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Can you catch a murderer that’s terrorizing a local university?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
45 of 48 found this review helpful
Ms Douglas changes profession ;(
PostedNovember 5, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
This was the last offering of this series. I’m sad to see Ms Douglas go.
At least it was a worthy good-bye party, ehm, case, ehm, game.
Set in the academic world and their scientific intrigues, the story unfolded nicely.
Graphics were well done. A shout-out for the sound team, they did a fantastic job! Loved the music as well.
I enjoyed the HO’s and the mini-games. Not too difficult, not too easy.
The Bonus Chapter was very well done!
The story was a sequel to the main game. University is not just about science, the students and their age occasionally bring up some problems.
Another shout-out for the funny achievements, as „Hairdresser - use the fan on Viktor’s face“.
Thanks for all the Dead Reckonings and I wish Ms Douglas all the best in her new job!
I recommend this game!
45of 48voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
103 of 111 found this review helpful
Fine points, Facts, Fun!
PostedOctober 29, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Scientific trivia, historical facts, dangerous situations, extraordinary settings are promised when the game loads.
And these promises were not empty, the game exceeded my expectations.
I finished it today, could have played on for a couple of days, but well.
Usually I don’t let the remarks „I must hurry, time is running out“ stress me and think, ah well, it’s a game, they will wait for me.
In „The Curse of Mithridates“ I had to play on and on, to find out if I was able to gather the ingredients for the antidote and save my colleagues from the poisoning.
So I rushed from Turkey to Prague, to Malta, the Sandwich Islands and India, before going back to Turkey. It was very well done to see the agent getting tired, not concentrated, almost failing.
At times I had to stop the game and do a bit of research to find out about Mithridates VI and his fascination with poison, whether a clepsydra really existed, about Grytviken and more. At times remarks like the „at least we aren’t the only ones having a bad hair day“ or the one „not exactly a red carpet, but if it won’t kill me that’s good enough“ made me laugh out loud.
The HO scenes were varied, interesting and very enjoyable. I found the puzzles outstanding, some were new to me and not always on the easy side.
The main story was concluded well, the Bonus Chapter was an nice extension.
Can’t wait to get on the next „Hidden Expedition“!
I recommend this game!
103of 111voted this as helpful.
Can you uncover the truth behind a string of strange thefts?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
38 of 39 found this review helpful
PostedAugust 24, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Follow the yellow brick road to the centre of the moon?
In 80 days to Emerald City?
We’re off to see no wizard, no portal, no rainbow …
but a spectacular, entertaining game packed with great visuals, fantastic sounds, gripping story, challenging HOP’s and mini-games.
Vermillion Watch loves to mix characters from various backgrounds and by different authors and lets them play together. I was sceptical when I played the beta, but now, after having completed the game and taking into account how much fun I had, how often I laughed out loud, I am convinced. The different characters play well together.
The sceneries are detailed, rich, but far from overloaded. I love London, Victorian atmosphere, museums, ships and zoological gardens, advancing in the game was going from one pleasure to the next.
The HOP’s were simply great in variety and creativity. The morphing objects were challenging to find, not the usual objects. This was very refreshing.
Mini-games were fun, some easy, some real head-scratchers, all well presented. I try to solve them without reading instructions, I prefer puzzling over what has to be done.
The Bonus Chapter was a great addition. Young Hawkes is called to the Verne Museum, has to help the curator again. I wouldn’t have minded to play in the rooms we’ve been to before. But we get to see another tract of the museum, I really appreciated this.
In the very last HOP you get rebus clues, one is them shows peanuts and a stool. Startled? Play the main game and find out! Details like this one make a game for me outstanding.
I will replay the HOP’s, some of the mini-games and I’m so pleased I didn’t get all achievements. Reason to replay the game, right now!
I recommend this game!
38of 39voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
55 of 73 found this review helpful
Toe Tapping Danse Macabre
PostedJuly 23, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Based on completed game
From the intro, the dagger-wielding lady in white to the very end - an absolutely delightful game!
I enjoyed every minute of it, although the heatwave must have affected my brain and I got lost several times in mini-games. Some of them I found quite tricky, yet very entertaining.
The story was very gripping and well told, graphics are fantastic, gameplay smooth.
A shoutout for the HOPs, they were simply first class. The „umbrella hunt“ from the tower top was my favourite one, or was it the one where you have to find five music notes first and the xylophone plays a melody?
I replayed all of them, several times, just because they were so brilliant.
Details as „the unforgiving rose bush“, the lemon tree in the trailer, the „Honeymoon“ clue in the first HOP made this game another great gaming experience for me.
The Bonus Chapter is a sequel to the main story. The happy ending was very pleasing and I really appreciate when all the threads run together.
The music was not always up to my taste, I prefer tunes that are motivating and uplifting. I found some of the tracks were a bit on the tame side.
But no real problem, I used the track „Cry of the Banshees“ whilst playing. This one kept me on my toes!
Now I’m looking for an Irish tap dance centre in my surroundings, so I can practice what I have learned :-)
I recommend this game!
55of 73voted this as helpful.
