There should be further Living Legends Fairy Princess Tales such as Snow White, Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Frog Princess, Beauty And The Beast etc. Only next time said heroine can find her very own happily ever after in the past, present, future. Otherwise bonus game was lousy, and every time clock required crystal tears every player will wish they too can skip its repetitive self-dialogue.
An absolute waste of money and time; just like Signs Of Prophecy before it this Chimeras is the second worst ever. Predictable storyline, boringly long puzzles and cutscenes, repetitive hidden objects, and lousy bonus game. May the next installment be far more mysterious and actually once again have something to do with the mythical beast itself for a change.
An absolute waste of time and money with its predicable storyline, boring long puzzles and cutscenes, repetitive hidden objects, and lousy bonus game making it the worst Chimeras game ever!
Apart from its repetitive hidden objects, being forced to fast travel back and forth from map location to location just for one item for its player to then be able to move on with the story, and lousy bonus game. Mystery Case Files Black Crown is slightly better than previous MCF sequels in recent years; even though this game just like its Eipix and Elephant Games predecessors will still sadly never live to BFG's classic originals such as 13th Skull and Ravenhearst trilogy. However the mysterious Patient 11 should make a return as the Master Detective's unexpected sidekick in the next installment; due to how her character overall was all but underused. Play to find out!
Predictable storyline of who's the main villain from the start, no decent character development romance between main hero and heroine, boringly long back and forth cutscenes, repetitive hidden objects, and lousy bonus game. All in all an absolute waste of time and money with a game that did have pure potential but badly executed as a poor parody of Maleficent.
Good but not great as the original Mystery Case Files; too much repetitive hidden objects, lousy bonus game, and an abrupt storyline climax with a sequel hook. Next MCF game made by Eipix Entertainment needs to be 10 times far better; rather than still using the overly predictable formula.
Apart from being way too short, obvious villain, and a cliffhanger ending. As a Standard Game, it was ok; if only there could be even more fellow BFG games that didn't have any HOPs too. A direct sequel should be about The Man With The Ivory Cane's mysterious origins next; since said game only wants to make its player to want to find out more about him and his twisted motives.
Boringly long repetitive puzzles, predictable storyline, and challenges that makes its player just want to skip through. If there's ever a sequel made it should be a traditional adventure BFG game.