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Investigate a series of mishaps at the Jersey Shore in Captain`s Cove Amusement Park as Miss Nancy Drew.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
7 of 9 found this review helpful
PostedMay 5, 2013
Customer avatar
fromMN-Land of 10 Thousand Seasons!!!!
Skill Level:Beginner
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
1 / 5
For an older game I didn't expect a lot of challenge and there wasn't.. I'm trying to play my way through all ND games and just started playing them a couple months ago and was hooked!
Some games are hard, some hard and fun and so on!
The Story with Joy and (Miles The Memory Machine) I'm sorry but it just completely depressed me! They really ruined the game with that story Nancy helps Joy to figure out and remember.
It may not bother other people but I play to escape reality so the last thing I want in a game is to have bad memories pulled up and have my mood dragged down!
Besides that there really weren't any redeeming qualities to the rest of the game either.
I don't recommend this game.
7of 9voted this as helpful.
Trail a wild pack of dogs rumored to have risen from the dead in this haunting Adventure mystery game.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
15 of 16 found this review helpful
What a Nice Surprise! Loved This Game!!!!
PostedApril 30, 2013
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fromMN-Land of 10 Thousand Seasons!!!!
Skill Level:Beginner
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
This is the 7th game in the series, the first game I ever played was Alibi In Ashes and I was hooked! Since then I've played some newer but decided to go back and play the older games from #3 up in no particular order!
Having just finished Ghost Dogs I'd give it 10 stars if I could!
Excellent storyline that flows perfectly!!
I assumed it would be easy.. Oh no.. It’s as difficult or more than some of the newer games and as fun as some of the best! But very seldom do you need any help as in a walkthrough! Nancy does have a PDA in this game which comes in handy!
Nancy goes to visit a friend Sally McDonald who bought a run down cabin on Moon Lake in Pennsylvania. Once owned by the infamous gangster-Mickey Malone- in the 1920’s!
But, as with all ND games when she arrives nothing is as it should be.. Is it ever???
Upon arrival Nancy finds out Sally is gone and left a note that she couldn't stay another night! The phone rings it’s Sally, the conversation is broken up but she begs Nancy to leave, just get out of there, the Dogs, the Dogs!! Well, that only makes our young detective more curious and determined to stay and find out who or what ran Sally off her property! Plus a tree fell behind Nancy’s car when she arrived so she can’t leave.. Convenient huh?
Dogs with glowing eyes and teeth attacking and rattling the house at night would scare me off too, but not Miss Drew!
Of the older games this one is long and you do a lot of running around, it adds length to the game of course but It didn‘t take away from the game..
The Map for the forest is difficult to navigate and you go in the forest very often so be prepared to get lost! Luckily the forest has some landmarks so you can get your bearings! I did get lost so long twice it changed from day to night and sent me back to the cabin!
You need to go into the forest so much I just started to have the turns figured out around the time the game ended.. Ha!
Besides the forest you take a motor boat (you have to fix# to Em’s emporium #the store# and The Ranger Station!
There are 3 characters you interact with
Red Knott-The Bird Watcher.. Very enjoyable character!
Emily--Owner of Em’s Emporium
Jeff Akers--AKA Park Ranger Akers
Phone Interactions include:
Sally McDonald
The Hardy Boys
Bess and George
Vivian Whitmore - Mickey’s former girlfriend, she’s still alive and knows a lot about Malone's house and it’s secrets.
All ND games are geared towards sleuthing, solving the mystery, puzzles and learning new things!
I enjoyed the things you learn in this game.. To name a few:
Real history about Malone via newspaper clippings from the 1920’s..
Different kinds of bird sounds and photographing them..
Bug catching I could have done without but it’s quick and easy!
Since you apparently arrived without a dime to your name which I find silly as wealthy as Nancy’s Dad is that he would let Nancy go broke and all? So you have to work #do puzzles) for anything you need from Em’s and the Ranger.
Read all the literature at the Ranger Station it’s very helpful in real life situations..
There is one difficult timed puzzle that gets you killed a time or two before you figure it out!
And another towards the end..
The need for Second Chances are plentiful throughout this game too..
