I don't write reviews that often, but had to write one after playing the demo on this one. It's old school type of HOPA. This game is such a breath of fresh air, it's not the same stories of gloom and doom or evil creatures coming for you. What I have gotten from the story so far is that you flew to Russia to locate a missing person, I don't remember the relation at this point. And after you check into your hotel, you hire a private investigator and that was as far as the demo would let me play. The mini games are different and multi level, what I mean by that is that say after you collect 5 of each item, the mini game is not over, there is another level where you need to then find silhouetted objects, and another level still where you need to use those objects in the scene level to get something use to use to progress. I really like that. You can tell that a lot of thought and creativity went into the making of this game. You also collect the little nesting Russian dolls as collectibles and they can be hidden in regular scenes or even in hidden abject scenes so it really keeps you on your toes as far as collectibles are concerned. Lastly i noticed in your journal, after you visit some places there is a wealth of information about the place you have been in your notebook, this feature I liked as well, as I have always been fascinated by Russian culture and this is a great way to learn about what it was during the cold war and in days past, as I am part Russian but no one in my family really paid attention to family tree or culture, I enjoy learning about it. So this game was a definite guy for me after the demo, give it a chance you may just like it.
Every year I look forward to the Christmas game offerings on Big Fish and the Christmas Wonderland Series is one of my favorites.
Hidden object games have evolved over the years to not just being hidden object games but adventure games as well with rich story lines, and lots of puzzles that require thought and logic to get thru. I enjoy those as well but this is what I would call an "old school" hidden object game.
In many ways it reminds me of 2 of my all time favorite games and they were Mystery Legends, Sleepy Hollow and Mystery Case Files Huntsville.
Basically you have a hidden object scene with a list at the bottom, a few of them require you to interact with the scene, such as putting a hat on a person or finding something out of someones backpack to give them. Some of those can be tricky but you easily get the hang of them. Once you complete the scene there is a puzzle afterwards. Nothing crazy or hard but something simple. Examples would be to rotate squares to complete an image, memory match, word search, jigsaw, and spot the differences, which I think are the hardest.
You also find collectible golden angles in each scene, as well as lost and found items that are located in a globe on the lower left hand corner, and some of the scenes you can take a photo for your scrap book.
You earn coins for each level and mini game that you complete and you can use them to buy items in the shop as Christmas gifts. (This feature is really useless as you do not do anything with them)
This year they made Christmas Wonderland 10 a collector's edition. At first I was not really thrilled about that idea but after playing it completely though I do believe it is well worth the money.
First off, there are several extra scenes incorporated into the game that you play on your journey as opposed to being separated in a bonus chapter so it does not disrupt the flow of the game. 2nd, you can replay several of the hidden object scenes, I have not looked at all of them yet, but the puzzles section after you complete the game was amazing. There were several puzzles to play that were not in the main game. Some of them were from past years of Christmas Wonderland and it was nice to add them in here to have more puzzles to play after you finish. There were jigsaws, flip-saws, matching, word finds, follow the ropes, rotating squares and more.
You also get a ton of wallpapers and some of the scenes again are from past years, and a music soundtrack that you can change to whatever you like, ( i do not know if the soundtracks are downloadable however).
This is my favorite game of the Christmas Season and Christmas Wonderland 10 does not disappoint and was well worth for me.
I do not write reviews often but this game was amazing!! It was 7 chapter long and took me quite a long time to play. The puzzles were different and there was much to do. It reminds me of the days when a game took 8-9 hours or more to play. Well worth the CE price. My old favorite was Sleepy Hallow and I know that was old, but it had replay factor. I loved Phantom of the Opera after that, but these days it is rare to find a good long game and this is it. Has all the bells and whistles. My only issue was after completing the main game it crashed and when I reloaded to go play the bonus chapter it did not save for me. This happened to me twice hoping these will be a fix for it soon. I might just start saving my progress ever chapter so I don't need to replay the whole game to get to the bonus and end. Definite game of the year for sure.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
I will admit that I am a huge fan of this series but this one is quite of a let down for me. While the game runs pretty well, some of the things that you have to put together or click on sometimes do not work or stick. I suppose there are still some glitches that need working out. However, putting that aside, the storyline is a bit confusing and ends rather abruptly. I am really diasappointed as they could have explained what was going on better and had a different ending. It all seemed rather rushed towards the end. I don't want to give spoilers but this left me hanging with an uncompleted feel to it. Also I feel that as the series continues, they keep making the games shorter and shorter, so that you always have to get the CE to find out the whole story. I remember the days where games would take me 3-4 days to finish and now... 3-4 hours. Wish they would bring back more like Phantom of the Opera and Beauty and the Beast that were more worth your money to play. Hope you like it.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
Shadow Wolf mysteries has been one of my favorite series from the get go. This installment was a major setback in my opinion. The mini games were cheesy. Rotating discs to unlock locks and were redundant. You also needed to collect mistletoe to unlock your super werewolf powers which I think was stupid. I think they would have done better as a find the mistletoe in each screen and collect them as an achievement. The story line had me wanting more out of it that what was presented. A druid kidnaps your cousin's baby and you need to stop them and you find out about an old curse you got away from. It really didn't hold my attention and I don't feel it played out well. Also the bonus chapter you find out your father goes rogue and starts experimenting on regular humans turning them into werewolves. Exactly the opposite of what you fight with the druid leader controlling the werewolves in the first part. I think the other ones in this series were much more well thought out and played much smoother. This was a total bust for me and I am disappointed in the direction they took with the series. Normally when I like I series, I get the ones that follow without questioning my purchase, this one will make me think twice before I get another series game before trying it out first. I also think it was way too short. Completed the game and bonus chapter in under 3 hours, and some mini games do not have directions and one in the bonus chapter (the alchemy set) had to be skipped as it did not work properly.
