This kind of reminded me of some of the early days of adventure games where you are all alone, lost in some forgotten place and pretty much clueless. In those days there were no hints, maps, sparkles,etc. Just you and the environment. You could be stuck for days trying to make progress to the next room, (until you discovered the online hints and cheats).
I suspect some will be frustrated by this. And I must admit that I used my hint button more often than usual (which isn't very often) because I wanted to get farther in the demo. But that feeling of isolation, strangeness, and yes, frustration, is actually what I liked best about this game. Nothing was obvious. You really had to think and work things out in order to proceed. This game is quite challenging which I really enjoy!
The story is a bit different in that you are not immediately aware of any monster or villain. You are part of a team stationed at an arctic research facility and are apparently trying to discover a cure for a disease which is wiping out your family. But notes along the way begin to suggest that your extended isolation may have overtaxed your mental health. Do you have and addition to sleeping pills or other drugs? Is is being suggested that you might be suffering from some dangerous psychosis? And where is the rest of the team, anyway?
I am basing this only on the demo, so I do not yet know how deep the rabbit hole goes. But I am looking forward to finding out.
Once again I find people unfairly giving one or two stars to a game that deserves much more. The graphics, gameplay and storyline of Havana Nights is as good as any which alone should gain the game a minimum three star rating. As far as I know it is totally original that a game is set in Cuba which is refreshing. Like the Caribbean colors are bright and sunny throughout and it has a 1950 retro appeal.
Granted, it has all been done before, but that could be said of pretty much every game out there. This is the third in a series the main theme of which appears to be someone using music to gain vengeance. The games were not too challenging which could be a plus or minus depending on your preference. I find that if you want more challenge, don't read the game instructions, (such as with the trumpet playing game which was new and took me a while to figure out). As this review is based on the demo, I did not see much to recommend the Collectors addition, only drawings of diamonds to find. Perhaps there is more at the end such as additional storyline.
I gave this a four star based on its own merits and discounted for comments that state it is short (a serious flaw if true). I would have liked more life and variety in the music and it lacks something truly new, surprising or original in the story or graphics which is the only time I give 5 stars.
Havana Nights is a good solid game for anyone who wants a beautifully illustrated, well though out game to play and needs a change of venue from the redundant European ghost and witch stories.
I have never purchase one of the "mosaic" games and I really enjoyed the challenge to my concentration. And I am constantly amazed that you can come up with so many drawings with so few tiles. Because so many people gave good rating to this I though I would try it out. I am disappointed.
The dinosaurs? The laughably rendered penguin? And the "Garden" is my reward? Wow! Just awful. If you are a 5 year old Einstein it would be perfect, but how about rewards and graphics adults can also enjoy. I don't expect those equal to an adventure or hidden object, but there are a lot of Match, Mahjong, and Time Management games that do quite nicely. Sadly this would almost be better with no graphics or rewards at all.
Until something more mature comes along I will not return to this genre.
As an agent of the Alliance, you’ve been given a mission to destroy an ancient artifact known as the Spear of Destiny. In the wrong hands, it could help conquer the world.
The graphics of this game are very well done and sound and ambiance up to par with the best. The problem for me was the lack of challenge. The game were so easy and the next thing to do so obvious as to be ridiculous. If you want something that you can play while watch TV or having a phone conversation then fine. But I prefer to be almost to the point of taking a hint before I have that ahhha! moment. There were none it the demo, but perhaps those who purchased the game may have found one or two.
As there are so many better games out there, I will not be one of them.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Mahjong
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I reviewed this awhile ago, but thought I would update.
If you enjoy playing the same HOS scene over and over 100 times or more, (I do NOT exaggerate), this is the game for you. The play is so easy it became my only challenge to see if I could beat my best time, then it just got frustrating after the same scene 50 times.
I do agree that it is addicting. It becomes a huge carrot/stick lure believing you are actually making progress, only to have the goal moved constantly, You keep thinking there is a light at the end of the tunnel only to find it is just a lantern hanging in a bend. I can only assume the 4 and 5 star reviews were written after playing the game for a just a few hours or days because this is so redundant it ceases to amuse after a few days. But I guess I am a bit OCD because I set a goal, and, by golly, I want to reach it. lol
But here is the biggest frustration. You start by bringing these characters 3 things and as you advance you are bringing them 3 things that have 3 parts each, and you do this for each character 4-18 times to get one little thing! !!!! Because these items come from only a few sources and each source renews itself 30-60 minutes apart it can take days to make just one person happy unless you bought tons of blue diamonds. I know that once I bring that dragon the other 3 (x4=12) things, there are still 3 new people I will need to please for a second time. Which means another 3 days of work at the least. And they could move the goal yet again!
The "storyline" consists only of captioned bits and pieces of information, why this one died, that that one is actually a werewolf, incessant rambling from the dragon, etc. Not at all involving. Characters do not move, speak, or interact in any way. So basically just a grocery list of facts. Not at all involving.
The graphics are nice but nothing special except for the special holiday additions (see below). The music extremely repetitive but unobtrusive and as there are few ambient effects unnecessary to the play. It plays just a well with no sound at all.
