Just finished the demo. It's an OK game but nothing to write home about as the storyline has been played over & over again. Graphics are very busy & sometimes hard to distinguish objects. HOG's are the usual VERY cluttered/messy junkpiles. The music can be loud & annoying but does stop for short periods of time. I found the money/bobblehead collectibles without any problem but only found the 1st card & it was by accident. Fortunately there is a map due to the constant back & forth. Isis the cat was cute but the stuff you could buy her was ridiculous. There is nothing about this game that excites me & makes me want to buy it immediately. I may buy it on a special but for now I will keep looking. Sorry BF/developers, I DID NOT find this game great or brilliant. Just a mediocre replay of bygone games. Try it before you commit to buying. You just may like it.
Demo Review Only: The CE came out a short time ago & got some pretty bad reviews so I didn't even bother playing the demo. Now today the SE came out & I reviewed the CE reviews again & decided to play the game myself & see if all of the bad reviews were warranted. Within less than 2 min I could wholeheartedly agree with them. The game is AWFUL & the devs need to return to the drawing board immediately. If I were a dev I would be embarrassed to have my name associated with this dreck!! Please read the CE reviews & you will understand just how HIDEOUS this game is & if you want to throw caution to the wind you can play the demo yourself...ewwwwww
I beta tested this game & LOVED it. So glad it finally came out. The characters are very life like, graphics are fresh & colorful & music is appropriate. There was a black screen between scenes that seemed to take awhile but, to me at least, it's not much of a negative. Murder/mystery games are my very favorite & I hope to see more of them. I am so over the continual onslaught of witches, gremlins, netherworlds, dead spirits/relatives etc. ad nauseum!! The devs need to get their thinking cap adjusted & start getting us a better selection of games.
I recommend this game!
32of38voted this as helpful.
Mystery Solitaire: Secret Island
You're stuck on Secret Island. Match cards and explore intriguing island locations in search of clues to find your way home.
I'm a HOG playing kinda girl. But, I'm so over the HOG's that have come out lately. The devs seem to have run out of ideas & are just rehasing the some old games ad nauseum.
Since I love solitaire I thought that I would take a break from the HOG's & play some cards instead. Well, this game was definitely NOT a good choice. Besides having the most annoying music ever, the game was beyond boring. It could easily be marketed as a sleep aid!!!
Based on Demo - Another game where your sister is kidnapped & you have to save her & the others maidens who have been kidnapped. This story line is getting a bit tiresome but nevertheless it wasn't too bad of a game. Graphics are cartoonish & the music is boring/annoying as usual. But, even though there was quite a bit of back & forth the puzzles/HOGS were a refreshing change from the cluttered junk piles & connect the water pipes. The game plods along as you try to catch up with the kidnapper. I haven't decided if it is a buy for me but will recommend that you try the demo before deciding for yourself.
Not too bad of a game, though as others have mentioned it's a very familiar story. The devs seem to be out of fresh ideas for new games & just rehash the old games over & over again. The graphics aren't bad, the HOG's are the usual messy junk piles but the hint button is the best ever. None of "there's nothing to do here now" but actual useable hints. The voice overs/lip synch need some work. The story moves along quite nicely & actually has me wondering what is going to happen next. This will be a coupon buy for me.
To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
Based on Demo...Game seems like so many others that I have played before. There is nothing new or exciting. While the graphics are colorful they seem a little flat/cartoonish. I have heard better, more authentic, voiceovers. The story seemed a little plodding. It just didn't engage me. Sorry, NO SALE.
Finally a game without ghosts, evil spirits, dead relatives, etc. A very nice easy going game with a simple story that was quite engaging. HOG's were fun, interactive & not as messy as the usual HOS junk pile. I was even able to do the mini games without any hints or skips. The graphics were quite good though the music was the usual annoying, generic type. But, this did not dissuade me from thoroughly enjoying the game. It's a definite buy for me. As always, give the demo a try & decide for yourself.
I agree with Celestein's review. I really wanted to like the game but found it plodding & tedious. The hint button took forever to recharge. I found the HOG's to be the usual junk pile mess with difficulty seeing some of the items. I especially did not like the mini games as the instructions were too vague to actually being able to complete one. The game plays like so many others that BF has been releasing lately & it's becoming difficult to find a new, fun game to play. I've already deleted the game so NO BUY for me!!!
Based on Demo: I found the game to be fun & easy to play. The graphics are very good BUT the HOG are the usual junk pile & the cut scenes only show the dialogue & not the actual scene. I don't know if this is a glitch or not. I really enjoyed the puzzles as they were not the usual connect the pipes or wires or open a lock keeping all the pins in line. They were just fun for me to do. The story ambles along with a good/quick hint button if needed & a diary that keeps track of what you are doing. I especially liked that the bar that keeps all of the things you collected stays in place & does not pop up & down willy nilly. Wish all of the devs would do that!!! If you are looking for an intense game with lots of challenges this is not the game for you. But, if you want a fun game just to play & enjoy by all means check this one out.