Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
As the best the League of Light has to offer, you are called in to find the leader's daughter, who has reportedly stolen a valuable artifact out of the vault. On your way to the last reported location of the thief, your balloon is shot out of the sky by rock formations attached to it. (What a novel way to start an adventure, with a vehicle crash.... NOT.) You start after Louise, your target. After many mini-games and HOPs and the other usual game elements, you almost get somewhere and the demo ends. All of the characters are one dimensional, the dialogue sounds like a bad B-movie, and there is nothing to make you really want to help Louise, who, after all, got you into this town, only to be stalked by strange beings who go around turning people into stone and raising jagged stone outcroppings out of the ground. If I could have headed back to headquarters, I would have! Please try this for yourself. As for me, I agree with reviewer tgmd5 and I'll hold off on this average game with minor story.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Story-line: Save the princess from the evil doer who wants to marry her. In this case it is the evil Isa, who had saved the princess's life and was promised her hand by dear old Dad, the king. I second the vote of "Eh" given by another reviewer. It's a game, folks, just like a lot of others. The story is way too familiar, the game elements are too common, and, all in all, it could have been better. If you are stuck for something to do this evening, try the demo. Then find a really good game, one that is not so distressingly average.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
You have been sent by a Vatican bishop to investigate stories of an inquisitor gone bad. It seems that, unlike all the other Inquisitors that tortured and killed hundreds of people for religious reasons, this one is only terrorizing one village. You ride your horse to the village. You are disguised as a Knight Templar at the suggestion of the bishop. This made your travel easier but made no impression on the village guard, who will not let you enter even with a letter from the Vatican. Good stuff: Four levels of game play, including a minimal custom level; mini-games; fair artwork; collectible doves; and the usual CE bling. The HOPs are multi-layered, with lists, interactions, and riddles. Many objects you need to use as you progress are fragmented into pieces you collect from around the village before you can use the object. (For instance: You see a stick leaning against the fireplace in the monk's house. Little bubbles pop up around it showing you need to go out to find the string and bristles to actually make it a broom.) Bad stuff: This is someone's very slipshod and lazy idea of the thirteenth century. The HOPs include everything from modern tools to bow ties to fire-starters to Christmas tree cookie cutters. There are shiny metal locks and lights all over the village. Costumes are from an overactive imagination. The characters are all over the place from farcical to sincere. The story-line is muddled and confused - You ride in to confront the inquisitor, are asked to save the sheriff's orphaned son, and need to find out if there is a witch in the forest, all during the demo. The music, ranging from strings to a weird wailing vocal background, blessedly fades out in some scenes. Please try this game and make your own choice.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
You are the County Bounder(Definition of BOUNDER: 1: one that bounds 2: a man of objectionable social behavior : cad ) called in to help a small town when citizens have gone missing by wandering off into the nearby marsh. You arrive after the usual crash, this time a horse drawn carriage. The town's sheriff is missing, having gone into the marsh with a local citizen, Prof. Brant. You are destine to follow after them. Good Stuff: Nice artwork; four game levels, including a custom level; HOPs of various kinds; mini-games of various levels; non-irritating music; and, of course the usual CE bling. Bad Stuff: Not enough story - bad things may be happening in the swamp, but there is little information to make you invested in helping the town's people. There is not enough new content to keep me awake during the demo - Yes, folks, I fell asleep. I also found several scenes reminiscent of other games by this developer. Basically, I don't know why I should venture out into the danger zone after a man looking for his wife. With more to go on, I might not mind running around to get pieces of equipment and making paints, among other puzzles, just to get an ancient lighter. I wish I could see something engaging enough to make me understand why everyone else is so excited. But I'm seeing an average game with little story-line. I can't recommend what I will not buy.
I don't recommend this game.
56of78voted this as helpful.
