I love this range of games being so tired of the endless chasing around and macabre themes of the other so called HO games. This is straightforward searching for things which are findable interspersed with mini-games that do not over tax the little grey cells. The scenery is attractive and I feel good at recycling all the rubbish!!!
I downloaded the 60 minute trial. Sadly I never played the game before the time expired as it did not fit my screen, locked up my computer and in sorting out all the glitches wham bang and no thank you!
My rating is based on these issues as I love all the others in this series and would probably love this if it worked!!
This is the first game I have wanted to review in a long time. Having replayed the first in the series I trialled this and purchased before my time was over. Boom Zap is always reliable for a quality game. I am not a great gamer so I played the easiest version and found the hint useful, the recharge good and the skip not too slow (although I rarely needed to use it!). Although others found this game dark and gloomy I have to disagree and even the "nasties" are in their own way attractive. It is nice to have a change in puzzle types and they are mostly quite achievable - even though I must admit the direction one had my grey cells challenged.
Sometimes you don't want to be challenged, endlessly travelling back and forth, wondering how to use an inventory item, tearing your hair out over mini puzzles all the while depressed over the gruesome story line. Sometimes you may want loads of HOS one after the other interspersed with little mini games that are do-able and accompanied by pleasant music and a lovely ending. If this is you give this one a trial especially on a daily deal offer. There are a few downsides like the odd spelling blunder and some items that are not appropriate to the time setting but overall I was happy.
As a fan of HO games this is definitely a bonus as they are there in plenty and yes I did need the dictionary that one reviewer warned about - clew, violin clef etc. The music annoyed me as though I turned it to the lowest setting it was still very intrusive. The graphics are clear but the HO's are very cluttered and some items very small so that was a bonus. Most of the mini games were of the type I dislike - sliding things around and doing things in a certain order - boring. I found the story did not reach its potential and overall that is what I feel about the game as a whole. It had potential but ended up feeling very average. If you love lots of HOS and less adventure give it a trial but do not buy straight away!!!!
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. WARNING - if suicide upsets you avoid this one. Otherwise it is an entertaining game with some different puzzles for a change. I played in the casual mode and the help was there with me all the way (too much so if you like it difficult and challenging). As with most games the story was a bit far fetched but work your way past that and it was interesting and "logical". One aspect I wish more games included was an "area complete" notice so you don't have to go back and try there again. Also there were no voice overs which I hate just reading to enhance the story. I did not find much use for the journal - it only seemed to tell me what I had done.
This is the best game I've played in ages. The graphics are excellent, the music gentle and engaging, some of the mini games are a bit different, I like searching for dozens of spiders in one HOS - it makes more sense to get rid of them than to search through a rubbishy junkpile with the inevitable rubber ducky, fan, specs etc. Even the weird characters you meet along the way like the kelpie and the treant are not so scary or malevolent as they seem and The Shade is a meanie but you know you are going to beat it anyway! I bought the SE and really I'm glad I did as there is more than enough help if you need it. More please from Boom Zap!
I did the trial of this ages ago and never even finished the hour! Then for some reason I decided to at least finish the allotted time and ended up buying it! Why? Because it is different to the usual run of the mill game. Because it is gentle and romantic. Because no matter how old you are love can win. Because although it has sadness it is not macabre or evil. Because one day when I need something "feel good" I will play it again,
I am writing this based on the trial as I did not like it enough to purchase. In fact there was nothing about this game that appealed to me at all. Maybe if I was a beginner I would have been impressed but when there are so many other great games available (Dark Parable Series for instance) why would any one bother with this one. It is not attractive or pretty but it is dark and gloomy and who cares what the story was about - certainly not me.
I read the reviews and thought this sounded just the game for me but I was wrong. I HATED it! On the plus side I agree the graphics are very pretty once you release rooms from the curse. It was the Fairy friend and her constant chatter that drove me to distraction. I found her tone of voice so irritating and her inane comments drove me to distraction. This is the first game in ages I have not bought after the trial but I only finished the timed session in order to justify the negativity I knew I would bring to this review. It is going to be uninstalled quicktime. Thanks Big Fish for allowing us these trials before we buy - you have saved me money. To those of you who love this game my apologies for not sharing your pleasure.