I really enjoyed the clever gameplay. The developers used great imagination to create unique puzzles that hold my attention, and which challenge me -but not too challenging so that its impossible to figure out. The colors and scenes are wonderful. I loved everything about the game except for the 3D graphics which caused me to feel nauseous. I understand where the developers were going with this, as it can create interactive game play. But, my eyes/brain can't handle the 3D movement for some reason. Its not a buy for me for this reason. Try it out. If you don't mind the 3D graphics, you may really enjoy it.
Although I don't care for this type of game, I'm giving it 5 stars because it is so well done. I love the colorful and humorous graphics. Who doesn't love fluffy, little sheep? ha ha.
I had fun for a little while trying out the various buttons, to see what would happen, but then had to stop as the game no longer held my interest. I'd love to see such fun and colorful 'sheep' graphics if it were a building/time management game.
But, I want to clarify that the game is 5 star worthy for its genre. I believe those who like this sort of gameplay are going to really appreciate Clouds and Sheep 2. Very well done on this developers.
I enjoyed playing this game, due to the large size, high quality, colorful graphics. This game is for any age in my opinion. The game play gets more difficult as one progresses.
The theme of the game is whimsical and lighthearted which draws me in, as it helps me to relax and detach from the real world, which can be chaotic. I like this sort of downtime.
I agree with one reviewer that it takes too long for the game to process through all of the automatic matches which are generated, before I can continue with making my own matches. This is particularly an issue at the end of each level, whereby one has to wait for this to finish before moving on. I don't enjoy having to wait so long.
I do however appreciate watching the different bombs and special effects because they are fun to look at, and also because they help one to clear the board to achieve the goal and coins at the end.
Perhaps the developers can come up with a way to allow the beautiful special effects, bombs, etc.. but so that one does not have to wait so long in order for game play to continue... Thanks.
As a child growing up, my family enjoyed playing the game "Mario", whereby one uses a game paddle to navigate through the various scenes. We were big fans of this game.
When I joined Big Fish, I discovered that there were many arcade/action games similar to the Mario platform, whereby one would have to navigate through various terrains and obstacles, however, what was missing was the easeful ability to maneuver through the scenes.
One day I contacted Big Fish Customer Service and asked them for tips on how they were able to enjoy playing such action/arcade games with success, without a paddle. I was told (in various wording) that I would need to use the keyboard and mouse, as that is how the game is set up to be played.
I was aware of using the keyboard and mouse, however the point I reiterated was that game play is not smooth when using them. I asked if there was some sort of extension a member could by, ie a paddle, which could be used with the Big Fish arcade/action games. I was informed that there was not.
I'm not sure if an extended 'plug-in' paddle device has been created since then, as I haven't looked around.
My point in relaying this long story is for the developers. Congratulations on creating a game that has smooth game play using the computer mouse! The improvements are great. The difference between the other Big Fish action/arcade games I've tried and this one "Bad Girl" is vast.
I've had great fun playing "Bad Girl" , and I've maneuvered the mouse with ease.
I also find the graphics in this game colorful, pleasing to look at, and humorous.
And in many cases, this game allows one to continue if your character 'dies' without having to start over. You pay a few game coins which you've earned, and you continue. A big plus here. {In the past, I've played games whereby one has to get through some very tough levels and would have to start over at the beginning if the character dies (frustrating)}.
Well done game developers. Thanks for your lighthearted sense of humor in creating these games. Keep up the great work.
Unfortunately for me, I am very sensitive to motion, so I am unable to play any sort of 3D game or games such as K3Y due to the motion of the game whereby the screen would rush downwards after a level was played. This type of motion rush is unpleasant for me and I'm unable to continue playing.
I don't recommend this game, however, this may not be an issue for some people so I fully recommend that you try the game for yourselves to form an opinion. Other aspects of the game are great which is why I gave full points in the other areas. Visual/Sound Quality is given a "poor" rating only because of the 'motion whipping' that occurs after playing a level. I personally found the other aspects of the visual graphics to be vivid, fun and of good quality.
Thank you for a fun-filled, festive holiday game. I enjoyed the storyline very much. Great graphics, colors, and whimsical holiday spirit. Exactly what I love in a holiday game.
I enjoyed some of the aspects of this game such as the level of technical quality used to produce the graphics. I also liked the story line - I found it fun to go on expeditions in search of the golden skulls to rid the lands of darkness, etc.
I would have finished the demo and possibly purchased the game if it were not for the next two items: 1.) Although I am only a few minutes into the game, I didn’t see any female characters. Perhaps there are female characters further into the game. So far, the only mention of a woman was the queen who had her upper body exposed with a scantily clad bodice. Would a queen really dress in such a provocative, disrespectful way? Hmm…. Not very good, or accurate role modeling for the female gender, regardless of the time period. Yes game developers, this small detail is very noticeable.
2.) Although there are berry bushes to pick from, the main food source consists of building a pig farm. And, as all animal agriculture goes, the animals are held prisoner and raised in this confinement, and then by using our imagination it is obvious that the animals are then slaughtered and their body parts become the food source. The worker then picks up a red colored body part, which looks like the leg of an animal. Gross! I can see where the developers wanted the game to relate to the time period, but is it really necessary to embrace all aspects of our dark past, or our dark present? In general, animal enslavement and cruelty found within zoo or farming or hunting games are big No’s for me and I steer clear of them. I like to immerse myself in the game and therefore, this feature was too much for me overlook, as I would imagine that one would need to build a pig farm and collect these red animal body parts for food, throughout the rest of the game. I would see this “constantly” throughout the game and that would be very unpleasant for me.
Therefore, despite the other good features of the game this is a ‘no buy’ for me.
I don't recommend this game.
5of22voted this as helpful.
Yuletide Legends: The Brothers Claus Collector's Edition
I had so much fun playing the demo. What a terrific game. Whimsical, colorful, 'excellent graphics'. Hidden object scenes are not tedious, but instead fun to play -I actually took my time and looked for the items because the graphics were so well done and the hidden object scene layout was easy to see, and enjoyable to look at/interact with. Loved the inventive game to power up the star. Really appreciated the special attention to detail that went into the graphics, ie the beginning mini movie; hot chocolate machine; gingerbread house slide show; and even small items were detailed like the pretty scissors you find and use from one of the HOS. Thank you for a high quality game. The developers get an A+ from me. A definite buy for me. Thanks for adding more joy to my holiday season.
I don't have time to leave a long review, but I did want to be sure I left a positive remark about this game. Very magical, beautiful, fun, high quality graphics, imaginative. Thanks for a fabulous, holiday experience :)