I own all of Joe's Clutter games and have played them over and over, which probably qualifies me as an expert at Clutter games. There is no option to change players. In fact Joe offers no options at all. All games are timed brutally. He developed about four or five variations. Then all variations are played with a set of objects. (Five variations of chocolates, dogs, cats, etc. He also offers matching pieces of puzzle parts, which I did enjoy. And of course the traditional "junk pile" with the familiar variations in previous puzzles, such as fuzzy images, split in half, shadow boxing, and match three.
Perhaps Joe is tired of making Clutter games or is angry with his fans. The most positive aspect of this game is the lack of the "story of his life" with embarrassing boasting about how smart he is.
Harold has messed up his time machine and ruined the automatons. (Well, nobody ever said he was smart.) Characters from previous MCF games are stuck in a time warp at Hotel Victor and want to travel back to their own time. The game is a trip down memory lane for those of us who have bought the MCF series. You will recognize some landmarks from previous games. The cartoon character of Charlotte Dalimar is very entertaining. The ghost hunter from "Broken Hour" helps with the technical stuff and Allison Sterling (Dire Grove) puts in an appearance. Plenty of the trademark MCF "Special" puzzles.
Much to like but you MUST do some things in the correct sequence
PostedMarch 27, 2018
fromAustin, TX
First time I got to a point where I needed to cut something. Checked the Strategy Guide and learned that I should have picked up a piece of broken glass at the same time I picked up something else. Couldn't return to that spot and get the glass. Second time I knew from before that I needed to light a candle, but I picked it up at the same time. When I needed it later it was GONE from my inventory. I won't try a third time.
I've always enjoyed MCF but I didn't even finish this one. If there is a storyline I can't find it. It isn't any fun if I keep having to use the "Hint" button in order to know where to go next.
I've truly enjoyed other Final Cut games but it didn't seem like this game came from the same developers. Not enough variety in the HOS and too many silhouettes. Is a circle a small coin or a large ball?
Another pet peeve. Attention all developers! I am neither an astronomer nor an astrologist. I don't know or care which astrological signs are water, earth, air or (I forgot what the fourth one is). I'm a Leo and don't know what the symbol is, but maybe Leos are cynics and don't believe in Astrology. And please stop making mini-games where I'm supposed to draw constellations!
Okay, I feel better now.
The game started off well and grabbed my interest but after 3 or 4 chapters I started getting bored and sleepy.
Others have given you the storyline and mentioned the morphing, etc. I just want to add that the graphics were absolutely beautiful and the story kept me guessing. Sometimes I read a mystery and I am anxious to see them catch the bad guys but at the same time I'm disappointed when the book ends. Dance Macabre: Thin Ice gave me that same experience. (I then bought two other Danse Macabre games because I had missed out on this series.)
I guess there is a Grim Tales series and it has many fans. This is the first I've tried. I'm not fond of games that focus so much on the occult and Howard's apartment was obsessed with it. It got tedious so I quit.
If you like occult and evil spirit posession I would recommend this game otherwise ...
I dreamed I was watching a technicolor movie about film stars in the 1930's. Or maybe I was playing Final Cut: Fame Fatale CE. The costumes and Art Deco touches made it authentic. Sometimes I get frustrated with games that have too many HOS scenes, especially when they look like junk piles. I loved the HOS in this game. Truly new and creative methods of finding items. The morphing items are in the HOS so be on the lookout because you won't return to the scene.
I missed most of the collectibles because I was so caught up in the storyline, but that gives me a reason to play again soon. Don't miss this one!
Another fantastic Stray Souls (works on Mac 10.10)
PostedJune 16, 2015
fromAustin, TX
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I enjoyed the first Stray Souls and have returned to play it again because of the original storyline. At first I thought I couldn't buy this game but I checked and both games say MAC OS 10.9 but they run perfectly on my Yosemite.
Others have discussed the storyline, so I don't need to repeat it. Yes, someone is missing and the brave wife faces evil to get him back. Sounds familiar if you're a HOPA fan.
But the Evil one is a powerful clown. And help arrives from a kind (hand knitted?) doll who knows the back story and helps with hints. Others have found him "creepy" but I loved him.
Another original story and one I'll play again within a year.
I did check the SE but the system requirements only go up to OS 10.9. I wonder what it is about the Mac OS that developers struggle with. EL Capitan will be released later this year and I'm afraid to upgrade.