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This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
The 3D graphics are what makes this game top notch, the colors are stunningly vivid and crisp. I absolutely love this sci-fi tower defense game, complete with Plasma Guns and Plasma Flamethrowers, my smallest weapon is a Rapid Fire Laser! You choose the weapons you want (which actually depends on your funds) before the first wave of attacks begin, by clicking on the desired weapon and dragging it to the tower platform. Once you click to unpause the game, the battle begins as robot soldiers and space vehicles arrive in groves, hopefully you have placed the weapons in the correct places. As the enemy is defeated, you earn money to purchase more weapons in order to defend your base. there are icons to the right of the screen, which can be used as emergency backup equipment if all else is failing. When all waves are finished you can keep your best weapons for the next battle, the first two slots are free, others are available to purchase. All upgrades must be done after completing a set of waves, you can choose to upgrade the weapons, your soldiers etc. and each category has several tiers of upgrades available. The only complaint I have with this TD game was with the very basic tutorial and the lack of equipment explanations given. There is really no way of knowing what some of the speciality equipment does until you deploy that weapon, otherwise this is a very fun and addicting Tower defense game, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
You are a Wedding Planner hired by Jenny, the bride to be, and she promises not to become a "Bridezilla" which is always a plus! The object of this game is to search for Hidden Objects to pick up the items needed for Jenny's wedding at the local shops. You must find enough of the needed items before time runs out and the shops close. Every scene has at least one hidden Bluebird not on the list. The Bluebird of Happiness signifies a long and prosperous marriage Every five collected bluebirds represent the year of marriage such as Paper, Wood etc. which unlocks special features. After each set of Hidden Object Scenes, you will get to play a mini game such as a matching card game where you flip over two cards at a time, trying to match two identical pictures, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
You took a hard blow to your head, dazed and confused, you regain consciousness, thank goodness nobody was seriously injured when your car crashed into a rather large tree just in front of Corcrest High School! But wait...where's your daughter Aimee? Panic sets in quickly as you walk to the High School for help. That blow to your head must have been worse than you thought, the banner reads "Welcome to the Prom, Class of 1965, and that's a problem because it's 2015! You are about to enter the Phantasmat zone, question is......are you able to leave?
It's no secret, my favorite game of all time is the ORIGINAL Phantasmat, Crucible Peak paled in comparison. I was satisfied with, The Endless Night, Epix has done a wonderful job with the storyline, but again there is no comparison to the original Phantasmat. If you haven't played that game, treat yourself to the best storyline ever! The feature that bothered me the most with this game is with the graphics, especially in the HOP's, which seems bland and at times unfinished in the background. I played the Beta of this game and thought it was because the game was still in the rough, but apparently not. I was also under the impression that this game was going to be released in sections, as kind of a mini series, but I guess that didn't pan out.
The Phantasmat inventory bars have a unique feature, when unlocked the entire menu bar will remain transparent allowing you to see the entire scene. I was really glad to discover that in the Collectors Edition, they brought back Code Minions, which are iconic symbols of an eye, and they are extremely well hidden! Some of the inventory items have plus signs which indicate that you need to interact with that item before using, such as opening up the item or even combining that item with another inventory item.
The Hidden Object Scenes are mostly progressive interactive silhouetted shapes, where you find the first item that matches the silhouetted shape shown, and use that item to interact with another item which will expose the next item that matches the silhouette. There are zoomed in scenes in most of the HOS, with even more hidden objects, both list finds and silhouettes. My absolute favorite scene required you to find 5 morphing objects before the list could be accessed. there are also multiple finds of a single type of item such as 5 eye droppers. You can opt to play a Match 3 game instead, every Epix symbol that falls off the board will count as one listed item on the HOS. I really enjoyed the mini games, although in my opinion, some of the games were too simple. My favorite game was adjusting three knobs to match the patterns shown on the screen, by turning knobs for the Wavelength, the Frequency, and the Pitch.
