Hidden Expedition: The Fountain of Youth Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I am surprised at the lower ratings of this game-I for one love it. What makes it for me is that it is totally logical, the HOS & mini games make sense in their placement & don't interrupt the flow of the game, and while not easy, are doable without using hints or skips. I would suggest doing the demo & deciding for yourself.
I must admit that I am not very good at these games-I keep trying them -but usually get frustrated after 8-10 levels when I just can't finish them in time. I guess as an older player I am just not quick enough on the controls to succeed. With this game I was surprised to find myself bored by level 3-wondering why I was bothering-so I quit & uninstalled. I have tried the earlier games in this series & did not have the same experience-frustrated yes-bored no. I would suggest doing the demo instead of buying it outright based on the previous games.
Old school worst possible sense. I found the navigation so tedious and exhausting that I gave up in frustration after about 15 minutes of the demo. Unfortunate as I found the storyline had possibilities.
I played to the end of the demo & found myself somewhat bored. To me the pace was rater slow & while some of them were different & enjoyable, the HOS & mini-games for me were too numerous & frequent. That said, I am not sure this is worth paying the CE price especially since I found locating the morphing objects very difficult without referring to the strategy guide. I'll probably check again when the SE is available & see.
Didn't like the first part of this "two-parter" & liked this part even less. Pace slow & plodding-storyline illogical-too many interruptions with HOS & mini-games. Again I'll admit I haven't played previous games in this series, although I have played other MCF games & enjoyed them, so I am not the rabid fan that some of y'all are. Again play the demo first
I'll leave the details to others. In some of my recent reviews I have complained about (and not purchased) several games that I felt were illogical and/or had HOS and mini-games that interrupted the flow of the game and were too numerous and/or too difficult In this game Elephant has gotten it just right-at least for me. The flow of the story is very logical and the HOS and mini-games fit perfectly in that logical flow. The HOS & mini-games, while not overly easy, are for me very doable, without having to resort to using the hint, skip or strategy guide. For me this made this a very enjoyable game, worth the purchase.
While I have played some of the previous MCF games, I have not played the earlier Ravenhearst games, so that may be why I didn't "get" this game. I found the pace slow and plodding. The graphics too dark & muddy. The puzzles too frequent & some of them flawed. I found myself having to use the map, hint & strategy guide much too often to make this game fun for me. As always, try the demo for yourself, but don't buy this game solely on its reputation, you might be disappointed.
I don't recommend this game.
32of45voted this as helpful.
Off the Record: The Final Interview Collector's Edition
This game was very slow paced the action interrupted by too many HOS(for me-BFG how about some straight adventure games?) The storyline seems illogical, e.g. the police detective dismisses you-yet you then spend several minutes searching his office & the rest of the police station without the officer standing there questioning you even though he thinks you are a possible killer. Not for me-CE or SE-but as always check out the demo for yourself.
I enjoyed the demo, but because the CE is missing some of the features I buy CE's for, collectibles and achievements, I think I will hold off buying until the SE is released. I would suggest playing the demo and seeing if the extra money is worth it for you.
Played the demo for 15 minutes-much of that time waiting for the endlessly slow opening scene to play out-finally skipped it & played the actually game for about 5 minutes before uninstalling it. Very "old school" look & feel-very slow transitions between scenes-minimal tutorial... Usually I suggest trying the demo & deciding for yourself-but with this game I say-don't waste your time.