I do not usually write reviews. I just finished the main chapter of this game and boy, was it good. There are 2 more parts left in the CE. You are a dectective and are called to find a woman's missing husband, that was away working and stopped writing her. He is a miner. The game sends you to a mining town, where you learn about a curse and are trapped by it. I have not had as much fun playing one of these games in a long long time. The are a variety of puzzles, some are easier than others and the hissen object scenes vary. There are several types. There is also a hidden picture that you have to match up to scenes in the puzzle to find "hidden treasure troves", that are unique to say the least. One of the nice things about the game is that when you open them, they are read to you. I thought it was a nice little bonus. There are also some storybook type of puzzles throughout with lots of mini videos. This game is packed with fun little things to do all over the place and inventory items don't stay with you that long, you use them fairly quickly. I do not normally use tutorials when I play but I did miss out on one of the hidden gems in the game. There are crystals spread throughout scenes that you need to find. Had I went through the tutorial in the beginning, I would have know to look for them before I found them on my own and could not go back to finished locations. Since there is a bonus chapter that I have yet to play and another one about crystals, I hope that it will let me go back and find them. If not, I enjoyed the game so much, I just might play it over to see if I can find them all. Help break the curse on the mining town and free yourself as well. Lots of little goodies in this game, I highly recommend it to all as there are various levels of difficulty that you can set for yourself in the game. Best game of the year that I have purchased, and that takes a lot for me to say. Have fun going to the mining town and exploring an old coal mine. Happy gaming!!!
It has been a long time since we have seen Isa and a new Spirits of Mystery. This one does not disappoint. I had a lot of fun playing and don't normally write to many reviews. The graphics are gorgeous, and the mini puzzles are fun. I really enjoyed the story as well. I did not encounter too many problems, except with the map puzzle. It says that you can rotate the pieces but the game did not let me. It was the only one that I needed to use the skip on. I only gave it 4 stars out of 5 because I felt that it was a tad bit short.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I really tend to like all the games from this developer but this one was a little frustrating. I loved the story but some of the mini games had areas that were non-logical or had to be on a tiny space for it to work. I usually play on hard and do not use hints but this one got on my nerves at times. The mini game that you had to dress the angels was were I encountered the most difficulty. Also, some items are very dark and hard to see and were missed on first glance. It is a little short in my opinion as well. I hope that any future games in the series will be a little more thought thru as to the mini games. The voice overs were done well and the graphics were nice as well. It is a good game but not as good as others by them. I adored the Love Chronicles and Sisters series but this one was a disappointment for me.
I played the first Burnt Dreams game and thought it was a bit different than most out there, so I got this one and what a game!!! It took me almost 12 hours on casual. I like to take my time and not rush. It was more of an adventure game that bogged down with redundant HO scenes. They are actually few and far between. I loved the story line. The music fit well within the game and cut scenes and animation are superb. This game has a nice mix of puzzles, not extremely hard but does take thought to figure out. I felt that I was on the journey with Jane the whole time. Basically your a witch and are trying to save your brother who was taken by the Others. You get a chance at spell casting, HO scenes, several types of mini games, and there is too much running back and forth but there is a interactive map if you need it. There are collectibles (raven sillouteets) that you can go back to find at the end if you missed any. The bonus chapter is rather short in my opinion but the length of the main game was well worth it. I got it on a sale for the weekend but would have happily paid the full CE price for this one. It's been a long time since I found a game that kept my interest long enough to play all day and not get bored. Relatively new developer but will be watching for more to come. I very rarely give anything 5 stars, but I was so blown away at how well the game played and was thought out that I really have nothing negative to say about it. Definitely worth a try!!!
Yes I gave it 5 stars for the content and the game quality, which is a little dated by today's standards, but was looking for something different and saw all the good reviews. Game play was interesting and fun, HO scenes were clear and the story was really intriguing. That is what kept me playing. The down side is you get half way through your quest and it says to be continued in Part II. I can not find it anywhere on the site. Major disappointment and left me on a cliffhanger as now I will never know the final outcome of the story. It was well worth playing but it should have a warning that the full story is not included as now I am bummed that I can't find the follow up game.