This is just an over-all fun game with everything you expect from Nancy Drew.. Including “Things that go bump in the night”…
With most games I would call myself intermediate.. Nancy Drew games I'm still a beginner!
Enjoy your stay at Moon Lake and beware of the Ghost Dogs!!
I recommend this game!
15of 16voted this as helpful.
Investigate the threat shrouded in the approaching fog. Plunge into danger to bring a mysterious island's secrets to the surface!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
12 of 12 found this review helpful
What A Great Little Game!!
PostedApril 22, 2013
Customer avatar
fromMN-Land of 10 Thousand Seasons!!!!
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Danger on Deception Island is the 9th game in the Nancy Drew Series and still in the view finder format but this one trumps a few of the very new ones I’ve played recently!
It has a huge infusion of humor in so many parts of the game!
Since it’s pretty old the “Setup” and character breakdown has been listed by other reviewers so I won’t go into all those details!
The game takes place on the San Juan Islands in Washington.
It starts out interesting and never got dull it has a instant crime, plot, and the culprit list starts to build. It stayed on a flowing story line very well!
This was a nice break from some infuriating mind blowing puzzles and wandering lost for hours!!
I really enjoyed all the characters in this game, none of them became annoying or were the conversations so long you had time to make dinner while they were still talking!
The conversations on the phone were short and sweet and some are really funny! I came across a lot of funny stuff in this game!
You have a Laptop-Cell Phone-GPS. Check your emails even when not necessary to the game.. Some from Nancy’s home made me literally LOL!
You can call Bess and George and the Hardy Boys for hints by the time I called for the heck of it, I had completed the task but they still gave the hints and all gave the same answers..
The conversations with all of them were out right funny about things they had going on at home!
Can’t say there was a conversation I found annoying at all!
To get around you have a bike that transports you where you need to go, don’t forget your helmet or you make front page news!!
A Kayak you take out to the peaceful sounds of ocean waves. Some trips are necessary for the game but you can go anytime just for the fun of it or to make the game last longer!
No getting lost anywhere or need help as in L-R-F out in the Ocean or in the hidden passageways/ kayaking in coves or going anywhere!
No Alarm clocks or watching the time and no need for money ever!
Some things you learn about:
Morse Code- You could learn as little or much as you want I spent more time on it than necessary!
Types of wood-Okay, not that fun but you find a board and have to figure out what type of wood it is!
Oceanography- from large mammals to small sea life!
You do things like skipping stones, claming, hanging out on the beach and building sand castles only if you want (the sand castle part) wish I had but I skipped it? Hmm now I’m thinking I may have opened a surprise? Maybe not?
Puzzles are just enough of a challenge but still do-able without a walkthrough!
Doing things out of order doesn’t freeze you in your tracks and you do eventually end up doing it!
Don’t worry it has the hidden Passageways we all love and expect. You can find your way to and in and out without help!
No Math yippee!!
No Piano playing or reading music double yippee (a first ever I think) someone at the developer really loves the piano and thinks we ALL should, we ALL don‘t!
One word of warning.. You can (probably will) get hurt or die many times and in many places and have to use the second chance. What Nancy says when needing to be picked up at the airport is funny enough to make it worth happening! Try it at least once!
This game has the most humor I’ve come across in any ND game so far..
I can’t find anything negative about it except one game!
Spoiler you‘ll be glad to have:
There is a game at Whale World called “Feeding Frenzy” you need to move real fast and my mouse and hand were not keeping up, you can’t move forward without finishing it! But fear not! I found out if you keep trying and failing Nancy says “The game must have Malfunctioned” and your card get’s that last stamp anyway! And off you go on your Ocean Tour!
Besides that… All Pros-No Cons..
I recommend this game!
12of 12voted this as helpful.
Everyone is frightened by the sights and sounds of something large stumbling through the darkness. Can you solve the mystery before the monster adds another chapter to this legend?
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
9 of 10 found this review helpful
Captive? Curse? I Must Have Dozed Off?
PostedApril 20, 2013
Customer avatar
fromMN-Land of 10 Thousand Seasons!!!!
