If you have liked the other games, you'll love this one. However, there is one problem with this and other recent installments. When I load this game, a C++ pop up appears and if you don't cancel it quickly, your computer will have major issues. I've had to fix the problem before and I had hoped the developer would fix this, but they have not. This is the only game that does this and it ruins an otherwise great experience. The developer really needs to address this problem before another chapter is released.
I really enjoy these games. They are a perfect getaway from a stressful day. All you need to do is start it up and look for "stuff." No silly plot line to remember, no characters to keep straight. Just a relaxing time. The problem I have with this particular edition (I've played all of them) is the repetition. I am used to this. These games are all very similar. But I had just replayed #9 and #8 so they were fresh in my mind. The pictures and the people are in them are sometimes exactly what has come before. The minigames are exactly the same as other games. Some even seem to be the exact same map, chart of picture. This game feels like it was rushed to put together with less original content than even usual for this series. It's too bad really. This is the first time I've given any game in the series less than 4 or 5 stars. The developer really needs to at least come up with new music and new pictures to work from. Keep the game play and the basic concept the same please, but throw in some originality here and there to keep it fresh.
For those who haven't tried these, look at it this way, if the usual HOG with evil dark figures and two dimensional good figures are a wild roller coaster ride, this series is a quiet horse drawn ride in the park. These are lovely, relaxing games. For those who have tried them, this is what you've come to know and love all over again. The game is exactly the same, the mini games are the same, the HOS are pretty much the same, the music is the same. If you liked 1-7, you'll like this one. I wish the developer would make some changes, thus this one doesn't get 5 stars. The same old music is getting dull and cheesy, just change a couple of them. The puzzles (particularly the binocular versions) are tedious slogs that send me the skip button and "tile flipping" puzzles are dull. The same can be said for the opening map puzzle. Come on folks,surely you can come up with a few different kinds of mini games. But the rest of it is fine. The HOS are just enough of a challenge and are relaxing. The whole idea of it is great.....a friendly place with decent people doing their camping thing and having a good summer without zombies or demons lurking about.
I've played all these games. I have a high stress job and playing this for a few mins gets my mind off what I do so I can feel human again. If you played the others, you'll love this one. Nothing new and I would implore the developers to use the wisdom of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and keep it that way. I sometimes skip the mini games that turn into a slog, but other than that, this is just a nice way to spend a few minutes when you need a get away. No silly plot with ghosts and demons to remember, no one will die or lose their souls. Just relax and find some stuff while picking up litter and spotting animals.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Simply put, if you've played the other entries in this series and liked them, you'll like this one. It's pretty much the same game with more complex scenes. There have been a few tweaks and all of them improve game play. FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T PLAYED this sort of basic HOG, read on. There are a lot of HOGs that have story lines and characters. Typically some kind of creepy supernatural goings on. The trouble with those is that you have to remember the plot, where you are in the story and what you are trying to do. If you are like me and play for a few minutes here and there, that can be a problem. Those games also look even sillier for having tried to have a plot, if you know what I mean. Games like this one drop the pretense and simply allow someone to play for 15-20 mins and then come back even days later and continue playing. Also, because it is not plot driven you can play these games over and over again and thus really get your money's worth. So go ahead and give this a shot, you'll like it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I must begin by saying that I really enjoy games that fit into this genre. By that I mean straight up hidden object. Some have thin story lines, such as Gardenscapes and Escape From The Emerald Star and Vacation Adventure, National Parks. Others like this one have no story. I like these too, but I'd suggest 100% Hidden instead of this one. In PH you will find murky graphics and sometimes the objects are so tiny I wanted to hold a magnifier to the monitor. And background noise (sometimes actual music) is just annoying. If you like simple games that are basically just looking for things, pick another from the first few I mentioned and skip this turkey.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
There are bunch of games that would fit into this category. By that I mean games that are straight up HOG's but have a little bit of a story line. Gardenscapes (not the following two sequels which were disappointments) remains my favorite for its charm and music. But this one is also a keeper. Several factors make it so. The music is pleasant to listen to while hunting about for objects and side features beyond just plain hidden objects make it interesting. If you happen to like national parks and the out of doors you'll appreciate the game's premise and graphics. Lack of actual moving and charming characters earns this just 4 stars rather than 5. But it's a winner if you are looking for this sort of thing. If you are looking the usual creepy plot driving HOG, this is not for you. But if you like games that allow you to simply put in a few minutes to listen to some relaxing music while hunting for objects, this one will fit the bill.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
MCF's Dire Grove was my introduction to casual gaming. It was my first Big Fish game and at their bargain price it was the best few bucks I've spent in a long time. Thus when 13th Skull came out I was enthusiastic and it was a great game too. But then Escape from Ravenhurst was imposed on us all. That was game that felt like a bunch of junior high boys tried to come up with every gross twist on bodily functions they could to make a gross out game. It's take on hidden objects was a complete failure as well. That was followed by Shadow Lake that I bought hoping for a return to MCF's form. But it was the most dreadful game I've ever played. So bad it was embarrassing. Now we have this new return to Fate's carnival. It's certainly an improvement on the last two but it's just dull. The games puzzles are tedious, the plot is thin and the graphics are nothing to crow about. I think this one finishes it for me. After 13th Skull the MCF folks needed to pack up and try something else. You need to find another game, do not waste your money or your time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I really enjoyed the first Gardenscapes so looked forward to playing this outing. Sadly, despite some technical improvements it just doesn't hold up as well as the first. The biggest complaint I have is the music. It's better than the dreadful stuff in "Mansion Makeover" but doesn't measure up to Gardenscape 1. If I'm going to invest some time into hunting for objects, I want to have some good music in the background. Gardenscape 1's was great and the fact that the music changed with each room added variety. The garage theme even got me rocking. But this new chapter has clunky dull music. The HO scenes are really the same as the first so why bother buying a new game? The value of these straight HOG games is that replayability since the scenes are ramdomized. This new version has some fun features, such as the mild scolding you get if you don't play for a few days and the photo album. But outside of that it's high on corny and light on entertainment. If you own the first Gardenscape, just play it again, rename the dog and save the money.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This is just a flat out great game. No wonder it has so many good reviews. The story line is compelling and well developed with great animation. It's linkages to the White Chapel murders (AKA Jack the Ripper) added interest to the whole experience and indicated that whoever wrote this had done a lot of research. The animation and voice acting is terrific. The star even has a convincing Chicago accent. The puzzles and HO scenes are generally not too hard to be frustrating and not too easy to be ho-hum. There are enough hints to help you along if you get stuck. There are couple of minor flaws. One puzzle, involving 30 pieces of cloth is just over the top and worthy of the skip button. The last puzzle was fun to play around with, but felt awfully contrived. On the whole this is a great game, worthy of your time and money.