Pluses? There are some. For one thing, you could easily play this game endlessly. I am not sure if these is an end as the map shows an area where another game can be added in the future. However, I am sure you will be getting yourself into some serious money should you choose to go past the first level. I am trying to finish the first, but I am running out of "heart" as I want to see if it can be done without purchasing diamonds.
Another thing that IS fun is that the game is connected, so as it is now Halloween/Thanksgiving, the makers have added decorations and little morphing pumpkins to find. It does help break the tediousness. I assume they will do this for each holiday as this game goes on forever. And they update glitches and add new things to do, which adds to the addictive factor.
Lastly, IF you are the kind that likes to socialize while playing, you can connect to others to play tournaments or exchange things you need.
In the end I have wasted 40 hours of my life on this, so it can't be all bad, but I also kind of wish I never started. Its rather like cigarettes I hate it but I can't quite stop...yet..
This is one of the better games this year. While it is not the only game of its type, it is particularly well put together and as involving as any scary game can be. After all, who is really going to jump out of their skin over painted drawings. The story is well thought out and flows nicely from beginning to end. Characters are very well thought out and complete. The art is well done, sound effects and music appropriately eerie and not overly redundant, and there were many little unique twists in the HOPs that kept things interesting.
The biggest surprise is how anyone could possible give it less than 3 stars. I totally understand that not everyone loves psychological horror, but ratings should be based on level of finish and presentation. One and two stars are for games that just don't function. art that is really bad, and stories that are overdone. Some people find kitten helpers and unicorns ridiculous, but you don't totally pan a game because of this.
I did mark it down a star because I personally found the lead character voices annoying and felt the main game was rather short. To me a collectors edition should last at least 8 hours and a standard a minimum of 5. I played this with the bonus chapter, puzzles and extra HOP in about 5 and a half. I personally prefer games that are more challenging, but this is average difficulty. However, I am not at all disappointed I purchased the game, which often I am. The bottom line, the game lives up to the promise of the demo, so if you enjoyed that, then you will love the game.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Match 3, Mahjong, Card & Board
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
I agree with those that say this is mindless , childless and moronic. I make a couple of swaps and the next thing I know I have scored 68,0000 points. Ridiculous! The constant "props" make me feel like a kindergartener . And that is before you are asked to pay. There are much better and more challenging games such as 7 Wonders, which are not only less insulting to my intelligence, but are free to play.
If you enjoy JR Tolkein you will most likely like the Lost Lands. There is a definite "Lord of the Rings" meets the Apocalypse tone, right down to the Gandalf wizard advisor, hobbits, ents, elves and dwarfs. Only they are pursued by the Four Horsemen who are after a magical artifact that will turn the world to evil. Sound familiar? It is obvious they used pictures from the movie for reference which might be good or bad depending on your viewpoint.
But there is plenty that is original and even gruesome. As you wipe out the bad guys you get to rip their hearts out of their chests and return present them to Gandal...I mean, the magi. There is also a bit of eastern philosophy thrown in for good measure. There are desert scenes that make you thirsty, forests you could visit in your dreams, and sadly, rather unimaginative dwarf caves.
Which brings me to the one thing that almost ruined the game for me. The dwarf helper would not shut up. I had to mute the sound because his voice was so grating and went on an on. No great loss as everything was typed as well and I could unmute when he was done.
But over all I enjoyed the game well enough to play it again, which is the ultimate goal of my purchase anyway.
Although it seems many like this series I have never been able to get into this world at all. The characters are paper cutouts and flat. There is no action, story, movement, speaking, (all text is written) and there is no problem solving at all which is my personal preference. It is more like a time management game in tone. I had to turn off the sound after 3 minutes because the "picking and grinning" style of music is like nails on the chalkboard to me. These things are personal preference I realize so you decide from the demo if you are good with this.
On the plus, the graphics are sharp and clear and there is a lot of variety with a clear emphasis on HOPs if that is your favorite thing. I like the hunt for trash and animals, and the visuals are rather much like the old "I Spy" book games I played with my kids. The other games are mostly various puzzles, the same as it the rest of the series.
Personally I have never been enticed to finish the demo on these much less the actual game. But there are obviously some who love them.
There is a lot to like about this game but also some very major problems. The music is fun and bouncy, very renaissance fair, and does not get annoying even though it remains the same 3 tunes throughout the days it takes to finish. The addition of the empire building portion is a welcome relief and makes the game much more enjoyable. The game is very easy to play once you figure out that you need to concentrate on purchasing the aides in order to gain 3 stars throughout.
But there are many problems. For instance, it IS very hard to exit as one review said. Took me a while to figure out that you can only exit after the cards are on the table.
Plus, IF you make it to the game end, there is no fanfare, music, no reward and no sense of accomplishment. Your little character friends do not congratulate you, in fact, they have long ago disappeared. It is as if the makers were as bored with it by this point as I was. You run out of things to build and buy about 2/3-- 3/4's of the way through and are left with only the solitaire game, and one that is probably not going to please most solitaire purists.
All in all it has more layers than the original Avalon, which I also have. But Vacation Solitaire is a better "Solitaire " game if that is what you are after. And this was an ordeal to finish as it got very redundant and old. It goes on forever and there is no reason to finish it to the end.