I really did not like this game, I bought it based on the positive reviews I read....However, there was SOooooo much running around in circles, and the map was worthless pretty much...The Graphics were ok.....I just really didn't have much fun........................
A late-night subway ride takes a bizarre turn into a mystical cemetery. You have been summoned by a strange entity to free the cemetery’s lost souls. Will you succeed, or is this the end of the line?
It was an okay game....I might have thought about buying it, but niether the custom cursor or the standard cursor worked very well in certain places so you couldn't grab or move the objects/items. SOOOO, I won't be buying it....Graphics were some reused, but they did seem to make more of an effort to change them some.
Not worth Collectors, probably not even worth Standard when it comes out....It had you wander all over the place, and worse yet, flipping between ??Dimesions?? I don't get that at all....one more tedious step...And I can't keep track of where I saw the stuff...which dimension....Try it for yourself...everyone likes different things...However, another game NOT for ME!!!! I like to have fun and relax from the rest of my daily chores, and this just ads ONE MORE CHORE TO my Day....
Another game where you spend the whole trial hour running around..in Circles...Not Impressed...I don't want to do this for an Entire game, it gets tedious really fast...Other than thinking the Graphics were very good, I would not buy this...The FUN factor was poor!!!! Sorry Big Fish, another loser... I don't think I would even buy the SE when it comes out ....you would have to Pay Me to play this game...
I guess the Review title says it all....I played the standard version demo, and didn't even want to spend ANY MONEY on that....there was nothing FUN in this game...it has you jumping all over the place, so who can even figure out what the point of the story was....I won' t play this game even if it was free!!!! The Demo told me that...Good luck for you folks that liked it....Not ME
I played the 60 minute demo andI never could figure out how to catch the scents -- it really wasn't much fun...I won't be buying this now or ever I don't believe
Nothing special about the game to make it CE worth....I played the 60 minutes....I may buy it when it becomes SE, although it was kindof boring, has you running in circles to get stuff, and the storyline wasn't anthing outstanding....
I only got this game because I had a "free game" from buying others.....I played the 1st hour of this, and thought it would be alright since it was my free game....Let me tell you, after the 1st hour you realize how Horrendous and boring this is!!!! The story line is ok, but it really gets Lost because the Game is SO DARK (and I used an App to lighten the screen) you could NOT find items...So you have to wait for the hint to run out....Actually, Big Fish should PAY US to play this Torturous GAME....BUY BEWARE!!!!
I think I played the trial on this before...so this was my 2nd time; I didn't even give it the full 60 minutes....The music was Monotonous and got on my nerves, and the graphics were mediocre as was the storyline....I guess I am spoiled by some of the better games...I will have to go back and look at who the developer was for this game, but I definitely did not find it fun....
NOT WORTH COLLECTOR'S Price......I played the 60 Minute Demo....A LOT OF RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES to find objects...I guess so you use up your time quickly, but it didn't give me much chance to enjoy of get a flavor for the game...AND game USED A LOT OF recycled GREY GRAPHICS in Hidden Object scenes, which I hate--the grey and the recycling...Gives your dejavue or "Ground Hog day feeling (i.e. the movie GroundHog day, lol)...The Story was ok...when I had time to pay attention to it.....But based on the overall fun factor, I don't know if I will even buy it when it is SE....Make sure you consider all these things when making your decision....