy, 5 if It's a game I will replay more than once. We own hundreds of games, so themes are gonna repeat, but this dev still manages to release good solid games worth owning. Yay!
This game throws gameplay back to 2012 when I first started playing HOP games. Nonsense items to find that have nothing to do with the game, just filler. Muddy dark Hops that you need a magnifying glass and a manual to figure what matches what. First scene was so boring, nothing to intrigue in the least. No real point, no real ties to the original story, banal boring gameplay that makes me wonder why they went to the effort. Tedious, should not be a CE, sorry about it...