All previous New Yankee Games Make me very tense while playing This one does not However it is not as hard to get gold As the Fourth one in the series I like 4 & 5 in the series equally In order to make this game harder Choose EXPERT at the beginning Of the game! Buy this Collectors Edition Because it has Extra Levels!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
This is not a relaxing game At All! However I find it Fun to Go For Gold! I dont care for the previous games in the series And I dont have this game in my regular game rotations Instead I play it when I dont need to relax I find my body is always tense when I play this series Strategy is Very Important And the Timer ticks off Fast!! I have played it about 4 times since it came out Will play it again in the future
Perfect in Every Way IMHO Relaxing yet Challenging This game is all about Planning What actions to take And When to take them You can also set the game at the beginning To be the Hardest possible Which does make it a smidgen harder to get gold Getting gold at the hardest setting is not impossible However you might have to play a couple levels over This game is in my rotations It is Great to play more than once!! Buy this game it is So Much Fun!! The Collectors Edition has More Levels!
I Love this series!! I own the first and second in the series Both are in my Game Rotations Lots of Replay Value!! I am Baffled how anyone could leave less than 5 stars on this game There is Nothing Tedious about this game Quite Opposite It is Very Relaxing and Fun While offering a moderate to difficult challenge to get gold Strategy is the hardest part And Needed to win 3 stars!! Extra levels come with the Collectors Edition Which is Why I Recomend to buy this one!! If when you go back to play the game It takes you to levels you already played That will mean you left off playing the extra levels Just go to the "Extra Levels" From the main menu That will take you to where you are playing One Review mentioned this being confusing
Very Good Game!! Might be the Best in the Series For Those of Moderate Skill Can be played more than once From time to time So it is in my Game Rotations Ignore Reviews claiming a Glitch Game is Perfectly Fine There is no reason one cannot finish the game!! Only regret is I don't own the Collectors Edition with 10 Extra Levels!!
Matter of Fact I like to play this game Anytime Not just Christmas! Getting Gold is a Challenge On many levels This is my Favorite Game In the Series It is in my Rotations Along with the Original Gnomes Garden! This one is Hard Original is Easy to Moderate Skip 2 & 3 and Halloween And Buy the first and Christmas Instead!!
Most Games in this Series Are Easy or Very Easy This one is basically Easy Except a couple levels And those levels go Beyond Challenging When you are trying to get 3 Stars Meaning you have to play them over and over Because most times you will finish Going 1 or 2 seconds over the time to get Gold! This is a Dislike for me as I want the 3 stars But I do Not find it fun to spend ForEver getting them! Buy the Christmas version Instead The Christmas Version is not easy And IMO is the Best Game in this series Offering a really good challenge that is Just Right!! Halloween Should Have Been as Good as Christmas But nope.. Jack & Sally know this!
I own this game And Every time i sit down to play it I loathe to finish it!! If you want Farm Frenzy Buy One Dont Bother with this I am not a huge fan of Farm Frenzy But Frenzy Games are Far Superior to this knock off Buy a themed Farm Frenzy Instead!!
This is the first game in the series It is an Easy Game Perfect for a Beginner IMO this series gets progressively Harder With the 3rd in the series having the most Hard Levels This one is by far the Most Charming Examples The game map is comprised of Books on a Shelf inside a moving Train And You must remove Bison from The Train Tracks from time to time Neither of these features are in Games 2 or 3 I dont have this game in my rotations Because it is so easy But I have played it more than once It is FUN!!