There a thousands of inspirational photographs in the world, and while these were nice, I felt like they were the standard shots one sees in tourist shops everywhere.
The game play is also pretty much the same as other jigssaw puzzles and functions well. But in the end, I did not even finish the demo as I had trouble finding an image to which I wanted to dedicate much time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I wanted to just LOVE this game, but after playing the entire game I was sorely dissapointed.
The background visuals are lovely. Magical, in fact. Yet many of the actual characters were not nearly as well done. I didn't care at all for the silly looking rats. Nor, with some exceptions, am I partial to "helper" characters and some of these were more awkward than most. While the idea of the kitten that succeeds in spite of himself was amusing, the execution was poorly done. And the candle seemed totally unnesessary. While I usually enjoy cut scenes, the ones in this game were numerous, long and often unnecessary.
The soundtrack was the Nutcracker Suite, of course. But it lacked the rich variety available from the original score and became a bit repetitive. And the sound effects could have benefited from echos, wind, water drops, footsteps, etc.
Game play was mostly standard with a few surprises, such as the "dress the soldier in armor" game. HOGs were clear with some interactions, but unchallenging. The interactive map is nicely done, but often does not show any available actions at all.
The story did have newer elements that are not in the original tale, offering a more "scientific magic" version of how they all become rats and dolls. To me this was a bit out of character with the rest of the story. In fact, so many elements seemed out of place I never got emotionally involved at all.
Obviously many people will and did enjoy this game, so I do not write it off. Over all the game was a nice easy adventure, particularly for newer players. However I bought this game based mostly on the RAVE reviews and I am sad to say, I would much rather had invested my credits elsewhere.
Very eerie with kindly zombies that want to help rather than eat your brains. Unfortunately, one of them WAS your friend.
Having only played the trial, I hated to see it end before my time was up. With top knotch graphics and a medium level of difficulty, this one is definately worth concidering. The HOAs are clear, there is a nice ratio of mini games, and there is a good inteeractive map for those that want to zip around quickly. And for once there is a plot that is not too easy to predict in the first 20 minutes.
While I may not rush out and buy this one, (its is VERY dark,) I may put it on my wish list.
There were many things done well in this game. The excellent map for navigation, good quality of voice overs, and the unique use of the scent collection bottle which I haven't seen anywhere else. I also enjoyed the variety of action.
However, the graphics lacked beauty and were pale and washed out, the characters cartoonish, creating a total lack of atmosphere. The game play was not too easy, but certainly not challenging either. I only played the sample version, so I cannot comment on the storyline other than to say that there is a lot of apparently random killing no matter what the villans reasoning. So we are not trying to prevent harm but are simply following a trail of bodies. We are not, therefore, very good heros.
While I am sure this game will be enjoyed by some, I personally prefer games that take me to a place full of imagination, whether eerie, frightining, amazing, or enchanting. This world is flat.
If you haven't seen the movie, this is not a terrible game. I only did the trial, and there are obviously no surprises here, but the level of game challenge is decent. For me that makes the play interesting. The graphics are acceptable with some nice scences. This is good.
One thing that continues to bother me with these type of games is the lack of consistancy. Why do I have to pass two ladders in order to find a hidden one? And why can't I use these ladders to get the scyth on the windmill or the bag hanging in the tree? Why do I have to find a ruler to open a latch when I have a stick? And why, oh why, did the object I had a minute ago dissapear when I could still use it to perform the current task? This, to me, is the bad.
Please never watch the Johnny Depp version of this tale if you don't want this to seem like a total rip off. The faces and actions are taken right out of the movie. And what the heck is a Victrolla doing in the 18th century anyway? Ugly!
Based only on the trial, the art in this game is one of the best. The story line is somewhat the typical rescue scenerio, but with enough of a difference to keep it interesting.
I typically play the trials in the easy mode as I want to get as far as possible before the time is ended. However I never had a need for hints or prompts, so I could have played in hard core just as well. I hesitate to say that I don't recommend the game as the visuals are so terrific. Yet the voice overs are poor and for me were a flaw, while the game play lacks challenge. This makes it a no buy for me.
While I can see why this game might frustrate some, I actually enjoyed the ultra simplicity of the play. True, you cannot rotate the pieces, and there are no bells and whistles for sorting or arranging. The minimal area of the board does not allow for pieces to be joined in groups and later moved into place as you find in real jigsaws. But I didn't find myself looking everywhere for a piece that is hidden in an off-screen area either. The scrolling mechanism for the unused pieces was convenient. I did not try the 300 piece option but I can imagine that not being able to join pieces unless they connect to board edges or previously placed items could become difficult at that level. So if your joy in jigsaws is playing Beat the Clock, this may not be the game for you.
That being said, I found the well illustrated graphics to be vastly superior to any other jigsaw site I have seen. I do enjoy ships and waterscapes and did not find the paintings nearly as dark as scenes from most HOGs games. As the music was soothing, I was not trying to race, and the finished graphics were well worth the effort in a way few on-line jigsaw puzzles are, I could see myself playing this whenever I am stressed or just want to unwind.
I have only played the trial version thus far, but I cannot agree with those who disliked this game. I did not find the main characters voice unpleasant or overdone. The graphics are lovely, bright and full of life. Not the same old skulls, spiders and Gothic ad-nauseum with which so many games are burdened. There are not so many HOS's that the game becomes monotonous, so unless this is all that you want there are many other games to solve. I have not seen many of them in other versions. While there is a considerable amount of backtracking, the map provided always lets you know where you are and where there are things to accomplish.
While this may not be the best game ever, it is definately one I would consider buying if for no other reason than it gets me out of the dark without the need for a single unicorns or fairy to make me feel foolish.
The Great Gatsby might be a classic, but this game is definately not. I have never stopped playing a demo due to lack of interest. Today I did.
To be fair I am not a fan of the era. The music was very Scott Joplin, and rinky tink piano is an aquired taste. The voices are fairly well done. But of all the great novels in the world I cannot think of a duller subject for an Adventure game as there is no action at all. There is little interaction other than in the rolling screen scenes which play like a carnival shooting range. Or grab A, B, and C to make D.
The artwork does not begin to compare with the quality shown in even the top 70% of the HOGs available. It is flat and one dimensional. Nor is there any brain power involved, no puzzles to solve or discoveries to make. Everything is obvious.
I cannot understand why anyone gave this more than 3 stars unless they simply haven't played anything else.
Perhaps I am just tired of one more HOS, but for me there were just no challenges or surprises in this game. I expected so much more from a game others had rated 5 stars. This was more of the very standard, drive to point x, crash your car, get stranded, free trapped ghosts, find the keys, cut with knifes,...oo, ick, skulls, snakes, spiders, and dead bodies galore. I found myself thinking, "not another HOS already". I am not a big fan of organ music of the macabre either, so I personally found this trite and irritating.
I did enjoy several of the scenes, particularly the jungles of India and Madagascar. The ambient noises were very relaxing and well done. But even this was ruined for me by the constant skeletons and snakes. I liked that they chose Jerusalem as a site. But it was at night, with a medival Knights Templar feel, and again, death everywhere.
In the end I found myself just trying to hurry and get this finished, which I did in about 6 hours. Definately not my idea of a 5 or even 4 star game. There are much better ones out there.