I don't write reviews often but this is a stupendous game! Great and unusual storyline and interesting characters that makes one keep playing to find out what happens next; beautiful and lush graphics; fun fun fun and very creative HOPs and puzzles; and fabulous setting in India! This has soared to the top of the list for me in gameplay! Morphings are not necessarily hard to spot, but you have to catch them at the right moment when you go back to a scene. I downgraded the game a little for the music which, though pretty, is rather repetitive, but I will really enjoy replaying this game and look forward to more from Tutti Frutti.
You'll see that my other recent favorite, Persian Nights, also has a strong storyline and exotic and well-realized setting. Let's have more good stories and fewer scary-eyed demons!
I don't write reviews often, but had to for this game, which is the strongest one I've seen in a while. Ignore the crayon-y graphics in the opening scene--it improves very rapidly. Great graphics, music, HOPs, voice-overs--and story! Wow, a story that almost makes sense! And, guess what? No bat-winged, scarlet-eyed, soul-sucking demon dudes! How refreshing!
Because I have a very good visual memory, I can't replay a game until 2-3 years have passed--yet with this game I almost wanted to start over again as soon as I had finished it. I look forward to future installments in this series.
This is one of the very best games that I've played--and I've played many! For once, the story line actually makes sense (once you accept dwarves, titans, etc.)--that is, from beginning to end there is an actual story and it all hangs together. And the ending is actually quite touching!
In addition to great graphics and music, the games are fun and a good level of challenge. One of the things that I liked the best was that the HOPs were integrated into the story and they were not just piles of random Victorian junk but part of where you are: that is, if you are in a barn, then you are looking for barn-type objects, not fans, hairpins, pipes (smoking or otherwise) and accordions.
I rank this up with Cadenza, but, as others observe, try before you buy!
Finally, a story line that is believable (ok, once you get over changing body thing), and consistently maintained throughout both the main story and the bonus chapter. Great music. Great visuals. Lot's of fun to play. Cadenza is a terrific series and is one of the few that incorporates people of color--wish we had more of that. After I played this I instantly bought Havana Nights which was also terrific!
This game is brilliant in terms of having a storyline that mostly makes sense and in which the games and HOPS support the story--however, the story is not just psychopathic and rather disgusting (who wants to enter room after room filled with blood and body parts?) but troublingly anti-Semitic, IMO. The villain is portrayed as a 1950s-style mad Jewish scientist out for revenge. We do not need to perpetuate such stereotypes. I also don't support the idea of "games" that are exploring (quite graphically) torture. The one bright spot was that it was nice to see an African-American character.
I am not recommending this game not because it wasn't well done (it was), but because of the subject matter.