Skill Level:Beginner
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
After just finishing Blackmoor Manor I played Captive Curse.
At first I thought I was being prejudice and just comparing the two and it would get better. Hum hum hum-mm NOPE!
It dragged on and on.. Way to much dialog (sort of like my review) before you really get to do anything and you don’t really do much worthwhile.
The plot could have been good considering the Castle and location in Germany but fell flat and is lacking any iota of suspense.
The castle is far to big for a game with the minimal locations you visit so plan on getting lost inside and out!
I had to look at the walkthrough to get out of the forest, So I thought.. The L-R-F etc. apparently are misprints because some Fwds are not possible you have to turn left or right so you’re on your own out there and end up back where you came from A LOT!
Even “The Master” of youtube walkthroughs got lost!
You are not put under time constraints or clock setting which I did like..
You usually learn new things in ND games but Monsters, Really? For me It was long and dull. I read the reviews and most people loved it? It's all a matter of taste I guess!
If I list some positives for me it would be Lukas, I did enjoy the conversations with him but he became a negative too!
Catch 22..
The graphics are so phenomenal in this game (huge kudos to whomever did them# you feel like you’re talking to a real boy with no friends, as opposed to a computer generated one.
I couldn't help but stop and play a game with him a few times when I accidentally passed his location. Yes, I know Lukas isn't real.. '-)
The Devs did a great job inserting emotion into some of the characters and pulling out the Mommy will play with you in me. LOL
The security booth was a fun gadgetry location to be in but it‘s such a small part of the game. There is the secret passageway ways?? But minimal again and no, you won‘t get lost.. However the forest is a whole different story!!
Most of the game is dialog with the characters at the castle or via phone calls with some sleuthing and puzzles thrown in that even I could do? And a lot of getting lost.
If you’re looking for someone to talk to #or listen to# then I do recommend this game and the character Renate whom if I remember since I’m already forgetting this game.. is a traveling story teller. You could spend hours chatting with her! She does have “SOME” interesting things to say if you loved history, you might enjoy it!
She is the "Insert learning into game" part!
Again the Devs made you feel bad for her at times!
She looked weary so I did make her sleep with a slice of cake more times than I needed to.
Yes, I also know Renate is not real.. '-)
Well, that’s enough about my time at Castle Finster!
As far as recommending this game, I won't say yes or no just because it was a no for me.
9of 10voted this as helpful.
Delve into legends lurking in an English mansion! As Nancy Drew, find out what hides in Blackmoor Manor.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
15 of 16 found this review helpful
What a ride!! Oh My Gosh!!
PostedMarch 30, 2013
Customer avatar
fromCountry Life in.. MN
Skill Level:Beginner
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I played as always on Junior Detective without reading a walkthrough. Just dove in and I was finishing things so out of order by the time I did look at the walkthrough it wasn't much help but I really needed it in a few places! It took me 5 days of off and on to finish this game.. I’m no expert but that’s a long time even for me! I've listed myself as an intermediate player but with Nancy Drew I’m still more of a beginner. These games grab you and you just take off! I was so sick of HOS and hearing there aren't any in HER games I tried Alibi In Ashes and was hooked on Nancy Drew immediately!
I can’t add much more about the layout, location, graphics etc of the game than anyone else already said.. I did really like the soundtrack on this one and kept it going the entire time. Some are so bad they distract, not this one!
It’s the hardest of the 7 I think? ND games I've played (for me anyway# and being an older game I didn't expect it to be harder than Waverly Academy!
Some extremely difficult puzzles and a lot of them! I always scroll through walkthroughs before I buy a game to see if it has tons of pictures of puzzles so I know what to expect.. This one didn’t have many pictures so I was hoping not a lot of them, it had more puzzles than I've ever played!
2 of them that about made me quit!
The Wind puzzle-Defiantly save and save and save your game!!
Target slide puzzle- #I did accidentally trip on a way to win this one without doing it how you’re supposed to) Whew!
I enjoyed the characters you do get to talk with and Loulou! By the time I would stop and ask Loulou for a hint, I had already finished it.. Oh well.
I’m just so slap happy that I actually finished it right at a point when I was about to give up!
