I can'te believe this was almost free on the Monday deal. OK not the CE but I often find the CE second half disappointing. The game is over, why do more. What appeals to me about this genre is the story line with the HOs so I always need decent HOs. I love the HOs and I have a game that is entirely HOs but you need the story line or they are boring. I'm not keen on puzzles and if a puzzle holds me up too long I skip it. So this game scores on those counts. It was fun, excellent artwork and good HOs. What more can you want?
I played it and it kept me amused for a while but all that witches and magick and purple zaps... it's all kids stuff to be honest. Saving grace: the HOPs were plenty and good.
This was the SR version I bought with the monday offer. I was surprised at what a great game it was. I could hardly believe I only paid $3. It's well worth the full price.
I'm actually having a lot of fun with this game. It has a wonderful 60s/70s feel to it, reminiscent of 60s science fiction of the Asimov era and the 60s view of the future with microbots and so on. Whereas most games I have played so far (dozens of them) are interesting on the whole this one makes me smile. Each new scene is fun.
Like the other reviewers I found this game different from the usual. It has no end of real HOSs (32 I think) and they are all visited more than once, each time for different objects in the same scene. And the items are hard to find. In most HOSs in the other games I've played the objects are never hard to find. In this one the objects are well hidden and can take quite a while to find. It makes the whole game longer too. My last game from Big Fish took only 2 weeks for me to play and I all I do is visit a game for a short while each evening. The game has plenty of puzzles if you like them though I generally don't have the patience for them and just skip so I can get on with the game. There is a credible story line as usual but it's the HOSs that make it unique. And as I said you revisit the same scenes a few times and each time there are different objects to find. I would say this is the best HOG I have ever played.
I've been playing these games for years and this is the first one that doesnt have a hint button. The settings allows you to say how fast the hint button refreshes but there is no hint. You can see it bottom right in the pictures on the game page but there's nothing on mine. I think you only get the hint button when you purchase the game.
Maybe it was just me but I have never had this before. The game is great in all aspects. When the demo timed out I naturally bought the full version which as you know is another download. To my horror it starts from the beginning again. I have to go all the way through, skipping what I can to get to where I was. I am not sure I have the patience to do that. So my advice is dont do the demo, or else just a few minutes of it; just buy the full game.
I've been downloading newest games but decided to give this older one a go. What a surprise! OK the aspect ratio is out of date but the graphics are just fine. What I particularly liked was lots of HOSs. It is supposed to be a HOG after all. So many modern games claim to be HOGs yet have hardly any HOS. Many of the HOS require you to use something from the inventory to help in the HOS. I'd not come across that before. Would definitely recommend this game.
Not quite sure if it qualified for the title of Hidden Object Game. There were hardly any HOSs and far too many puzzles. In fact once the 25 years forward scene started with Bill Graham there were 6 puzzles in a row. I got fed up of them and started skipping the puzzles. As for the story line it got a bit tedious and boring. Why do we always have runes and magic and ghosts of ancestors?
I liked this game but it seemed as if it had been written by two teams - the first part was the train. This was absolutely excellent and really gave a train feel. The second part was the actual Hellswich site which was ok but more run-of-the mill. They merged the two badly - the train teleported from the track to the house! What? It would have been more credible if the train had been simply diverted down a branch line. There was also a bug - at some point - I can't remember the details - I didn't pick something up and it was impossible to go forward without it and impossible to go back and get it. I had to replay from the beginning which was a bit tedious but I hate to give up!