An amulet purchased in an antique shop has awakened an ancient and terrible evil. Help rescue your beloved and save mankind from the coming eternal frost!
Of all the games I have played, this one had such possibilities, but the designers missed big time. There was so much that could have been done to make this a five star game, but for whatever reason they chose not to take those extra steps.
I can't say this was fun, but I did keep going so there must have been some entertainment value to this game.
There were so many cut scenes that I wondered why. They didn't really add that much to the game. There is no voice over in ... anything. It is all read. This amazed me, because the animation was superb, but no sound except that horrid music that I eventually turned way down. It was good for the first ten minutes, but after that it really got on my nerves.
You have a journal of sorts, but no map which would have been a tremendous plus for this game. The hint button recharges quickly and doesn't punish you for using it to find out where to go next and I used it a lot. The hidden objects were okay, but whether because of interpretation or what I don't know, there were some mix ups in what you were searching for. Example, the list showed a spyglass. When I clicked on the spyglass it said, 'This trumpet needs polished." I figured out there was no trumpet in sight, so I completed the task. There were other similar things, but not insurmountable. The mini games... I was lost on most of them. Some were really simple, but others, I could never figure out what to do. Oh, the skip button fills quickly which was also a blessing.
The story was decent. It too had such potential. I was hooked on the story from the beginning, but along the way I kind of got lost in it. All's well that ends well, and this does have an ending.
Give this a change and play the demo. You might find it in a more favorable light than I. It isn't a complete turkey, but when I think what they could have done, it freezes me to the bone.
I simply could not get into this game whatsoever. I played the majority of the demo and still could not figure out what was going on. It was just not fun for me.
The graphics were good and the voices were really good. Music and effects were along with the story and you can't ask for anything more than that.
The hidden objects were the standard silhouette and list. They were a bit challenging. Mini games must be rather simple because I did most of them I played. I don't do mini games, but wanted to see what these were like.
The map is excellent in helping get around and knowing where to go to do something. The hint recharges quickly and that is always a plus in my book.
I think the story is what lost me on this game. Perhaps I'm tired of fairy tales. It just wasn't what I am looking for. Of course, play the demo and see if maybe you would like it.
I don't recommend this game.
10of12voted this as helpful.
Ominous Objects: Family Portrait
A father returns home to find his children missing - all but one, who refuses to say a word...
I just don't care for this game. I have the other series, but this one is lacking something. Perhaps the mini games and the hidden objects were just too interactive.
The graphics are well done and the voice overs are okay. I didn't care for the husband's voice at all and the wife was a bit off as was the daughter.
The map is pretty helpful, but I still ended up using the hint to figure out where to go. So far as a challenge, it is there and I think that is why I didn't care for it. Everything was a thought provoking action to complete.
The story was decent as far as I got to go. I almost gave in and bought it so see how it would all work out.
For those of you who enjoy a challenge at every turn, this game is for you. I like to relax and play. My thinking days must be over. Try out the demo and see for yourself.
The expedition continues... Track down the fragments of King Solomon's crown and foil a madman's plot in this exciting follow-up to the bestselling series!
This is an excellent game and I had a lot of fun with it. Just the right balance of story, games, and the effects that make for a good game. Can't wait to play it again in a few weeks.
The graphics, as we have come to expect from this designer, were awesome; voice overs excellent; and the music pretty dern good. I still don't care for the box for the voice overs, but that's their style and as long as they keep turning out games like this, I can put up with it.
The hidden objects were a combination like their last game. You have several games in one to get your object. If you have read any of my posts you know I do not care for the mini games, but I actually played a few. Some were easy and some I still haven't figured out what to do, but they were good and I did try each and every one. The challenge was just right for me especially the hidden objects. You have an interactive map that does a great job getting you around and showing where something can be done.
Great story. The cards that you find along the way are interesting and add to the story. However, being a history buff, I don't remember this story of Solomon. There just might have been a couple liberties taken with it, but it kept my attention all the way through.
I'm looking forward to the next one from these folks. I'm sure they are maturing and expect something really special next time around.
I just finished playing the game and I have to say it was a tad bit scary and fun. I enjoyed the characters and not knowing what was coming around the corner next.
The music went with the action and the graphics, although not the best in the world, were very good. The effects added to the suspense and fright of the game.
This is a bit different from the usual hidden object games. It has a mini game in the hidden object game. If you like minis you are going to like this. Most all of the games were, get something to use in the game and at times it was difficult figuring out what to do. The real mini games were a mixed bag, and challenging. You have a map. One I have not seen or used before and it took a while to figure out how to use it, but eventually I got the hang of it. There is a journal and a camera with shots that I never figured out what it was for to be quite honest with you.
The story was good. It was easy to follow and it did have an ending. It was a bit jumbled at times, but eventually it made sense. They did a decent job on this.
I bought this on a whim and glad I did.Give it a shot. You might enjoy it too.
A strange and deadly pollen is spreading around the world, and you've been hired to track down its source. But the secrets you discover in the fabled kingdom of Floralia are much darker than you imagined...
I have to admit I was very disappointed in this game. I have all the other games in the Dark Parables series and loved them, but there was something missing from this one. It just lacked the fun the others offered. I just couldn't wait for it to end. It left me lacking.
The graphics were excellent, well drawn and clear. I always enjoy the music from this series and this was no exception. Sounds went along with the action and the voice overs were well done.