This one like a lot of Nancy Drew games obviously has a huge reply value since it ended and I had a pile of notes I wrote of things I had never done? And things on Nancy check list I know never were completed?
I will be playing it again someday just not real soon! Long game with a lot to do! After I finish this kind, I’m actually glad it was that hard.. Just not when I’m in the midst of it about to scream! So often you can easily figure out who the "Culprit" is in games. WOW Not a chance I thought it would be who it was!!
One issue I had with some timed or quick click games was the cursor taking too long to be ready?
If you haven’t played this game yet? Walk into Blackmoor Manor and enjoy your visit!
I recommend this game!
15of 16voted this as helpful.
 Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
Join an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
Excellent game! I play this over and over..
PostedMarch 2, 2013
Customer avatar
fromCountry Life in.. MN
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Love how the game opens and the original soundtrack plays!
I could write a book about it I've played both cases so many times but, I’ll spare you the long detailed review!
You are the team made up of the 7 characters with specialized skills forming the “Behavior Analyst Unit”
You play every character on the team throughout the game while searching for the UNSUB (Unknown Subject) that committed a crime.
The forensic Specialist is contacted via Computer Monitor back at Quantico.
You look over the case file and brush up on the crime as you all arrive on a private plane.
You solve multiple smaller details before you find out whodunit!
There are enough if not a few to many HOS for those who love them.
You play mahjong games with people to get information. I’m not a mahjong fan so I usually skip those and go right to the answer!
Plenty of characters besides just the team that you interact with and question at multiple locations and in the Interrogation room at the Police Station!
You visit and re-visit scenes to piece together the crime scene and solve it but not to the point that it gets annoying!
It’s a game where you have to finish one part to move on, so if you miss a step you’ll wonder why you can’t move.
I found out that when you pull up the “Task List” you can click hint, pick a task and get details on how to solve it. It takes a few clicks to open it though but it was nice to find that hidden strategy guide type help I didn't know was there!
It’s a very well made game in every aspect!
My only negative is that they haven’t made more of them!
I hope they do, there are so many ways this game could expand!
I recommend this game!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Go undercover at a prestigious girls’ boarding school to discover the culprit behind threatening notes and dangerous accidents!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
15 of 17 found this review helpful
Really fun huge challenge at Waverly Academy! Great Game!
PostedMarch 2, 2013
Customer avatar
fromCountry Life in.. MN
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I loved this very long game, I did read it was hard and it is, but fun from start to finish! I played it on Junior level and couldn't imagine ever finishing it as Senior? This was only my 3rd ND game I've ever played so some will easily finish it faster than I did!
With all games I prefer to just dive in and try it my way before needing to use walkthroughs! I found with ND games it’s hard to get back on track even with the walkthrough when you play that way but It’s no fun and not worth buying just to be told step by step how to play any game for me..
I read a review that said you’ll need 2 sheets of paper and a pen, I have to laugh now. I needed an entire notebook, printer and a Map!
I finished this game after days and days off and on of fun and some major frustration!
You’re enrolled at Waverly Academy to solve a mystery and perform a mission as in all ND games. You don’t play as Nancy Drew in case someone googles your name, you’re name when enrolled is Becca Sawyer
I found the interactions with the girls fun and just the right amount of characters and these girls are some interesting characters.
Corine is your constantly writing room-mate..
Mel is the Goth Cello player next door.
Rachel is the shy girl.
Izzy is the over achiever.
Leela is the Athlete.
All girls are harboring “Secrets” at Waverly!
Paige is just a voice you never see except in shadow with a flashlight when she busts you for being out of your room after hours.
Having to keep an eye on your cell phone clock started out to be an irritant but you get used to it!
There is a lot of running around the College inside and out but once you figure out left right up down it’s not hard to get to places fast since it‘s a small college! One area is too dark and could have been a little brighter for me.
Some puzzles were extremely difficult especially if you’re not familiar with Roman numerals, don’t read music, play the piano and are geographically (illiterate like me# the “map” was a real lol!
The most frustrating was the lamp shades/ piano playing. I kept stopping, saving reading and re-reading the walkthrough and it all sounded backwards!