Join two tribes of dinosaur tamers and help them save their world!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
95 of 128 found this review helpful
Grand Final Amaranthine Voyage
PostedJuly 16, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Based on completed game.
This series was not among my top favourites, but it grew on me over the years. So I was quite sad to learn this would be the last one.
Eve Glover has taken the gamers to many territories, I was curious to see whereto in this instalment.
A toe, no, claw tapping dinosaur in the intro got me interested; after the introduction and the warm up, the player is taken to a colourful land somewhere in time and space.
A pterodactyl flies by, a young man is concerned about the well being of his tribe and needs help to free his dinosaur that got tangled in some vines.
This really took me into this story which was very moving, sad at times, but with funny moments as well.
The scenery is just great. In the scene „Overlook“ you see the head of a dinosaur, in the next scene, „Jungle“ parts of his body and his legs.
When he finally is freed from the vines and walks off, the ground is shaking.
And you not only get to ride a dinosaur. Wished this scene would have lasted muuuuch looooonger.
Many more details made this game very enjoyable for me. I spent far too much time in the temple, I loved playing the Glockenspiel, totally irrelevant to game-play, just fun fun fun.
Music themes from former Voyages and new tunes delivered a very fitting background. Game-play was smooth, didn’t have any issues.
HOP’s and mini-games were varied and very well presented. Some were pretty easy, some took me quite a bit of time to complete.
The story of the main game was complete, the Bonus Chapter is a prequel, a story about one of the characters from the main game. Good to play with a person of a different ethnicity, I can’t remember many of them in games.
Extras were the usual fare, personally I’m happy with a good Bonus Chapter and being able to replay HOP’s and mini-games.
One tiny criticism, but ok, probably things work differently in a land and time, where people have tamed dinosaurs. Here and now, as far as I know, it’s bees that make honey, not wasps :-)
And a small addition to game settings: you can switch off pop-up notifications (in options), in difficulty you can not only choose recharge time of hint and skip, they can be switched off completely.
Sometimes when I finish a game, I ask myself: what next? Which game will it be?
Right now I have no desire to start another one.
Or, maybe one of the former Amaranthine Voyages?
I recommend this game!
95of 128voted this as helpful.
A young journalist following a wanted felon chases him to a golden elevator that takes her to other worlds, where huge danger threatens everything.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
11 of 13 found this review helpful
Missing pages?
PostedJune 27, 2017
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
Based on completed game.
As much as I liked the concept, characters from books get a life on their own and don’t act according to their creator’s will anymore, the game didn’t live up to my expectations.
Did I miss some pages?
It started so brilliantly: hunting an escaped convict in an abandoned publishing company. The guy seems to have a love for books, there we have something in common, so I gladly ventured on.
It went on brilliantly for a while then it got more and more confusing. The PC (Player Character) is addressed as Constable, the convict has turned into a beast, Murray (no idea who he is at this point of the game) sends you a message, a guy with a artificial hand hails your presence, the PC gets knocked off a bike, falls down a long tunnel and lands (safely, thanks to HOPA world logic) in the next chapter.
I can’t lock the rest of the world out when I play games, I get distracted, disturbed and would appreciate a good journal.
I played on Custom mode, helpful messages on, but they disappeared far too quickly, I seem to have missed quite a few bits of the story.
(SPOILER ALERT) For instance: the bit with PC being a former policewoman??? I tried to place her in one of the books, didn’t get it.
The Bonus Chapter was ho-hum, at least now I know why Eric has lost a hand.
Struggling between three and four stars. The SG (done by BFG I suppose) was more than rudimental, „GUNPOWDER HORN and BOMB FUSE on CANNONBALL SHELL; take BOMB“. Imitating nowadays SMS/text messages?
The fantastic HOP’s and the mini-games made me giving four stars to what could have been an exceptional game. But for me some pages have indeed been forgotten.
I recommend this game!
11of 13voted this as helpful.
Journey to the mythical Nine Worlds to save the Earth!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
23 of 26 found this review helpful
My favourite meal: Smorgasbord!
PostedJune 26, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
A rich buffet of multiple hot and cold „dishes“ of various game ingredients!
We can enjoy a real feast with the shield-maiden in „Saga of the Nine Worlds: The Gathering“.
First it was unknown territory, a bit like sitting down with complete strangers at the same table, you feel a bit uncomfortable, don’t really know how to behave, but after some time and enjoying the starters (or playing more) you are beginning to appreciate the new company and relish this game which has all ingredients of a HOPA, still is different: More adventure than HO’s, different style of graphics, new twists and turns.
The opening video is nominated for an „Oscar“ in my books, should there ever be one for video game intros. I loved the bird’s view changing to human’s view, the anxiety in the eyes of the people, I felt sorry for the doll (and her/his owner) who was left behind in front of a burning house.
Gameplay was smooth, graphics fantastic, the music absolutely brilliant! The mixture of drums and shawms, a woodwind instrument „mothering“ the oboe family, is so catching!
I enjoyed the new twists and components in HO’s (don't want to give away too much, but the one in the giant's bag was hilarious!). It was fun fun fun.
