I actually submitted this review for the standard version but it applies to this version: After each scene there is a mini-game; could be a jigsaw or a match 3 etc. or the Mahjong. The Mahjong game is unique because if you run out of matches it automatically re-shuffles. However the difference between the Mahjong in Beautiful Earth 6 and the earlier ones is you can actually complete the game without the auto re-shuffle. If you go back to the menu then click continue you get a totally new arrangement and can start over again. Of course that is not the point of Beautiful Earth series but it certainly adds to the game.
The previous review describes the game pretty well. He mentions Mahjong. After each scene there is a mini-game; could be a jigsaw or a match 3 etc. or the Mahjong. The Mahjong game is unique because if you run out of matches it automatically re-shuffles. However the difference between the Mahjong in Beautiful Earth 6 and the earlier ones is you can actually complete the game without the auto re-shuffle. If you go back to the menu then click continue you get a totally new arrangement and can start over again. Of course that is not the point of Beautiful Earth series but it certainly adds to the game.
I downloaded peaceful gardens. It was ok apart from bizarre placements of the hidden objects, like an elephant in a treetop lol! Then I searched for something similar and came across the beautiful earth series. Some of the animals are bizarre, like you don't often see an elephant in a country garden lol! I started with 8, then tried 2. No.2 was a bit too chinese for my liking. Not enough variety. No.5 so far is the best.There are scenes from around the world. They create a peaceful background for the hidden objects and the ambient sounds are good too. There is a decent attempt to place the objects in believable places (on the whole), like the duck is actually in the water. Between each scene is a mini-game. Like so many HOGs the mini games are mindless. I'm not interested in match 3 or stupidly simple word search. BUT one of the mini games is unique. It is like a kind of Mahjong, using the same tiiles as Mahjong,arranged at random. You have to click pairs that then disappear and you keep on until there are no more pairs you can find. At thet poing the game automatically shuffles and you play on. It keeps reshuffleing until you have removed all the tiles. It is a unique game Ive never seen before and it ought to be a game in its own right. I keep going back to the same scenes (note down which ones) just so I can play this game! Ah and one of the scenes is Portmeirion in Wales where the prisoner was filmed. Enjoy!
I had played a HO game called peaceful gardens and was looking for something similar, relaxing play, beautiful background and I came across this range. I started with no.8 but may try the others. It bears many similarities with peaceful gardens and one of the scenes is exactly the same, which surprised me as they claim to be from different companies.
I enjoyed it very much. Like the others in the series it features something mysterious that turns out to be just a bad guy! Only downside in the extra game play there is a puzzle (if that's a good word) where there is a circle with letters round it and a single word VIENNA. You have to turn the dial to the letters one at a time. Then the word changes to SINGER but the letters do not - no S for example. So I had to abandon the game. So just get the standard edition.
This is the first time I've done a review without finishing the game. Before I continue with my complicated review I will say that it's a good game. It's also very long which is a bonus. There are sadly too many mini-games and not enough hidden object scenes considering it's supposed to be HOG. I confess I usually just skip them. There are 3 protagonists and you pick and play as them one at a time. The 3 protagonsts only appear after you have played as a starting player for some reason. Then for each protagonist it's almost as if they are different games. I think they had a number of writers all contributing. After picking the first choice, an engineer, we head over to a sunken mansion.The player becomes a werewolf. Just before the end of this 'set' I found myself at the bottom of the staircase. I clicked what appeared to be highlighted and went into a strange room full of statues and things. It seemed out of character for the game and I was susprised. So I backed out without doing anything. After backing out I couldnt get back in again and that was the end of that 'set' for the engineer. It kind of spoiled my fun because I really wanted to get back to that hidden room but I couldn't. I am playing on as the next protagonist and I have no complaints; I just I think I found some game programming that wasnt supposed to happen. Overall, it's a good long game and great value for money.
I often wasn't sure why I was in anywhere. The detective protagonist would change and the scene change too and I was never sure why. There were some unexplained jumps in time too. And finally the game seemed short.
I can't beleiev how good this game was. It lasted ages - great value for money. The story was good and at least mostly credible. I am fed up with magic, witches floating in the air and casting spells! The last game like that I didnt even finish. All the Dead Reckoning games are like Agatha Christie stories. This one went on and one, room after room. Must have been a lot of work. The HOSs were not bad, some were a bit too easy but fun nevertheless.
I just get fed up of the same old magic and special effects. Whales that float in the air? Zapping magic wands like Harry Potter. I have finally given up and I'm abandoning the rest of the game. I need a more credible scenario and story line. I may come back to it in the future after playing some more down to earth games.
Unusual game but a well developed and credible story line. I don't have much patience for the magic and unicorn stuff. Bonus chapters often feel contrived but this one was well done although it ended a bit abruptly. It was as if the developers were going great and the boss came along and said 'wrap it up guys!'. I could have done with more HOSs. I do find it a bit odd being a woman in some of these games but I suppose women usually have to put up with the other way round. I had an unexpected upgrade download for some reason. Never had that before! One surprising bonus is the instrumental music. It actually is quite good and you can download it from the game. I don't recall ever having that before either.