Ned’s “hints” when Nancy calls him I found to be worthless!
He tells Nancy to look up a book in the library card catalog, the book name he gives her doesn't exist! I had to refer to the walkthrough to find out the right name for the book!
You’re new so you get the job as Snack Boss at first I thought it was stupid then I found myself enjoying it and opened shop a few times when I didn't have to!
Played Scram with Leela after I really didn't have to anymore just for the fun of it.
There is a major twist you really can't call predictable at all it hit me with a real wow, In a good way for some added interesting factor!
All in all it was as hard as they come but very fun to take on!
I got this game with a free credit but anyone who’s wondering It’s well worth buying. Depending on skill level #I’m far from expert) It defiantly gives you hours to days of play time and worth full price! I see today it’s in the point and click game sale, to bad this review won’t be posted! I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did!
So absolutely..
I recommend this game!
15of 17voted this as helpful.
Plan Jenny`s wedding in this unique seek-and-find adventure. Just keep your wits on the Wedding Crisis levels!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
5 of 9 found this review helpful
Eh-Eh Not for me.. Good for kids!!
PostedFebruary 24, 2013
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
Played part of the trial and thought it would be great, as it is very visually appealing! I thought the challenges would increase as you go and more would be added so I bought it! My mistake a big DUD for me anyway! Wedding games could be a good idea this one didn't make the cut it got so monotonous! Wish they had gone the extra inch adding more choices for decorating cakes and let you design the entire wedding from chapel, ceremony, reception, pick music etc. then it would be worth it for adults!~ If you play the trial just know that’s it, nothing gets better and it will repeat basically the same ( different locals) throughout the whole game for both couples!
Great game for pre and teens though! So for them..
I recommend this game!
5of 9voted this as helpful.
It's important to know when to investigate and when to seek shelter in Nancy Drew: The Trail of the Twister!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
4 of 6 found this review helpful
Major DUD In a relatively Newer Drew Game!
PostedFebruary 23, 2013
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
1 / 5
Storyline is boring..
Locations are boring..
Driving is ridiculous even with GPS it's very difficult!
Story is disjointed with a miserable (difficult) puzzle in between every so called task!
HER just used them as fillers trying to make a game out of this thing?!?!
No real crime solving involved as far as I got, and it was pretty far.. Nancy is just a go-getter as in..
Nancy go get this and Nancy go do this!!
It seemed like HER was in a HER-Y to release something so they threw this together to fast! Misspelled words and grammatical errors? Not what you expect in any ND Game!
It was so dull I had to just quit especially after I looked at the walkthrough to see how far I was and realized how many more very difficult puzzles in Junior Mode there were still to do to get to the end!
I've never come across so many puzzles in a game listed under Adventure?
Pro: Glad I got it FREE!!
Con: The entire Game
Real Con: I wasted my credit on something I have zero interest in finishing!
Do yourself a HUGE favor and skip this miserable mess!
That said...
I don't recommend this game.
4of 6voted this as helpful.
Help Nancy go undercover at a high school to solve a mysterious murder and keep the culprit from claiming his next victim!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
20 of 23 found this review helpful
Another Great ND Game!
PostedFebruary 23, 2013
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Not short for me as I expected going in from the reviews! I thoroughly enjoyed this game! Even when I was stuck in the school wandering the halls trying to find places and clues and people! I can't say anything bad about this game having never played the 1st edition! I did like all the clues you had to find and there were many spread out everywhere!!
The Library was a trip and a half, it would be so easy to miss a clue in there and I was certain I had and surprised I hadn't! However I did solve a puzzle to soon and got an egg instead of the "CLUE" Funny addition!! As with "Alibi In Ashes" I had papers everywhere and hated to see the game end! Good for Kids from 10-100!! Very enjoyable game and interesting characters!
Big Plus is how cleverly the 18 clues are hidden throughout the game!
My negatives: Not enough characters and interaction!
To many stretches of silence.
This didn't take away from it but, you could hear where the game had been Spliced during the re-make!
Other than that Yes..
I recommend this game!
20of 23voted this as helpful.