Super fun, interesting and a different storyline, and I finally got the hang of how to battle the opponents in the treasure challenge rounds. Well done developers. Thanks for a pleasant and worthy gaming experience. p.s. I think Catherine looked a bit inappropriate, i.e., her low-cut top. Women don't need to be represented in this way, in order to attract 'game buyers'. People will respect her character more, if she were dressed without the scantily clad clothing. Although I loved the game and give it 5 stars, I will say I had a difficult time relating to Catherine because of this.
Super job game developers. So Christmassy. The colors and images are beautiful, fun and imaginative games, original story line. Thanks for all your effort and for a fun and festive game experience. I look forward to next season's masterpiece. :)
I love playing this game. The graphics are excellent quality, colorful and whimsical. I used many hints while I progressed through the game. Once I got the hang of how to find the blue feathers which are accumulated as you go about the various scenes, I was easily and rather quickly able to gather the required '5' at a time, in order to receive a hint. Gaining this knowledge made the game flow along much more smoothly and enjoyably. It is heartening to learn that the developer dedicated the game to his daughter. Very sweet. Overall, I found the game play to be challenging but also fun, and original. I loved the characters, especially Anna and her beloved feline companion. Well done developers. Thank you.
Great game. Super fun. This is the best one, in my opinion, out of the series. I'm sad it's over. I found it a bit short, and wish there were more levels to complete. I look forward to the next one. Nice job developers!
I enjoyed the story line, the nice quality and colorful graphics, and it's smooth game play. Great in these areas.
I was dismayed however at the over sexualization of the main character's image, i.e the princess. I felt a bit embarrassed when I saw her unrealistic apparel to bring attention to her body parts. I can't appreciate or like her character because of this, and uninstalled the game after only a few rounds. Game developers, stop doing this to the characters that you create. It is much more enjoyable to see a female character smartly and appropriately dressed, so that one can focus on the story and depth of the leading female character, instead of on harmful, untrue, and disrespectful fantasies about females (or males, if a male character is portrayed in this way). Other than this feedback, I say good job to you for the rest of the game dynamics.
Nice job to the developers in choosing the imaginative colors and ideas for the underwater scenery. I enjoyed immersing myself within the game because of these positive qualities. I also like that the characters move fairly fast from one task to the next when queued up. A fun story line with quality artwork. If you like Time Management games, give this a try :)
Graphics were great; fun and unique storyline. Love the idea of the little girl's ability to paint items with her magic paint brush, so that the characters can progress through the game. The banana peels to collect were new and fun to the eye.
I only lasted 12 minutes into the game and had to shut it off as I was turned off by players ability to kill off the various animals as an extra feature while playing through each level. For example, You can click on lambs, and hear them cry out as they disappear with the touch of your mouse. Baby birds fall to their death when you click on their eggs, and a goat cries out and goes 'poof', leaving behind his antlers that fall to the ground when he is killed off. This feature to kill off animals 'for fun', felt satanic and morbid to me. No thanks. Not very nice at all.... Remove this feature and you've got a great game.
I am so impressed with the level of creativity which has been displayed in this game. The comical, fun, mischievous, colorful characters and hungry monsters are pure joy to look at and interact with –had me smiling. Obviously the game developers are talented and skilled at what they do.
A game also needs to be somewhat relaxing, so that I can unwind from a stressful day’s work. This game is too intense in the qualifications to pass each round. I passed 2 or 3 levels, but then the intensity became too much to pass the levels, ie to fast, to much required of the player to have fun and pass the rounds and move onto the next level. Obviously some people will enjoy the intensity of the levels and may even pass them with ease. But for myself, I felt anxiety and stress from trying to achieve the requirements so I unfortunately had to shut it off.
However, I liked the graphics and game play ideas so much that I’m leaving this game on my computer for one month, to see if the developers will add ‘easy’, ‘medium’, ‘hard’ options to the game so gaming customers can choose their level of intensity. If these options are added in, I will buy this game in a heart beat, and I will upgrade my review to 5 stars, and recommend this game.
This is one of my favorite holiday games to play. I love the original idea of Santa's sleigh whisking through the game board to remove the selected item. Its colorful, and whimsical.
A couple suggestions: 1.) I'd like to suggest to the game developers to change up the icons for the boards. There is not enough variety. In other words, add in a different icon every few boards. The icons change a bit, but not enough -I'd rather not see the same ones game after game after game.
2.) It takes too long to earn blue stars to buy a Christmas tree for the garden! There should be ways to earn more blue stars, more quickly.
Other than these two suggestions, I still give it five stars due to its great quality. Thanks for the holiday fun :)