Excellent! Exceptional! Extraordinary! There aren't enough superlatives for this game. I was so entranced by the story and the game that I became completely immersed, and the real world around me simply disappeared.
The music was so unobtrusive, that I often didn't even hear it. When I did, it was perfect for the scene. The graphics! I could have stayed for hours in the hay loft! The quality of light, feeling of comfort...so real! The characters were beautifully drawn and animated, as was all the scenery.
I was bowled over by the clever use of the typewriter and phone in those two HOPs. Great imagination, MH!
The games were great, though I have to admit, I missed the "completed all games without skipping" achievement. It's a problem with me, not the game. I simply can't do those games where you have to avoid obstacles while moving forward. Other games were great, some really challenging, some a "gimme".
The only downfall I met in the game was the misspellings. Yes, I am a card carrying member of the grammar and spelling police and "starecase" jolted me back to reality like a glass of cold water in the face. I get that most of these games are produced in Eastern Europe, and I say GOOD ON YOU for you hard work to keep us entertained and playing. But, please have a native English (or whatever language they are being translated into) read prior to final publication. The errors will never stop me from buying MH games, though! They are just TOO GOOD!
Do I recommend this game? You bet your sweet patootie I do! More, please! More!
Yoiks! This game took *forever* and truthfully, was not worth finishing. I cringed as I opened the bonus game; I really hoped it would be better, but no. As others have said, too much to and fro, too many times the necessary action simply wasn't intuitive. I can't remember how many times I said "You've got to be kidding me!" Challenge is fun, but this wasn't a challenging game. It was downright frustrating.
Since (at this point) 102 people have reviewed this game, there's little I can add. It was a great game to play. The storyline is engaging, the graphics are excellent, the music tends to drift into the background, but when you do listen to it, it's great. This is the FIRST game I've ever found all the morphing items and all the collectibles. I know I'll be playing this one again! I heartily recommend it.
I recommend this game!
5of7voted this as helpful.
Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
A dark illness has befallen the townspeople of Anaben!
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 3 found this review helpful
Another winner in my book
PostedMarch 4, 2017
fromSoutheast Wisconsin
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This game is getting a lot of bad press that - in my not so humble opinion - it doesn't deserve. I haven't yet done the bonus game, but based on the main game, it's an excellent one! When I first started playing these games (2012) Blue Tea was one of my favorites. I'm glad to see it back again, even if it is with Eipix's help. I tend to like Eipix's games, too.
The puzzles are quite challenging - I skipped a few, but I'm going to go back and try them again in the extras. I can see these puzzles coming back to haunt me in the future if I don't.
I know a lot of people don't like the HOPs where you are assembling an object, but I don't see where they are any different from finding things on a list or from silhouettes. I often try to find the pieces without even looking at the sample pieces. In other words, just try to see what doesn't fit into the scene and pick those pieces. I managed to get three perfect HOPs done that way.
For me, this was a real challenge. There wasn't anything I didn't like. The graphics are great, the music fades into the background, the story is both enjoyable and easy to follow. I will admit that the collectibles were tiny and difficult to find. That made it that much more fun to locate them. I didn't do very well with the parable pieces (morphing), but that doesn't upset me at all.
For anyone who is on the fence, play the free trial before you say no. If you're up for a challenge, go for it. It really was a good, interesting, challenge game for me!
I've been playing Big Fish HOPs for a couple years now and I can't say enough about how much I enjoyed this game! Others have told all about the specifics, so I won't go into them. What I loved was that it was SO different from most of the games from the last couple years. Not once did I find myself thinking it was lame, too long, too difficult. The music was nice, varied background music. The graphics were gorgeous. The story line was very different and very well written. I never felt that I had lost the story line as I traveled forward. The games and HOPs were fun and not frustrating, but weren't too easy, either.
Please Mad Head! More like this and the Adam Wolfe games! These have broken the mold for sure!!
Mad Head games did a great job with this game. It is very new and different from other HOPs out there. I hope to see others like this: unusual storyline, gritty graphics, good background music. I was very taken by this game, so much that I bought the second as soon as it arrived.
This game is not for everyone, however. If you like film noir, you will enjoy this. If not, stick to the fairy tale type games.
I started to say I was surprised at the few (and poor) reviews this game is getting, but perhaps a lot of people aren't bothering with this one because the last couple have been middling to poor (in my opinion). This one is SO much better than the last two! The puzzles are fun and not impossible to do, the HOPs are great, the story line is well done and keeps you interested. The graphics, colors and sound are great. I love the music...I really loved the music in the very first one and this is so much like it. I'm very, very glad I got this one! Please, PuppetShow, more like this! REALLY excellent game! Thank you!
I'm sure everyone else has done the specifics of what the game is about etc. I just want to say: this was a great game! The graphics were gorgeous! The music faded into the background, but when I stopped to listen, it was interesting and lovely. The games were fun (though I don't like games where I have to hit people or be hit by them - total pacifist). There was not one point when I wished I had not purchased this one. A true WINNER! Keep them coming, Eipix!
I just finished the CE of this game and I'm here to say Brava/Bravo! It was a great game, good graphics, music was not intrusive, level of difficulty was good. It's been a long time since I've played a game that I wanted to start all over again when I finished. Thanks for this one, Felix!
I recommend this game!
22of24voted this as helpful.
Phantasmat: Town of Lost Hope Collector's Edition
Carrying the lives of many on your shoulders, you are forced to balance on the tightrope placed between life and death.
Overall rating
3/ 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Difficult game to rate
PostedJune 25, 2016
fromSoutheast Wisconsin
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
If I were basing my rating on the puzzle and HOP part of the game, I would give it 5 stars.
If I were basing my rating solely on the story, I would give it negative 5 stars.
As others have said, this game is NOT for the faint of heart. It is very dark, not just in color. Several times, I thought about stopping the game and tossing it, but the game itself was fun to play. It was the storyline that bothered me, and it bothered me a lot. I found myself objecting so much to the storyline in this game. The person you are chasing through the whole thing is a schizophrenic, off his meds. They show him rejecting his meds in one scene. He is called all sorts of names by the "sane" people in the game, names that would be very hurtful to anyone who has a family member who suffers from this mental illness.
I'm not going to recommend it to anyone, nor am I going to say don't play it. If you've got a strong sense of well being or have little empathy for others, you might not object to the story. I think the best course of action with this game is to play the trial, then decide for yourself.