I HAVE NEVER PLAYED ANY GAME THAT INVOLVED SO MUCH RUNNING BACK AND FORTH. I'm so glad this game is over. What started as a decent story (although nothing new) deteriorated into mad dashing to and fro to look for objects to use. You will literally be going around and around, up and down, back and forth, picking one small piece which can only be used many, many scenes prior or further along. In addition, there are SO MANY HOS that it slows the movement of the story to the point where i doubt you will care whether the little girl gets saved or not. It's not totally a waste, but I wouldn't recommend you buying it unless it's on sale at a VERY reduced cost.
Pros: Decent story Live actors Good voice overs Spooky child Good graphics Puzzles and HOS are easy Music adds to the atmosphere nicely Journal/diary Did not need to use hint button to complete game
Cons: Forget your sneakers, you'll need a horse to get back and forth (and back and forth some more) Too many HOS that interrupt story flow Boring, nothing new Uses HOS and to and fro movement to "disguise" lack of content No map at all on expert level
I'm recommending this game because it is somewhat enjoyable, but if you are the type of person who gets easily frustrated with time wasting tactics, this game is not for you.
First of all, the story line is amazingly new and exciting. That to me is the most important part of any game. The characters are constantly interacting with you and relaying the story via voice conversations. The graphics were gorgeous with many different scenes and locations giving you the feeling that you really were chasing a tricky, elusive killer. The music changes mood and often adds exclamatory chords during significant events and finds. I had no trouble figuring out where to go when suddenly I'd be out of objects. Sometimes a few of the hidden objects made me scratch my head, but in a good way that made me say "got ya!" when I figured it out. Very satisfying. I'm a huge mystery book fan and this game let me feel as if I had stepped into one of my favorite ones. Although in Expert mode there are no hints or maps (I don't know if there are in the casual modes,) I did not have to go back and forth too much because I always found a new IHOS. Although moving back and forth is usually a pet peeve of mine, this game moves forward a few chapters and then "locks"....you can't go backward once into a new scene. That's good because it lets you know that if you're going backward to look for an object, you don't have to run around aimlessly back to the very beginning. It restricts you to the area in which you need to search. My ONLY complaint, if I were to complain --- and I'm not, would be that the police detective who is helping you always says he'll meet you somewhere and leaves you to solve the crime. BUT if he didn't, you'd have no game to play. It just made me giggle and at times utter, "sure I'll do your job for you." This game is massively fun. Loved it.
If you like an exciting story, this game is for you. Full of drama, plot twists and intrigue.
Pros: Excellent and original story line Plot keeps you moving to see what happens next Logical sequence Good graphics which vary in color and atmosphere Many different scenes, environments and scenery Exciting music which adds to the intrigue HOS are not junk piles Games are easy to medium, all doable Cut scenes are sudden, dramatic and surprising Pretty easy to figure out where to go next so you won't get stuck Did not need to use the hint button at all Journal that keeps the details that help you along Felt like being immersed in a movie
Cons: LOTS of backtracking No map (at least not in expert mode)
This game was an excellent adventure that I would recommend to everyone who wants to have some intelligent fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Pros: A+ story line Gorgeous graphics HOS are visually appealing HOS are not standard, often changing what you need to do Music is wonderful and adds tension to the story Can collect otherworldly objects as you go Constantly changing moods and scenes Puzzles are easy to medium, all doable Satisfying ending Cutscenes are very well done, especially the end
Cons Collect a lot of objects, some of which are used back at the beginning of the game Does not have accessible map unless u use hint button (I was trying to complete the game without using the hint) Way too much running back and forth between the 40 different locations Unless you have photographic memory, you will waste a lot of time trying to remember where you saw something
When i began this game, I liked it, but as time went on, I grew very annoyed with the amount of back and forthing for time wasting searches the game required. Without a map, this game became very boring and tedious because I would find something that needed to be used waaaayyy back in the underground caves and I couldn't jump there. I would literally yawn as I kept pressing the down arrow trying to get where I was going. When are developers gonna wise up and realize this isn't fun. The story line was ok, but over-used and the HOS were junk piles (sigh) with some of the items being very tiny and hard to find. Some of the HOS scenes you must view through spider webs, which made me feel as if I needed glasses. In addition, each HOS was visited many times......aw come on, really? They can't keep it fresh and interesting? I thought the puzzles were unique and interesting but they don't make up for the lame HOS. Voice overs were good and suitably haunting and the music was appropriate for the atmosphere, no complaints there. IF this game had had a map allowing me to jump, I would have loved it. It's a shame, but this one was a waste of my time .... regret using my free chip for this one.
BASED ON PLAYING IN ADVANCED MODE Pros Interesting intro Good graphics Moderate character involvement with other characters Music adds atmosphere
Cons No map Too much back and forth-ing Multiple steps needed to pick up one object in HOS Your character shoots animals Your character robs human and animal corpses of bones You collect lots of items that remain unused for long periods Items that you collect need extra steps to utilize or solve Story moves slowly due to these multiple steps Some of the solutions to puzzles wouldn't work in reality so their solutions don't come to your mind
I don't recommend this game.
9of14voted this as helpful.
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord
Escape prison, defeat an army of mechanical soldiers and destroy the Iron Lord’s dark power!
When I read that this game featured robots, I nearly passed it by. That would have been a HUGE mistake. This game is as good as it gets. You know you're about to experience something truly innovative from the first scene. The story is truly unique and wraps up beautifully at the end. This game had me on the edge of my chair moving through the challenges as quickly as possible to see what happened next. It's the most creative game I've ever played....and I'm a hard person to please as far as games go.
Pros: Amazing intro Wonderful use of interactive characters Graphics that vary in hues Many interesting places to visit Lots of mini games which are all doable Fantastical story line, yet still makes you believe it Little helper robot Music that builds suspense A good length I was able to complete the entire game without hints or skips Humorous at times Game advances quickly Objects are found and used in close proximity Only moderate backtracking Unique scenes, none like the next
I'm glad I bought this on sale because this is the same old game repackaged. The story is the tired save your sister from and evil queen dither. The graphics are ok, but once again, blue, gray and dreary. The HOS are semi-junk piles and rather easy. They make you search the same HO scene more than once....lazy. The jump map is good. It saves a lot of time because you do have to go back and forth a little. The mini games range from easy to annoying, but are doable even in Advanced mode. The music is better than the game and does help keep you awake. The best part of the game is being able to befriend a pet and have him/her help you, but not as often as I would have liked. Bottom line: If you want a game that seems familiar, this is the game for you. If you're looking for something new and exciting, this isn't it.
I love the Castle tv series. I dislike this game very much. There are no voice overs, but a lot of dialogue to read. The graphics look like the tv characters, but that's about it. The music was amazingly annoying and inappropriately upbeat. This is an old school, dinosaur-like game. I found nothing to enjoy about it. Sad.
Unlike a lot of people, I refuse to finish games if they bore me, so this review is based on 1 hour of play. This game is easy, easy, easy......the story line, unlike the great novel, was overly simple as if it were geared towards juveniles or kids. However, the story topics are not suitable for kids, IMO, due to the domestic violence, adultery and other terms used throughout. It's definitely mature subject matter. It IS beautiful. The music is awesome. That said, the way to progress the story is to complete one simple HOS after another. The characters tell you the story WHILE you're searching for the objects, which I found annoying.. Some of the hidden objects are nicely hidden, but still easy. It's basically just a pretty picture with hidden objects and the occasional character stating something which advances the sleazy story. If I wanted to help a teen study for a general quiz on this book, I might use this as a learning tool. Otherwise, it's just boring. I'm regretting using my free game on this droll cartoon.