The Collectors Edition has collectible Code Minions, replayable HOP's, Mini Games and Match 3 Games, the Making Of, Music, Video, Achievements, Pictures, a Souvenir Room, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy! (and don't forget to give the original Phantasmat a try)
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
To be perfectly honest, I only played about 15 minutes of this game, which was more than enough time to figure out this game wasn't for me. I usually like battle type games, but this game seemed to have no rhyme or reason and the numerous dialog boxes were pointless. Your main character is Lily who wakes up (or does she?) in the middle of the night because her entire bed has turned into a monster. She cries out for her mother and father but soon realizes that she has magic powers and a battle ensues. I choose to use the tutorial which took me through a few pages of explanation of the mechanics of the game and which keys to use as hotkeys, but no real explanation of what my goals are or what I'm supposed to do in order to win this battle. When you are faced with a battle, you can choose to Fight or Escape. Each character has both health and magic and the goal seems to be to defeat the enemy by depleting him of health while retaining your own health. If you choose to "fight" there are four available actions to choose from, each move requires you to choose one of these actions for each character. You can ATTACK to deal physical damage, SKILL allows you to use magic or a particular skill against the enemy, ITEM allows you to use various items within your inventory, or DEFEND which causes less damage on you character. I had to guide Lily to an icon on an oval stained glass picture, and after choosing one of the items I was asked if I wanted to use that item. I had no idea what the item was used for and why, nor did I have any clue as to what the other available items actually did. Then you guide her to the top of the picture to a spinning portal which took me to another stained glass picture with yet another few items to choose, and another portal. Between each portal was the credits sections so you had no choice but to read the credits one section at a time! If this review sounds confusing, check out the game and see what confusion is all about!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Leda's Blight, a stunning masterpiece, was thought to have been lost forever; however, it has incredibly resurfaced! Art collectors are chomping at the bit to place a bid on this beautiful painting at the upcoming auction, but first the painting must undergo a serious restoration. Lisa Steiner agrees to return to this quaint little town in Austria, to masterfully restore this original painting, but is it truly the original? Felicity Adams is the only journalist who has been able to interview Lisa, a known recluse. Your journalistic instincts are telling you that Ms. Steiner is being deceptive, or perhaps manipulated...this is clearly the art of deception!
Sure is a nice change of pace from the fairy tale, someone kidnapped the princess games, not that they're bad, just an overabundance lately. I will admit that this game starts out too slow and cheesy, but it really does improve. There are lot's of Achievements available to earn, and 17 hidden letters to find which unlock special features. Some of the inventory items have plus signs indicating further action is required before using that item, including some very intriguing puzzles! There are icons next to the inventory bar which keep track of the important features such as the achievements you have earned, your goals or how many collectibles you have acquired.
The Hidden Object Scenes are varied, some your typical (and my all time favorite) interactive list finds, and even scenes that scroll one scene to the left or one scene to the right as you are tasked with finding 12 flowers, 6 birds and 3 cats, but I found this HOP too easy and scrolling left and right constantly became a tad bit annoying. The Mini Games were pretty decent, although some were mind bending puzzles where you had to use directional arrows to slide half sections of different sizes to the middle, stacking the sections from the smallest to the largest.
This Collectors Edition has Movies, Music, Behind the Scenes, replayable HOP and Mini Games, Pictures, a Souvenir Room, a Painters Den, Achievements, Morphs, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Today was supposed to be a birthday celebration for eight year old Lerione, but a dark wizard managed to crash the party, kidnap the young princess, and turn the entire audience into frozen popsicles. The only one able to stay at a toasty 98.6 degrees fortunately was you, because Lucio the wizard, had given you a magic amulet! You thought seriously about using a blow torch to warm up the audience, but had second thoughts and resorted to plan B, use the mirror portal to chase after the big bad wizard, and hopefully find Lerione before he uses her kind heart to awaken the Ice Queen!
You have many magical tools at your disposal, a Crystal Ball which is capable of casting the Power of Light spell to devour dark magic spells. Unfortunately, you will have to charge the Crystal Ball after each use, which is in the form of a mini game. The mini games involve first finding the History Scrolls, and then finding one of several runes such as fire or wind, when you finish the puzzle, you will be able to charge and then use the Crystal Ball. There are collectible puzzle pieces that will break the enchantment spell for each character you come across, when all puzzle pieces have been found for each puzzle, you simply place the very large and very easy pieces in the book and the spell on that person will be broken, and the character will return to his normal happy normal self.
The Hidden Object Scenes are mostly progressive silhouetted shapes where you find the first item that matches the silhouetted shape, and then use that item within the scene to uncover the next item and so forth until all items have been found. There are also the occasional, find fragmented pieces or even finding symbols that match the symbols shown. The mini games are mostly puzzle tiles that create an image when complete, but there are also potion's to create following the recipe illustrations and finding several symbols within the pages of a story, by uncovering clouds and trees and even sails on a boat.