The mini-games ranged from pretty easy to real head-scratchers, at least for me. Well, every player has a different handicap. All puzzles were very well presented.
I got the CE of this game, the Standard Version will be a treat on its own. Enjoy!
I recommend this game!
23of 26voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
94 of 101 found this review helpful
A Smorgasbord of a game!
PostedMay 28, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
A rich buffet of multiple hot and cold „dishes“ of various game ingredients!
We can enjoy a real feast with the shield-maiden in „Saga of the Nine Worlds: The Gathering“.
For me it was a bit like sitting down with complete strangers at the same table, first you feel a bit uncomfortable, don’t really know how to behave, but after some time and enjoying the starters (or playing more) you are beginning to appreciate the new company and relish this game which has all ingredients of a HOPA, still is a bit different. More adventure than HO's? Different style of graphics? Decide for yourselves!
In my books the opening video is nominated for an „Oscar“, should there ever be one for video game intros. I loved the bird’s view changing to human’s view, the anxiety in the eyes of the people, I felt sorry for the doll (and her/his owner) who was left behind in front of a burning house.
Gameplay was smooth, graphics fantastic, the music absolutely brilliant! Although the tune for HO’s was a tad lame, I would have wished for a more catching one.
I enjoyed the new twists and components in HO’s (don't want to give away too much, but the one in the giant's bag was hilarious!). The mini-games ranged from pretty easy to real head-scratchers, at least for me. But - every player has a different handicap. All of them were very well presented and none of them were frustrating.
The Bonus Chapter was a good sequel to the main story, I did enjoy the extras as well.
I’m looking forward to further chapters in this new game-feast!
I recommend this game!
94of 101voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
65 of 71 found this review helpful
A Pearl of a Game
PostedApril 12, 2017
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Marco Polo, Fiji Islands, a pearl farm, Japan, an office tower, a park, a pier, Venice …
Somehow I’m still exhausted from this chase around the globe. But extremely satisfied and happy and full, like after an exclusive dinner with several courses, all of them cooked and presented to a very high standard. Graphics could have been a tad more detailed.
After the appetisers, the intro scene and the „sounds on“ screen, you get to the main menu and are already gaming, as well as when the game is loading. Great idea!
And what a fine dinner, ehm, game! Starters are served on Fiji, the story unfolds, picks up speed, you are in the middle of the soup, I mean the action.
Fight a ninja, drop into the sea, do a parachute jump, dangle from a rope, ride a speed boat, find clues and useful things on a plane and play with a tarsier, get out of prison, blow glass, dance with a stranger and finally resolve the case.
Gameplay was absolutely top! The HO’s and „mini-HO’s“ came with great variety, some items were pretty tricky to find. Another twist on game play: you find the motifs list for one HO before you actually start it.
The puzzles were a lot of fun, some of them were new to me, as the one at the end of the main game where you have to place marbles next to polygons.
The Bonus Chapter was excellent, a sequel to the main game, but from the perspective of another character you’ve met before.
Be on your toes if you are after all achievements! Apart from the usual ones, there are some very unusual ones. Touch everything, play with everything in front of you, enjoy all interaction.
I was relieved to see Venice safe again, but sad the game was over. Luckily I didn’t get all achievements in the first play through, a good reason to start the game over!
I recommend this game!
65of 71voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
68 of 70 found this review helpful
Black Sun - Blood Moon
PostedMarch 23, 2017
Customer avatar
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Must admit, I am „biased“. Years ago I was on a boat trip on the Lake of Geneva. We were opposite the Chillon Castle when a total lunar eclipse occurred. I will never forget this „blood moon“; the scenery in the game brought back memories and the similarity of Chillon Castle to the one in Lunden is quite remarkable.
When I started the game I was convinced we play a male character this time, a female commander in these days? In a country where women were given the right to vote only in the second half of the last century? Loved this emancipating twist.
I enjoyed the story a lot, loved the references to Switzerland, especially the one about Swiss cheese. No, we don’t need a piece of cheese to feed a mouse. I also like the similarity of the uniforms to the one which is still worn by members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. By the way, only men ;) can join this guard.
Gameplay was smooth, although there were a few hiccups, as sparkles on HO-scenes which I had switched off, or the head of the healer still floating over the cauldron, even after she had left the hut. Or a morph indicated for a HO scene even if there is none. But this didn’t harm my enjoyment. I appreciated having the option to switch off pop-up notifications for achievements and objects. Really hope this will be a standard feature from now on.
HO’s were extremely well done and offered a lot of variety. The search for jumbled items in the fountain was fabulous and so funny, so where those where you have to find „the logic behind it.“ The „wake up“ call for the snoozing guardian made me laugh out loud.
Puzzles were really enjoyable as well.
The Bonus Section held a few surprises, very interesting achievements as „Nose Invader“. ?!?!? I laughed out loud when I got it.
The souvenir room offered a bit more challenge, although the loading time between scenes was a bit longish.
The Bonus Game, a prequel to the main story, was well done.
I had a super time playing this game. Wish I could give 4.5 stars, but since I loved it so much, 5, but one thumb down for the hiccups.
I recommend this game!
68of 70voted this as helpful.