There is so much wrong with this game I don't know where to begin. It is boring. Period. I could have taken perhaps several naps as I played the game, and that was just the demo.
Oh, don't get me wrong. The storyline is interesting, perhaps even intriguing; it's just the execution of that storyline that put me to sleep. And there were the errors: misspellings (for example, "It think ..." instead of "I think"), lame hidden-object scenes (one graphic contained only 5 items for which to search—all of which were found in a grand total of 6.5 seconds--whoop-de-doo!), and objects were often so tiny and distant that they were "mere specks" on my computer screen. A magnifying glass of some sort, real or virtual, would have been helpful here. And the game was boring ... very, very boring, a story poorly told despite its potential. Oh, did I mention that before? OK, let’s say it one more time with feeling: The game was boring!
It is as if the developers themselves grew bored with the game and ended their work, aware of errors they couldn't bother themselves to fix. Oh, they didn't give up hoping that they had done just enough to sell this game, but "just enough" is not enough. They needed to do more. Much, much more.
What absolutely gorgeous, beautiful graphics! There are lots of HOSs with rather easy to find objects, and the hint button fills quickly--always a good thing! Puzzles galore, but not difficult to solve.
Only downside? The hidden objects were the same old variety. A crowbar, keys, frogs, same ol', same ol'. Made me laugh, actually.
A very well-executed and intriguing game. The graphics are clear and lovely (not overly dark), and the storyline is fascinating and, in some cases, touching (for example, a boy with the power to see through walls discovers his mother is preparing a poison for him in the next room).
I love the fact that some objects can be changed in size/dimension to make them usable and that there are two different types of HOSs. Very unique! I will be purchasing this game for certain!
After reading the negative reviews about this game I was certain I was going to hate it--but surprisingly I didn't. I liked this game, I actually liked it. Shocker. :)
Finally a complete 180-degree turn from the run-of-the-mill, so-called scarey HOG. This game is colorful, amusing, interesting, different--finally, something different. It is as if most HOG game developers are stuck in a rut of insane asylums, lost hikers-travelers-sisters-sons, creepy insects/rodents crawling around scenes, etc., and always crowbars--endless crowbars-- as hidden objects. Enough already.
I like this game. I found it delightfully different. I liked that scenes could be viewed from different angles and magnification, the images were colorful (instead of the usual dark and murky), and the dialogue was often amusing.
I hope others will at the very least give it a try.