The Collectors Edition has Cutscenes, Wallpapers, Concept Art, Soundtracks, pictures of the VG team, History Scrolls, downloadable Greeting Cards, Morphing Objects, Collectible Puzzle Pieces, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Kira has fallen head over heel in love, and has invited her BFF to Baumholder to meet her new husband, Victor Allen, A.K.A Victor Snow. I must admit, for a game character, he's very cute and very muscular (although he struggled with that light pole way too long) and he's also apparently 7 foot tall according to his ID card! I have to agree with one of my favorite reviewers, LogieBaby, Kira's voice is extremely annoying, but they totally nailed the nerdy character she was portraying. It appears that Victor has been keeping his true identity from Kira, which has caused a wickedly cold assault upon Baumholder as Icy Giants invade this newlywed couples honeymoon and turn everything into a freezing the middle of summer!
There are 25 Hidden Hares and 6 Collectible Character Figurines throughout this adventure, and plenty of Achievements to make you proud of yourself for not using the hint button and muddling through that frustrating puzzle! Some of the inventory items have plus signs indicating that something needs to be done to that item before it can be used such as putting pieces together or combining that item with another inventory item.
The Hidden Object Scenes are well done, most are progressive silhouetted shape finds where you find the first item that matches the silhouetted shape, and use that item in the scene which will then expose the next item and so forth. One HOP had silhouetted shapes that required you to find two of the same type, the first item found would only fill in the shape 1/2 way. The Mini Games were very entertaining, some easy, some a little more frustrating such as clicking on frozen ice patches in a specific order or more ice patches would form.
This Collectors Edition has Achievements, Concept Art, Wallpapers, Music, 25 Hidden Hares, 6 Collectible Figurines, a built in Strategy Guide and a Bonus Chapter, enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
Jenny and Robert are about to buy their First Home, they have narrowed it down to two houses! Choose which of the two houses they should buy and help them unpack, shop and decorate. Don't worry, you can replay the game and choose the second house for a whole new game with different rooms and items to search for. When you play both houses, you will unlock a mystery level! You will need to find a specific amount of items within an allotted time within two or three room locations, and you usually search for all but two items in each group. Instead of hidden birds, this game has hidden Nest Eggs, for every 5 eggs you find you will receive an extra clue. After each set of Hidden Object Scenes, you will play a Mini game. You get to choose from three different games, Fix-R-Upper, Puzzle Garden, and Perfect Match. You will play each game four times throughout the game and you can choose which order you want to play those games. Each completed game transforms a room from a cluttered before, to a beautiful "after" room. When you have completed all 12 Mini Games you will unlock a Bonus Level. Enjoy!
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
This game isn't even in the same league as Dream Day True Love. Because Bill and Helen were telling their story, it made the game personal, in Honeymoon, all you really get is a letter from Jenny telling you how many souvenir's she is buying while on her honeymoon with new hubby Robert. You are tasked with finding a specific number of souvenirs within a specific time allotment in two locations. You don't even get the choice to find all of the items on the list, once you have found the specific amount, it's on to the next game even though you have items left on your list. The problem I have with the souvenirs is that they aren't souvenirs, some are but I have to find cookies, compasses, ice cream and arrows, who wants a melted ice cream back home? The good news is, my favorite feature is still available, finding hidden Birds of Paradise which aren't on the list but available all the same. For every 5 birds you find, you get an extra clue, but you have to use the clue within that scene because they don't carry over. After two hidden object scenes you will play a mini game such as flipping over two cards at a time as you try to match two identical pictures. This is a good game for beginners, and I probably would have liked it better if I hadn't played True Love first.
This "Top Reviewer" is one of our most frequent game reviewers. We think you'll trust what they have to say and find their reviews helpful and informative.
In 1939 Helen fell in love with her soulmate Bill, and have been married for 70 years! You have been hired to plan an anniversary gala to celebrate this occasion. You can choose to play this game in First Love Mode which gives you a shorter hidden object list, a faster hint recharge and standard puzzles. Soulmates is designed for experienced players with no tutorial available, a longer hidden object list, a slower charging hint, no text hints and harder puzzles, you must choose this mode to unlock a bonus background, there is also a mode available with no timer for a relaxed game.
The Hidden Object Scenes are list finds or picture finds and some items require you to find multiples of such as 10 yellow roses. Some of the items are very small but not impossible to find. Each scene has at least one hidden Bluebird for a total of 39, you don't have to find them, but that's the best part. The Mini games or puzzles are actually fun, finding several scraps that match a wedding invitation or choosing the correct tile section as shown as the 5 tiles to select from are rotating in a circle.
The story of how the couple met and the special events in their lives are told by Bill and Helen, in each scene. This was annoying to me, I know it's part of the romance aspect, but there was no option to mute their voices, you could choose to hide the text of what they were saying in the dialog box, but you would have to mute the entire game, music and all if you didn't want to hear their voices.