Loved the graphics on this game and the delightful space story. The workmen use a welder to build which is charming. Like other TM games to build gather etc. No strategy guide but don't know if one is really needed. This review is based on the demo only and levels may get harder. This is a fun entertaining game.
Not the ordinary game, love this kind where you have to think and search. Something different and stimulating. Enough hints to help if you get stuck with an easy game to activate them. I am enjoying this game!
I play TM games all the time and by the 3rd or 4th level of the demo was waiting for resources to complete with three stars, This annoys me. Waiting while the boats go back and forth is tedious. I have the other games in the series so was willing to give this a try but deleted long before demo was done. I play for fun not frustration. I am also not crazy about the slot machine concept of "winning" upgrades. That was tedious to me too. I do not need to be rewarded for the amount of time I play a game, especially since you can walk away and just leave it on. This is a no buy for me.
I had to join in on praising this game. The most fun for me in a while. So glad to see a quality TM game. The animation is so cute it makes me laugh. Hard enough but not too hard. Love it!
I was skeptical about this game at first. I had a free punch to use and I am glad I did. Yes, there is a lot going on in this game which at first was confusing. As I got to more levels it started to fall into place and make sense. I am having fun playing this now. I find I need to play levels often more than once after I realize that I needed a different resource building. I don't mind that. This is an interesting and stimulating game. One I will probably play several times.
I somehow missed this when it came out so am late in giving a review. This is such an outstanding game I had to give credit and support for this interesting and lovely game. Reminds me of the Tiny Bang game which I loved. Bravo!
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The Love Boat™: Second Chances Collector's Edition
Get ready for a new time management adventure with the Love Boat crew!
I usually love these kinds of games but this one was so repetitive, had so much useless dialogue, and irritating characters that I didn't even finish the demo.
I was attempting to finish this game but the tasks become so hard that it is just pain frustrating! On level 37 pushing the buttons must be timed perfectly and I must have tried 15 times! Sorry but these are supposed to be fun. I gave up and deleted the game since I cannot go to the next level until that one is completed. Very very sorry I spent money on this game. I play TM games all the time and this is the first time I have had one make me this frustrated. I would have given it one star but I did play to level 37 even though I got no stars on the last levels before that at least I could go on to the next level.
I played the demo and immediately purchased this game. To me it is a good Time management game although classified as a strategy game. The story, graphics, and challenge were all good. This is an upgrade from the first Kingdom Chronicles with new tasks & better animation. Totally enjoyable.
I like this game, so colorful with such great graphics. Some new and different activities that are entertaining. I will be purchasing this soon. So glad to see a good TM game!