The challenge was so-so. I like the concept of the hidden objects where you put together a single object from the parts listed. However, the mini games, which is not a big loss to me, seemed to be about the same. I didn't play many of them at all, because of that. Just glad the skip button was quick. Getting around was the most difficult part of the game. The map is helpful in showing you where things are to be done, but unlike so many games where it is an interactive map, you have to find your way through the maze of places to get to the one with something you need. Not too much of a problem, but the map sometime is difficult to follow.
The story was okay. Big Fish does a good job explaining it, but I'll just say there was a beginning and an ending with the promise of another in the series to follow. I just hope they go back to the earlier games and follow what made them successful.
This is posted after playing the entire game. I just wish I had written this yesterday after I finished playing, because there is so much to tell you and I know I'm going to forget most of it.
I really enjoyed this game. I wasn't sure I would, but all in all it was entertaining and I can't wait to play it again. It's a long game and there are a few discrepancies, but not enough to worry about.
The sound quality is excellent and the graphics are worthy of the this designer. I have most all of these games and I found this one right up to par.
I liked it, because it was one I could do without racking my brain. I even did the mini games. The hidden object scenes weren't a push over by any means, but they were clear and fun to do. Mini games weren't new. We've seen them before, but they chose the ones that didn't take a lot of time to do and were simple enough that I enjoyed them.
You have an interactive map which is quite a necessity, because you will accumulate quite a bit of things in your inventory and this will help you get back and forth to where you need to be to use them. You have a helper who will assist you in quite a few tight spots.
The story is one we have heard before, but I enjoy it. It kept me entertained and in the game. It had a beginning and an end so that makes it good. So many just leave you hanging.
There is a lot more to tell you, but you can be the judge. Play the demo, which honestly doesn't do the game justice, and make up your own mind.
I highly recommend this game if you want something to entertain you and not have to work the grey matter to the bone.
Over all this was a decent game. I found the various games within a game quite entertaining. I played about 4 hours total over two days and that's pretty decent.
The graphics were very good. Pretty when called for and eerie when needed. The music was decent and went along with the action. About the only things in this category I didn't care for were the voice overs. Just wasn't natural in the presentation in most cases.
The challenge is there. With several different types of hidden object games in the same scene and those being varied from scene to scene made it very interesting. I found the mini games a bit too difficult for my taste and to be quite honest I couldn't figure out what I had to do most of the time. However, that is why they put that skip button on there and I used it frequently.
You have a journal, which I didn't use very often and a map on which I lived. It's a good helper. There is a dog you get to use to help you in dark places and digging out for you and along the way you will pick up some powers that will assist you in your quest. The hint and skip buttons recharge rather quickly. I like that in a game.
Big Fish does a great job telling you what the story is about, so I'll just give you my impressions.The story is good and easy to follow, with a few exceptions the ending being one of those exceptions. It left me wondering what had happened to all those people.
I do believe you will enjoy this game. I did. Try the demo, which really doesn't do the game justice and make up your own mind.
I played the demo and could not understand all the high ratings, but figured it was going to get better as time went along. It really didn't. Maybe I needed some more fairy dust to get into the game. It wasn't the worse game I've bought, but it sure wasn't the best. I'm in hopes my granddaughter will enjoy it when she comes to visit.
Over all, it was not a fun game for me. It's a long game. I played probably 5 hours over two days, but it really didn't get me involved in what was going on. It acted like a child's game yet it was very challenging at the same time.
The graphics were really nice and the music and voice overs were well done. It's the pop up voice overs so you have to click continue to see what was being said next. The characters were well drawn and the actions was decent.
There are several different hidden object scenes in one. You have some that ask riddles, then you will have to find shapes, use them in the scene and the like. That was a unique touch to this type of game. Mini games, ha, who plays them anyway. Some were pretty tough and I did hit the skip button on a regular basis, but many were interesting. You have an interactive map and a notebook that kept track of your tasks. Didn't use it much. The riddles were really fun and funny. That was probably the most interesting part of the game.
The story was okay, a bit hard to follow at times, but it had a beginning and an end, so that's a good thing.
Just because I'm not a fairy kind of guy, doesn't mean this isn't a good game. It just didn't get me involved as usual. Play the demo and read the other reviews so you can get a full idea of what others thought.
This isn't a bad game. I rather enjoyed it. The hidden objects were fun and the mini games were doable. That's a plus in my book.
Graphics were very good. They were clean and easy to see. The sound left a bit to be desired in the voice overs. I couldn't hear them very well at all. Might have been the way I had the settings, but there were only two, music and FX. Music was tolerable and the effects went along with the story.
As I mentioned the hidden objects were rather simple and I did the majority of the mini games, so I would have to list this as being rather easy. If you are looking for a challenge where you spend hours upon hours racking your brain, this isn't for you. But for we simple folks, was pretty good. You have an interactive map along with your diary. You will need both of these to complete the game. I love those maps. The hint button recharges quickly and will move you along should you get stuck.
The only thing I did not like was the story line. It was okay, but the ending was ... the end. Nothing to it. It just ended. The rest of the story was good and kept me involved in the game. I wish I had been able to complete it in one sitting, but I wasn't able.
I see nothing wrong with this game. It might be a bit short, but I enjoyed it. Check out the demo, of course, and I think you will find you might just enjoy it too. I did.