I loved Persian Nights 1. I thought it had great graphics, engaging and funny characters, a good storyline--it made sense!--and I particularly liked the fantasy Persian feel to the story. I like games that explore other times and cultures, even if I am aware that much of it is romanticized or exaggerated I had hoped that PNII would be as good, but I was disappointed. It seemed as if big chunks of the story were missing--did I fall asleep? The characters were not interesting, and the graphics of people are like paper dolls. The gameplay was not at all intuitive--I know that Penmom liked that aspect, and generally I rely on her reviews--but I had to hit the hint button so many times that it was not entertaining. The music seemed more than usually repetitive I did not play the bonus chapter.
It has to be difficult for the developers--some of us have been gaming for a while and know all the tropes, and some are newbies. But while each of us have different kinds of stories that we like (or dislike; i really hate skeletons), I think we are all looking for entertaining puzzles and hops, good, clear graphics, pleasant and evocative music, interesting characters, and an engaging story. It's a lot to ask for! Every now and then we get one of these, but PNII is not in that category, IMO.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is the best TM games--and one of the best in general--that I have played! The story and characters are engaging and funny. The game play is challenging and changes constantly. I found that I had to play certain levels a couple of times before I figured out the optimal strategy, and this was really a satisfying challenge, rather than just an exercise to get 3 stars (or even 2!). If you are new to TM games this will be a challenge, but it is well worth it!
I've enjoyed all the Lost Lands games--this one might be the best. It had a cohesive story line and strong characters. It *is* a little chatty at times, but the graphics make up for it. It has very very good HOPs and puzzles that can be really challenging--none of that dumb tracing a line with your mouse! One intriguing puzzle (getting the colored chips on the right spots in the right order on the snake figure) I spent a good 45 minutes on--it was a great logic puzzle and worth it! The collectibles are not always easy to spot, nor are the morphs. I did not find everything. This level of challenge was really refreshing, and the game is strong enough to play again.
I enjoyed the theme, the characters, the music and jungle sounds, the collectibles and morphings. The gameplay is entertaining but a little too easy for me.
Something I've been thinking about lately is that these games are marketed as one size fits all, when it is really one size fits many. As I've grown in experience as a gamer, a game that I might have loved 5 years ago is now just pleasant. Which many times is good enough! I guess that this is what reviews are helpful for.
Great graphics. Enjoyable puzzles--some of them new--and HOS. Good storyline. I am not as against animal helpers as some are, and this one is integrated so well into the scenes that involve it, that I was sad to say goodbye. A lot of the over-used tropes are gone: no bees! no broken zippers! no shards of glass that cut things that the knife in your inventory doesn't!
I also like the fact that, because we don't hear or see the character we play and the character wears gloves, we don't know what gender or race we are. I think it is time that we start thinking about why so many of these games are so heavily cis-gendered and particularly why so many of the evil characters are characters of color--granted it might be purple or green, but I'm sure you get the point!
...especially a young one: interesting characters, good storyline, not scary, nice graphics. The puzzles and HOPs are very easy and you learn all the familiar tropes: the bees nest for which you have to find the smoker, the zipped bag that requires you to find a paperclip to unzip it, the latched door that can only be unlatched using a ruler as opposed to any other slim straight object in your inventory, etc. Some of the morphings and collectables are easy and some are quite difficult.
The above sentences sound as if I didn't enjoy the game, which is not true--I quite liked it. I particularly liked the characters and storyline. This won't challenge your gaming skills, but it is still entertaining.
My first game in this series and I love it. Loads of game play (I'm still working on the bonus games). I enjoyed the story line, graphics and music (although the latter got a little repetitive). Excellent game!
I liked this game a lot. The puzzles were very good indeed. The HOPs also had some interesting twists and wrinkles. The collectable items (keys) were quite challenging to find and I didn't collect them all. The story is a little dark and spooky and I jumped in my seat a couple of times.
Cute and engaging story, great graphics, entertaining characters, fun HOPs and games (you can choose your level of difficulty for the latter). The collectibles are challenging to find! This would be a great game for a first-time gamer, but it is also engaging for the experienced player. This is a game that I could see playing side-by-side with a child or friend--not every game lends itself to that kind of experience! I didn't try before I bought and I wasn't disappointed.
I bought this game due the glowing review of a reviewer whose opinion I trust and was baffled at first by the complicated instructions. When I reached the 5th board and simply could not get the keys into the locks and didn't understand why the dynamite didn't drop down when I exploded tiles under it, I nearly tore my hair out with exasperation! This game wasn't living by the rules of the previous match 3s that I'd played.
Then I found a cheat online for my key situation--and the penny dropped, the skies cleared, the rainbow appeared, and I finally realized that, duh!, this WASN'T like other match games--it was much greater!
This is super-fun and challenging. It also has great re-play value. I'm going to seek out the others in this series.