Despite the rave reviews I could not complete even one picture due to eye strain. Some of the areas were too small to contain a number so I had to search with the cursor. The variety of pictures was good.
The first puzzle in the demo worked well. After I purchased (at least it was on sale) I tried a second puzzle and half the pieces were hidden by the top and bottom banners. I was able to pick at it and get some of the pieces moved but was not able to pick them all up so unable to complete the puzzle.
I'm going with a solid 4 star rating. The storyline while maybe not too original is a nice change from dark monsters, murder and mayhem, and the graphics are nice and clear. I'm not familiar with TellTale developers - it will be interesting to see if we get more games from them. My reasons for deducting a star are minor but annoying. The graphics in the task and hint area extend too far into the main body of the scene and it's too easy to click on them and the text on the notes is very small and difficult to read.
I didn't have trouble downloading,playing or purchasing, with points used (brought game to half price). I am so happy to have a new fresh game to play as I'm not purchasing Do (Domini) games at this time and I really like Friendly Fox and hope they continue to be able to produce their games.
This game is so like my favourite, Runefall I had high hopes I'd like it especially since I can't play Runefall 2 on my PC. When I realized there were limited moves even in relaxed mode I was sorely disappointed. Also the game field was too big to allow for decent matches in the bonus match. Just too many things going on for me to relax and enjoy.
I am so disappointed in this game. I waited three weeks for a new game and when I saw that it was Friendly Fox for a change I was happy but I'm about an hour in and every task is the same as other games except it seems to be taking longer to complete them. Find a healing potion, gather resin, fix a boat, make a net and so on. I do like the pooka characters. Maybe it's not fair to review after such a short time playing but I may not finish the game so I'm doing it now. If you're looking for something new or fresh I don't recommend this game. If you are new to HOGs then you may like it.
This is more than just a painting game – explore incredible artwork and let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
Played right through the demo. Aside from my index finger almost bleeding from so much clicking to colour tiny areas it was really hard on my eyes. This is the nicest colouring game I've tried. This is a try it game, not for everyone.
Heal something. make a warm drink, find a sharp knife blah, blah, blah, and back to the blue palette. This seems like it was brought out of the basement, dusted off and presented as a brand new game. I'll bet if you did a survey your members could come up with a few storylines that would be great sellers.
I've played a few of these and this version is so irritating. It's sometimes impossible to move on the board. If there aren't any matches in sight and a bare spot showing the hand that moves the board you are out of luck. The bouncy arrow pointing to something off screen is just maddening.