Mystery Tales: Alaskan Wild Collector's Edition
Call on the animal spirits to help find your sister.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
You arrive in Alaska to visit your sister. Surprise! Tonight is the first time she will be meeting her future Mother-in-law and you get to come along. Unfortunately that is not the only surprise. Her fiance, Daniel, is surprising his mother with this meeting. You know just how pleased his mother is by the ice wall she throws up for you, just before she enchants your sister and leads her off down the road. Daniel has been frozen in the house and you set out to help him escape before you go after Sis. Good Stuff: HOPs of various types with a match-3 alternative, an amulet that absorbs energy from animal totems and lets you briefly be that animal, a version of the evil witch/save my sister story, and the usual CE bling. Bad Stuff: Some of the most stilted, and in some cases, laughablely bad characters around; mostly easy mini-games that would not stump a toddler, and a cliche wicked mother-in-law with a wimpy son. The story tries really hard to inject some mystery and suspense - and fails. And forget the healthcare privacy laws, Mother dearest has put a spell on Sonny's records! This is the third Mystery Tale from Domini Games. It is better than the first two, just not great. Try this one and see what you think. I'm still on the fence about buying the CE or waiting for the SE, so no recommendation other than that you try before you buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
Ships have disappeared at sea, including one carrying the Duke of Reddington, sent by the Crown to investigate the mystery. Rumors of the Sea Ripper have swirled around the ship sinkings and our lady detective has been sent to investigate. I bought the CE version of this game. The Sea of Lies series has been so good up to this point, that I couldn’t resist. That said, I warn you that the lack of logic and continuity is likely to make you reject any further offerings from this developer! For instance: You pick the lock on a one room cabin to find that the two people you saw go in and lock the door, are gone. You find a single hatch on the floor with a padlock on the outside. You melt the lock with acid, climb down after the two miscreants, and find the, now, double doors locked behind you! You eventually manage to blow up the two doors, climb out and close the, once again, single hatch behind you! I recommend you try the demo and brace yourself. I think you’ll find decent game-play, intriguing puzzles, good multi-layered HOPs, and a fairly decent story if you can ignore the continuity and logic problems. Just be sure to take a trial sail on the Demo before you dive in to a buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I was one of the lucky beta testers on this one. And I had a note to watch out for it as I already knew it would be good. How good depended on the story-line. So you are sent to investigate the seeming center of unusual seismic activity in Montana. You arrive with a partner without the usual vehicle crash. (YAY!) You set out to investigate strange signals and a nearby observatory, once abandoned, now suddenly very active and very secretive. You also are to help a young girl who has apparently tried to escape from the observatory. Good Stuff: Different types of HOPs, various fairly interesting puzzles and mini-games, clear and vibrant artwork, decent VOs and the usual CE bling. Bad Stuff: I REALLY wish they had provided more story, some link to the girl that would make us want to rescue her. But, hey, this is a new Hidden Expedition game - finally - and I'll buy that! (Still sincerely hoping the story evolves!) I would have given five stars if the story was more involving, but it is still a solid game. Try the Demo for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Ragnar the Demon is back and trying to kill you at every turn. Who brought him back and how you can get ahead of him is the question at hand. As the last member of the Demon Hunters, you cannot let the world fall to evil. Good Stuff: Lots of puzzles and items to collect, from combinations to phone dialing numbers; HOPs with some highlighted items that morph; clear, bright, sharp artwork; and mini-games. Bad Stuff: There are only three game levels and a distinct older game-play feel to the game and lots of puzzles and items to find. And, yes, I know I mentioned the puzzles and items to collect twice. That's because there is a constant stream of these in the game. After awhile finding all the buttons and keys to open something to get a single part of another puzzle that requires multiple pieces is wearing, especially when it is everything in the game: doors, floors, windows, ladders, boxes, phones, etc. Mostly this game will keep you very busy finding parts for everything. I had as many as six different things I was collecting in my inventory at one point. And the Demon was always a step ahead. I recommend you check out the Demo and polish up a coupon code.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
The detective arrives at the crime scene just outside the gates to a carnival. His assistant, waiting for him, gives him his wallet with his badge. (We can only hope he carries his driver’s license in a pocket, since he drove in.) Even though the intro suggests the victim was attacked, the detective determines he was poisoned with a dart. Further investigation leads our hero into the carnival area, where he deals with some hot electrical wires wearing leather gloves. (We can only hope that they were lined with rubber.) Shortly after finding another body, he tries to go backstage in the main tent, only to find the door locked with an amulet of the carnival logo. Our hero finds the three pieces of the amulet in various places and unlocks the door. (We can only hope the performers trying to leave the stage each have their own amulet.) Somewhere in this mess is a story, but as the clown so rightly points out as he escapes, we still don’t know what is going on here! I suspect the Devs didn’t either. The game has HOPs with a aggravating match-3 alternative (balls change color at whim.), mini-games, and a story-line that is jumbled beyond any semblance of logic. The detective does have the forensics kit and an evidence board to help the case along. (We can only vainly hope they can help.) I loved the previous Dead Reckoning games, but I am appalled at this one. Please try the Demo before buying.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
As you watch a news story about the current rash of fires near the site of a burned out college, you receive the news that you are to investigate. You arrive at the hotel that is in the last standing campus building and are, of course, locked out. Almost as soon as you make it inside and meet the manager, Amanda, a fire breaks out on the second floor. You hear the story of Amanda's "Friend," a chemistry professor who died in the fire years ago. She can't bring herself to leave the area because of him. Could she have saved him? You start off on your investigation, well aware that a dark figure is watching your every move. Good Stuff: The story, despite its time line anomalies, is interesting. There are four levels of game-play, including custom. The HOPs, mini-games, morphing objects and collectibles are much like other series games, just not like other games in this particular series. The VOs are fairly well done. The artwork and soundtrack add to the ominous atmosphere. The Bad Stuff: One minute this is all current news, the next it happened years ago. Amanda misses her old friend and puts in a hotel years ago, yet there is still rotting food in the cafeteria, but no bugs. Aside from that confusion, this is very like many other games from this developer as far as the feel and pacing of the game-play. It maybe a departure from the other Haunted Hotel games, but it is otherwise same old, same old. I may eventually revisit the SE to see how much I want to finish out the story, but for now I can only urge you to try this demo before you buy.