Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
The graphics and idea for the story were amazing. Like puppet show but better. Only a SE but there were achievements. I had to hit the forum a few times when I got stuck but all in all the hint button was excellent.All the mechanical ideas instruments and machine men were wonderfully done. Pure adventure so no HOS's. The puzzles were mostly executed in an original way even if the idea was similar to other puzzles. The cut scenes were fabulous. Actors were good and well synced. The music was terrific. All in all an extremely enjoyable game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I really loved this game, and all the extras make it that much better. The graphics are great, and the storyline just as good. There are things for you to find during the game for extras, and there is options in the beginning that allows you to decide which game you want, like easy, advanced, hardcore, and interactive map, if you want one. The items are not difficult to place, and the HOS are interactive, and allow you to place items in the scene. I liked the entire game, Though the first game was cute..I was so happy it was much better than the first game!!!
This game definitely has it all!! Bought it immediately… Facts: Graphics are superb and detailed. And what I really appreciate is, that the characters are drawn and very well animated this time (in the first game of this series, they took real actors). Casual, normal, hard and custom modes to choose from, can be changed during the game. Direction giving hint. Interactive map, showing available action and allowing you to jump. The inventory is lockable. Detailed journal. When you start the game, your game-progress is shown in %. 10 chapters plus bonus-chapter. 27 slightly interactive hidden object scenes, You can switch HOS into a memory game. 29 interesting, not too difficult mini games. This time, we have an Imp as a very special helping friend: He’s always around in the scenes and you can interact with him…. Very cute!! Mentionable Extras: 12 achievements, 45 hidden puzzle-pieces, 42 morphing-objects, Strategy guide (doesn’t follow your progress). Yes, this is such an intriguing game!! High recommendable!! :)
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This review is based on casual mode in the Collectors' Edition. I'll start by answering the most common question: IS it worth spending the $13.99 on the Collectors' Edition? Absolutely. It certainly is worth every penny and beyond. It's one of the few games I would play again just for the enjoyment of it. The graphics are much better than the first Living Legends (although those were nice, too!). Plot Summary: It's pretty obvious this is a story similar to that of Snow White, but different. Without revealing too much, here's a general overview of what you'll face. It asks the fabled question "Who is the fairest of them all..?" Living Legends: Ice Rose is a great twist on a classic story. You are attempting to rescue your sister from the evil queen who steals the youth of the fairest maidens from all over the land. Rather than keep to the familiar storyline, you not only save the damsel from being the Queen's next victim, you also help spirits, befriend a squirrel who, when you spend your coins, gets a very tricked-out crib, and get to meet Snow White. Gameplay: -Excellent, excellent graphics that are both engaging and unearthly. You'll find yourself moving into a new area and having to stop and remember what you were doing next, simply because the beauty of the scenery has taken your breath away. You have to remind yourself that it's art and not real. Although there are Achievements for completing HOSs in a certain amount of time, I really do recommend "stopping to smell the roses." The game is worth playing in casual mode just so you can enjoy the environment. I have to say it ranks in my top 5 most aesthetically beautiful games, and that's saying a lot as I have stupidly high standards for graphics (I figure if I'm going to pay 13.99 for a game I should feel as though at any moment the wicked Queen is going to pop through my laptop screen). -Typical inventory bar at the bottom, with logical use of items (you actually get to keep the knife for much longer than in other games!). Hint button is a rose on the right (even in casual mode they didn't want you to depend on the hint bar, so it recharges just slowly enough that it's not frustrating, but it gives you time to rethink and try again to solve whatever you're stuck on before you click it. -Strategy guide included, but not really necessary as everything is pretty straightforward on where items are used or where you should go next. You can explore areas in the order you choose and the use of inventory items and the storyline will still make sense. -As I said, you befriend a pet and you collect coins around the world to buy upgrades for his/her house. Correct me if I'm wrong, though, but accessing the squirrel's house is not easy. You either have to back out of the game completely to the main game menu, or you have to quickly click on "Pet House" when the bar pops up in the upper left after you have found a coin (it also reminds you of how many you have collected so far to spend). The coins are used for nothing else in the game, so spend away! -Sparkle areas are easy to see. HOS's are crisp, clear, and not so difficult that you find yourself gazing at the hint button with longing. I think that was because of the Achievements... -Achievements: The achievements are a mixture of ones you get just for moving through a certain level and getting to the next, to trophies for completing HOSs without hints or finding certain numbers of items within a certain time frame (12 seconds to find 10 items is the highest timed achievement). -Travel: The map is handy. There are, if memory serves, five major areas you travel to. You get locked out of the starting area after a point, but that's only because you physically don't have a way to get back to it. If you don't like the realistic play of actually walking from scene to scene and retracing your steps to return to puzzles you couldn't solve yet (which happens a lot and makes for a lot of walking time), you can click on the location you want to go back to and it will "port" you there instantly. The map also shows when you have things to do in a certain area, and when you're locked out. It's simple, easy to understand, and handy. -Journal: You can read up on your character's thoughts as she encounters ghosts (including Snow White!) and interesting items. It logs codes you should remember most of the time, but not always, so I would say jot them down if you don't have a good visual memory. As far as criticisms go, I have only the one about not being able to access my squirrel easily to bling out his/her house when I feel like taking a breather from the game. Bravo
