This game has to be one of the best I have played and is so very different from other hidden object games. You get to travel between realms to a beautiful old mansion from days gone by then to the ruins of that mansion in the present day. You also get to pick up objects from the past and hide them in special places so you can find and use them in the future. It was all very cleverly done and the haunting music was appropriate to the setting. I hope the developers of this game continue to bring out more games of this calibre.
This game is absolutely full of HOS scenes and just for fun I decided to try my luck with the match3 in lieu of finding the hidden objects. This was very time consuming. Overall I think this was a great game full of surprises. I cannot add to what others have already said and I thoroughly recommend this game
I very nearly did not buy this game as I like to steer clear of anything to do with the paranormal but after trying the demo I was hooked especially as Elephant games can generally be relied on for a good game. The graphics, scenes, and storyline were all first class and I cannot add more to what other reviewers have already said. I thoroughly recommend this game
This review is based on playing the demo of the game. For me to be really interested in a game it has to grab my attention from the start and unfortunately (or fortunately for my pocket..depending on how you look at it) this game failed on so many levels. I found the graphics to be totally uninteresting. The game may have gotten better but from what I saw and played I was not at all inclined to buy it. Having said that though everyody's tastes are different so what I don't enjoy others might really like.
I loved everything about this, music (apart from the witches evil laughter) and the storyline. It was an excellent way to spend a few hours. Hos were fairly frequent but not too challenging and puzzles were not very often seen which is how I like it. In short I totally recommend this game to anyone who is after a mystery/adventure game full of secret rooms in a deserted school that was once a grand old manor house
I bought this game based on the number of rave reviews. The game started off quite well ...the background scenery was excellent as were al the graphics. The music was pretty appropriate for this game . The storyline was quite good..up to a certain point but I was left feeling a bit let down by the abrupt ending.
I really enjoyed this had it all. The graphics were excellent with the stormy background, eerie music, as well as a captivating storyline. All this made for an excellent adventure/mystery. The story was woven around a lovely old manor house with so many secret rooms that with every click there was something else to explore. There were a few puzzles most of which I used the 'skip' button on as I just don't have the patience for them and the HOS were also fairly abundant but not too challenging. I have only played a couple of the Shiver series of games before and I do not remember being half as enthusiastic about them as I am about Shiver Poltergeist! I thoroughly recommend this game!
I agree totally with another reviewer...this is definitely a game for children! The graphics were far to 'flowery' in my opinion and the colours were too bright. The storyline was predictable and had been done before...sound wasn't too bad but overall I was very disappointed in the game so much so that I didn't even bother finishing it!
My kind of game..(apart from the ghosts)! Graphics were excellent just what I like and no ghastly vivid reds and blues. The game does have its fair share of mini puzzles (most of which I tended to skip not having the patience for them). The music suited the background and was a bit sinister in certain parts but this fitted the game perfectly. Overall a great little game and I was sorry when it had finished.
What attracted me most about this game was the lovely music which is something I usually look for in a game! The game itself was quite long and had many mini games where you have to place individual objects in their corresponding positions. Also there were many twists and turns and new areas to explore. I found the graphics to be a bit drab....too many oranges and browns. All told though a good little game.