My favorite Devs seem to have been a bit hurried getting this one out...but it still has some unique features that make it stand out from, and above, most games being released these days! Some of the tasks, mostly in the beginning, were quite confusing, to me....i.e. making potion, where to obtain its ingredients, etc. Just kind of felt all over the place, and there were no directions given, that I saw. One of the first few HOPs was really fun... By plucking the strings on a lyre, it changes the view, and the different items were in different views/combinations of views. All three of the HOPs in the demo had a unique quality to them. I did skip a couple of puzzles, as I do in most games. I am especially not fond of combating any form of creature (a dragon, in this game)....automatic SKIP. I do understand the comments about the script being hard to is. hopefully, they will correct this by the next game in this series. It didn't make a difference in my game play, fortunately...just an annoying factor. Overall, I liked the game, and will purchase it. I have really high hopes for future games in this series. Eipix is my favorite Dev, as I mentioned above....they just have really unique features in every game they produce. Their technology is always ahead in their field, IMHO. Graphics are always perfect.
I guess I'm with Freebird on this review...I'm giving it an extra star due to all the TERRIBLE games out there...and this is definately better than most, these days. It's just a typical HOS/Adventure game, though it does have great visual qualities. Morphing objects are somewhat well hidden in most scenes. The collectible fears are an interesting touch, and the puzzle pieces are also challenging, usually. Taking all this into consideration, it is still not a "buy" for me...just didn't have the "wow" factor I need to justify a CE purchase. As always, try the demo for is a pretty fun game. I have played so many games, at this point, that it really has to be unique for me to purchase it, anymore.
The only saving grace in this game was the morphing objects (skillfully hidden, for the most part), and the collectibles. The graphics were okay. Voices really got on my nerves...if the uncle says "Alice" one more time...I mean, really? BTW, I really do not see the point in making's just busy time, and a waste of it, at that! A way to extend the playing time, IMHO.There were also couple of misnamed items, etc. Unfortunately, this is just another "same-old-game" from this Dev!
Come on credits are really adding up, these days with nothing worth using them on!! I'm even letting my free games expire...nothing worth my time!
As always...try the demo for yourself. I will not purchase this game. I can just go back and play any of the other games from this Dev that I purchased in the past...they're all the same. Time to learn some new technology!!
Review based on demo, only. While this COULD have been a great's NOT! After the first four reviews went up, I got my hopes up, since they were all 5-Stars....when will I learn?! I debated giving it a 2-star review, honestly, but there was something that kept me playing through to the end of the demo. The HOS were pretty good, just too few of them. The mini games were very easy, except the was fun. The collectibles were laughable!! Completely out of keeping with the theme of the game....paw prints? And only 9 figures throughout? No morphing objects, and that was a missed opportunity....something creepy would have really added to the game, IMHO. Nowhere near enough extras to warrant the CE cost! Graphics, while crisp and clear, felt's 2017 in the technical world, after all!! Storyline was disjointed....a real miss. Hopefully, if there is a sequel, they will really step this game up! As always...try the demo for yourself. Some seem to love it. As for me, I will not purchase the CE...maybe use a free coupon on the SE, one day. I'm really at my wits end with the games this year....keep hanging on to my membership, hoping things will improve...we shall see. I'm running out of patience!!
This really could have been a great game, but it fell flat, for me! The owl collectibles are adorable, and an interesting approach. There is at least one owl in every scene, and most have 2 (or more?) being a morphing object. Well hidden, for the most part. The graphics are a bit blurry, IMHO. And, there is too much going on "at a distance," which made it hard to tell what was going on, & where I needed to be doing a task.We are just way too far along, technologically, to be putting out games with such poor graphics! Lastly,I just found myself wanting the demo to end...not anything makes me want to keep playing. Simply stated, it was.....boring!
...but not a purchase for me, either. This game missed the mark in a lot of ways. First....all that purple makes me nuts. Just overboard! Second, it's just not fun...which is why I play. Boring! The HOS are extremely easy. The puzzles are repeats of many games we've played for years...or, if new ideas, then not anything I want to spend my time doing. The one aspect I found pretty good was the morphing objects, but even those got easier to spot once I had played a few scenes. I feel the Devs were in a big hurry with this one....and it did not pay off!
As always, try the demo for yourself. I did give it three stars because I have played MUCH worse games,'s not terrible, just average. Meh!
What's going on? Why do I keep paying a monthly fee for bad games??
...but pretty close! I was tempted to give this game only one star, but decided it's not quite that bad.
The characters are okay, colors (dark, but fitting for the atmosphere) and artwork are pretty good, but as far as game play goes, it's just NOT fun. I only played about about 10 minutes before I bailed. I didn't stay around long enough to know if the story line worked, but the 4 different colored (burning?) horses were enough to make me think it does not.
What is it with the morphing objects, lately? They seem to have a theme, and it's not good. Spoiler alert...every time you see a cat, it's a morphing object, so that takes all the challenge after the second scene!!
I REALLY hope something good comes out soon, or I'm going to be rethinking my BFG membership...this has certainly not been worth the cost, lately!
As always, try the demo for may need a nap!
There is nothing to get excited about in this game, IMHO. There are a lot of collectibles, of various types. Unfortunately they are all pretty EASY to spot. If that isn't frustrating enough (I like hard-to-find items...isn't that the point?) there is also an "indicator" at the bottom of each scene to tell you how many/what type of collectibles are in the scene...which took the rest of the challenge/fun out, for me.
It does have a full-length demo, so I had plenty of time to confirm it is just "Ho-Hum."
There is just absolutely nothing about this game that wasn't in HOP games several years WOW factor, at all. It will not be a purchase for me!
As always, try it for yourself...apparently, based on all the 5-star reviews, some gamers did enjoy it.Show Less
I do not own any of the other games in this series, and now I remember why...I am not a fan...just plain and simple. While this game did have some ideas I enjoyed, the Dev's completely missed the mark on most of the game's aspects. As far as the collectibles went, the morphing objects were very obvious, and very odd. Who thought moving musical instruments on the roof was a good idea?? There were also 48 collectible puzzle pieces, most of which were well hidden. Most of the HOS were ho hum...standard was most of the game. I really didn't pay attention to the story line...just filler, usually, and I'm in it for the puzzles, HOS, etc. Speaking of puzzles....nothing was new or challenging in this game.
As always....try the might like's just not for me!
I am giving this game a 3.5-star review mostly due to the puzzles...they certainly improved the quality of the game. Nothing "new" or exciting about this game. I will not purchase it, as I can not justify the's just not that much fun, especially for 2017....(maybe in 2012?)
Unfortunately, there is a HUGE flaw in this rating system, IMHO. Certain reviewers almost always give five-star reviews (even though the written part of their review lists multiple "negatives,") in order to be "on the first page, and have their review receive "helpful" votes." (The default setting is "highest ratings first." I have been very confused by the juxtaposition of their stars vs. their written review, until I figured out why they are doing this. It really throws the actual rating off, and is very misleading!
As always, try the demo for's just not for me, but you may love it!