You've arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This game was pleasant and challenging and I liked the story line about saving a resort that is family owned. It was different and colorful. I think the voice overs could have been a little more entertaining but as it was you understood who was speaking. I found this game less challenging then others but some of the mini games were very challenging. I liked the HOS sceenes they were challenging but not annoying. All in all this game was fun to play.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game was fun and colorful, challenging and I actually had to use the map to get around becuase there were so many interesting places with interactive challenges that using the map made it easier to see where I needed to use a certain tool if my memory just happened to fail me. The HOB seens were not boring and they swaped back and forth not all the same. Mini games were challenging but not frustratingly so. The story was sweet and I liked the happy ending. Can't wait for the next game . . .
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Ok this one played like all the others, it was ok, no real changes I thought after playing the beta there would be more to this one but there wasn't. It just dragged out and although you reunited a family it was an odd ending no real closure, I actually found the bonus game more interesting. It was short at least to me but I have to say it did at times keep you thinking. I am sure their next offering will be more challenging. It seems to improve with each release.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Sorry folks but this was a really boring and uninteresting game. I only played it because I am waiting for a more interesting one to be released. It was not fun, it had no real interactive play, no voice overs and boring conversations you had to read. In old terms it was cheesy. I know that's harsh but given todays gameing abilities, this game did not measure up at all.
Confront an ancient evil and uncover your true! After a startling revelation changes your world forever, you must embark on an epic journey to save mankind.
I am normally eager to play just about any game especially new ones with extra bonus play, and good story lines, sadly, this game lived up to neither. I was bored big time after the first thirty minutes but since I bought before I tried it for free I pushed through trying to fine something I enjoyed. The colors and scenery were nice, the voice overs not so great. I used the map constantly because there was so much back and forth to menuver it wihtout the map, would take more time then reaching the needed destination. On top of that there were too many HOS and to my chagrin even the mini games were so tedious I lost interest. Still I pushed through, finished the game and and guess what . . . it did not unlock the bonus game play. I will definately being playing the free trial from now on. Yawnnnn!
Ok, this game was so worth the wait although now I will be chomping at the bit to see what they come up with next. I love the HOS, they are challenging but rewarding, the mini games are colorful and mind challenging but not to the point of frustration. The stories are always good. I would love to see a story about an Heir to one of these couples in their happily ever after stories. Perhaps the next prince searching for his princess? wherever they go with the next story I am sure us fans will be trying to wait patiently although it's not easy. I would definately tell anyone who enjoys a good fairytale to buy these games.
Over and over the same nightmare is following you: your sister Anna is trapped in a strange existence, begging you to help her escape. But what if these are not just random nightmares?
I actually used a free game coupon to get this game and although it was ok, it was not great, the text moved faster then the eye, so keeping up with conversations was not always easy, HOS's were not hard persay but the mini games were annoying because there was not enough information to clue you in. The more you tried the more confusing it became becasue in reality, the mini games made no sense and did not lineup as you were picturing. The story was good, the sad part is there were no voice overs, no map and I actually couldn't wait to finish this game just so I could go on to something more intriguing. Sorry folks but this is not a game I would suggest to an avid gamer.
This was a great adventure game with colorful and attractive graphics. I loved the way HOS's were done in two layers and although challenging not annoyingly so. The story was good although I had hoped the bonus feature would have more powerful ending although it does leave it open for a sequal which I will be looking for. The sound and music were pleasent the voice over's were pretty in sink, the characters were attractive and lifelike. Over all I thought this was one of the best games I have played in a while.
Color and VO were great, sadly I found the whole game rather boring. And I am not one to use that word often when it comes to gaming. I also found it odd that even after rescued by his sister, the brother stood around doing nothing. Is that very realistic? NO, most men would jump in to fix the car or help find a way out. There were too many HOS and with little reward. I found myself walking away from this game more and coming back to finish it because it just couldn't hold my attention. Some of the mini games were great, others were rather frustrating although challenging I would get board and move on using the skip button just so I could find out what happens next. I don't like giving negetive reviews but to me this game was just passable and only if you have a lot of patience with the HOS and running aorund all over without a map.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I found this game both entertaining and educational although we all pretty much know the story of Romeo and Juliet. The fact that you can actually change the ending is great. The special effects were great, I loved replacing the hidden objects rather then finding them and even the length of the game was good. I normally can finish a game pretty quickly but with this one I actually chose to go slow, enjoy the scenery and the story it was fun hopping in and out of books. It almost felt like being Mary Poppins. Great game!