WOW..where do I begin with this most awesome game,,these “new generation” ERS games are ASTOUNDING. Each one comes up with a new way to INDIVIDUALISE the game and CAPTIVATE the gamer. In this one, COLLECTIBLES takes on a whole new meaning. Let’s start with the KNOWN. Our STORY centres around that DEVILISH DWARF from the previous games in this series, SG. He plays a much more involved part in this game, but it doesn’t really matter what he’s up to, we know it’s going to be NO GOOD. Somewhat surprisingly, he claims he is innocent of the murder we are investigating. Considering what we saw in the GRAPHICALLY BRILLIANT & SUSPENSEFUL intro, this is hard to imagine. It seems that at the heart of this mystery, is a magic book that grants wishes, VOX. And, clearly, SG is out to get it. At the moment it has an entire estate of GHOSTS caught in its clutches, and we will need to help them as well as find the answers to all our questions. The GRAPHICS are typical ERS, colourful, detailed, beautiful. The MUSIC is ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT. Good on you, guys! The VOICES too are GREAT. The GAME PLAY. We have 2 types of HO SCENES, interactive LISTS and PROGRESSIVE SILHOUETTES (find this to get that, to do that, etc.), visited twice each. There are a few NOT EXCEPTIONALLY HARD PUZZLES, mostly simple, some involving more than one TYPE to clear the obstacle. Getting around and finding INVENTORY ITEMS is about AVERAGE level of difficulty, and reasonably logical within the CONTEXT of a magical game. HINT is DIRECTIONAL, there is a JOURNAL and a JUMP MAP (I don’t think it gives ACTIVE TASKS), so there's help if you need it. Then there are the COLLECTING SUB-GAMES. In order to HELP the GHOSTS and progress in the game you must first find POLTERGEIST SEALS which unlock bonuses such as INCREASED HINT RECHARGE SPEED, and help us with EVIL GHOSTS. Then, we must also find RINGS, to attach to a NECKLACE, which will eventually allow us to DISPEL the TRAPPED GHOSTS and beat VOX. We can also collect PLANTS for our GARDEN. This is an involved process. First, we must find the SPROUTS and a SPROUT EMBLEM. They can then be PLANTED, we must WATER THEM, and when they BLOOM, CUT them (more emblems need for this). With the CUT BLOOM we earn GOLD, kept in our TREASURE CHEST, with which we can BUY MORE exotic plants. Just where all this leads is STILL a MYSTERY, but it looks like fun. The list of CE EXTRAS is huge. GALLERY ITEMS (incl. SCREENSAVERS, and behind the scenes PHOTOS, MOVIES), SG, BONUS PLAY, REPLAYABLE HOS & PUZZLES, and your GARDEN. Such an amazing array of COMPLEX COLLECTIBLES is of itself worthy of a CE, but with everything else as well...I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME..PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS..I MAY EVEN PLAY THIS ONE AGAIN!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This game had me interested right from the great beginning cut scene! The art work & animations are fantastic! There are volume controls for sound, music & voices. There is a choice for full screen & custom cursor. The voice overs are pleasant, as is the music and other sound effects. You can click to turn interactive help off when it first pops up on the screen. There is a journal that keeps track of your adventure progress. The hidden object scenes were to the find a number of object shapes, colors, etc. These were fun and a change from the norm. The mini games & puzzles encountered were very easy. The story line is most unusual and very interesting...A little advice.. DON'T play the SE version..unless you don't want to know the WHOLE story..The game play was interesting & fun..I totally recommend this game :)
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I could have liked this game but it was SO annoying that any time I wanted to open my inventory it flipped back and forth. There is A LOT of running around blindly..had to use the hint button constantly..also glitchy..sadly the game ended abruptly..I do believe if the developers spent just a little more time making this game it could have been an above average game...thank goodness I had a free game code for this one.
Great for beginners..But not my cup of tea. There are too many hidden object scenes. The puzzles were not especially challenging. Sorry everyone..this is just MY opinion & MY experience of the game! :(
I absolutely loved the first two.. I had to have this one as well. Very good graphics and once again, lots of doors. The snakes do not bother me, they can be scary though. Morphing objects are super easy to find and if you miss one, it shows you the location on the map. Everyone is back again, Gabriel, Simon etc. I do hope there is more to come in this series..*hint hint* Well everything good has already been mentioned by fellow fishies, try it. It is so worth it.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
First off..HAPPY 50th GAME!!! Now..This to me is an over 10 game. Kudos to the team for a job well done. Story: You are in your bed terminally ill with Lukemia and your twin sister is there with you. She is wishing that you weren't dying when a old hag of witch appears and wants to talk to your sister. Your sister goes to her and she tells your sister that she can cure your sister for your youth and soul. The sister agrees to it, and the old hag disappears with your sister. Well you get that burst of energy and off you go looking for your sister. Along the way you meet a drop dead gorgeous prince who wants to help until he gets into a bind himself. There is going to be one busy Missy. Mini Games: I found them really fun. Not too challenging or easy just right. Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous. Their art team did it again! Hint system: Works in and out of H0GS. Music: Fits the game perfectly. Really nice to listen to. Map: Jump map. The best kind :) All in all Kudos to the Bunny team as they did a wonderful job with this game. I truly look forward to the full version. Thanks Bunny!